Most dioceses still retain the old second collection schedule whereby the second collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development occurs in November. A few years ago, as calls for boycotts resulted from the CCHD scandals unearthed by faithful Catholics, a few dioceses tried various tricks to sidestep boycott efforts. One of these is my own diocese, the Archdiocese of Washington (DC).
They not only moved that second collection to August, they decided to combine it with the collection for the Catholic Communications office. Thus not only did they reschedule it, they renamed it - ostensibly to recognize the other organization. So now we have the "Catholic Communications and Human Deveopment" collection.
If you go to this page for the Archdiocese of Washington second collection schedule, please click on the link entitled "2016 second collection schedule", you'll notice that for most parishes, the CCHD collection will occur this coming weekend - that is, today and tomorrow. I said "most parishes" for a reason. My parish, according to its bulletin from last week (go here and click on the 7/31 bulletin and go to page 6) you'll see the CCHD collection scheduled for the following weekend.
I've written copiously about the many problems of CCHD, including its extremely inauspicious origins. I needn't rehash all that here but now link to an anthology for your information. I will highlight one of those posts for in it is a flyer that you can print and put in the CCHD envelope in lieu of money.
Please do not give any money to CCHD. It's time to starve this beast once and for all. Say #no2cchd. Please spread this word on email and your social sites.
And So It Begins
1 hour ago
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