Sunday, August 18, 2024

London Chief Police Threatens US Citizens For Exercising Free Speech Rights On US Soil

Due to their irresponsible policies of letting their borders be overrun by Jihadist immigrants, London England is dealing with massive riots.  But not to worry!  London Metropolitan Police Chief Sir Mark Rowley is on the job!  He vows to take strict action against...the terrorists?  Nope!  He's going after any who dare to criticize the policies that led to this debacle, as well as the handling of the same.  Several British citizens, most of them decent people, have found themselves beleaguered and even incarcerated for daring to voice their criticisms on social media. 

But wait!  He waxes even more ridiculous.  He's threatening punishment for American citizens - even when they issue their messages from American soil.  He's threatening to have them extradited for violating British law.  I think he'd have a fit if US officials threatened to arrest British citizens for criticizing American policies while on British soil - and well he should.  So by what stretch of logic does he spew forth such threats?

Markie boy, we have some news for you!  On US soil, US law prevails.  The supreme law of the United States is the Constitution, including the First Amendment.  We realize that Britain enjoys no such protection of human rights, but that is not our problem!  Who in hell do you think you are, threatening action on US citizens on US soil?  Will you become a de facto invader or terrorist yourself?

Here is my humble suggestion, Markie!  Why not actually take a strong stance against the rioters in your streets?  That is your job, is it not?  Rattling your saber against Americans speaking out on American soil will accomplish not one damned thing, and you know it.  You're just making yourself look like a tin-horn-tyrant wannabee.  We Americans won't tolerate any such behavior against us, something we made clear on July 4, 1776.

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