Both the presenters and attendees were predominently African-American, although there were others. All were united in their Christian beliefs and principles. The first video is that of Msgr Charles Pope, pastor of Holy Comforter/St Cyprian downtown. I hate to say this, but he was the only Roman Catholic priest that I noticed down there (and I looked!). If there were others whom I overlooked, please advise me via the comment section below the post.
I do apologize in advance for the shakiness of the videos. The sun was at an angle that made it difficult for me to see the LCD screen of my camcorder. Moreover, signs and balloons would get in the line of view from time to time. At any rate, here's Msgr Pope.
I would have hoped to have seen many Catholic priests there. At the very least, the priests from every Catholic church in DC should have been in attendance. This matter is so crucial, so fundamental to our civil culture that I cannot see how they could absent themselves. I am pleased, though, that the DC Catholic Conference at least put out a statement in favor of this coaltion.
Every now and then, the Truth Truck would drive by. Usually, the signs on the
Here is another video and I suggest you listen to it in its entirety. What these speakers have to say is quite profound, actually.
A prevailing theme, one that was chanted througout the event (as by now
The one below shows some "community organizing" going on - and it's probably a type that would garner the disapproval of the Messiah Most Miserable - not to mention ACORN!
Of course, what is a rally or demonstration without its - counterdemonstrators? They were there - all two of them! They were towards the back, obviously in support of the same-sex vote of the DC Council. Now watch this closely. You'll see that while they opposed the message of the Rally, at least one of them seemed to like the music! Towards the end, he really gets into it!
For those of you who are DC residents: Please contact your representative on the council. Then contact the Stand for Marriage DC Coalition and get on board with this effort. All readers would do well to lend whatever aid they can.
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