I came across the following video and thought that it did a reasonably good job of explaining that the United States of America was founded as a republic and not a democracy. (Click here if you can't see embedded videos)
One thing I might add is that as the Romans started enjoying their prosperity, they also forgot their morals. They became slothful and thus desirous of a government that would assume the responsiblity of providing for them - and running their lives! Sound familiar? It's happening today under the Messiah Most Miserable!
Understand that the Bill of Rights exists because the founding fathers understood that the majority could be wrong (e.g., in trampling the rights of a racial minority). Doesn't that imply that there is an immutable standard of right vs wrong that is independent of the will of the people? From whence did such a standard originate? From the Delcaration of Independence, "we are endowed by our Creator". Yep! That means that our form of government makes absolutely no sense to dyed-in-the-wool atheists! That's why some can dare to conceive that a person who despises constitutionally-guaranteed rights (Elena Kagan!) is fit to sit on the US Supreme Court! Are dots being connected here?
We're quickly devolving to an oligarchy here. We know who they are: Obama, Pelosi, Reed, George Soros (the real money-bags behind everything). I'll close this post by suggesting a study of Alexander Tyler's cycle of national life; click this link and see where you might judge this country to be.
PopeWatch: Mentally Imbalanced
2 hours ago
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