Friday, August 23, 2024

The Debauched Nihilistic Carnival Draws To A Close

The Debauched Nihilistic Carnival ended yesterday, with word salads mercifully ending - but only for a little while.  It began in Chicago on Monday August 19th.  The invocation was given by Cardinal Blaise Cupich, a kindred spirit to all the progressives in that cesspool.  The text of his speech (I hesitate to call it a prayer) is found here.  Not once did he mention Jesus by name, nor did he remind all present of the need to protect life from the moment of conception.

Perhaps he knew what kinds of "services" were being offered to attendees of the Carnival, courtesy of Planned Parenthood.  PP brought one of their mobile clinics to the convention area and offered free abortions and vasectomies.  Such "services" had to be booked online and the calendar filled quickly.  The PP boasted that they slaughtered ten babies on the first day, demonstrating why the Democrat party is the "party of death".  Another group called Americans for Contraception was also there, displaying a model of an intrauterine device.  The thing was 18 feet tall and was dubbed "Freeda Womb".   Well, they say that manure draws flies, and the Democrats certainly attracted purveyors of debauchery and murder.

Even this wasn't enough for some progressive protesters.  Some pro-Palestinian protesters tore down the fencing that surrounded the perimeter of the convention.  So what does the Chicago mayor do?  Does he acknowledge the security breach?  No!  By some mental contortions common to leftwing people, he laid the blame for that on Republicans, many of whom were nowhere near the Freak Show.

You may have noticed the mention of fences around the convention perimeter.  Isn't just special how the Dems understand the value of fences to protect their little gab fest, but poo-poo the notion of solid walls at our southern borders?  Boys and girls, can we say "hypocrisy"?

There is at least one Democrat who does, and that is Robert F Kennedy Jr.  Several years ago he ruffled Democrat feathers when he refused to jump on the Covid bandwagon and denounced the cootie-jab.  Now, after his own candidacy was submarined by the Democrat machine by much subterfuge, Kennedy denounced Harris/Walz and endorsed Donald Trump.

I'll close this post with a little zinger from Bob Hope.  While it's 83 years old, it's just as true today as it was then.

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