Sunday, August 4, 2024

Pope's Namby-Pamby Response To The Olympics Blasphemy

Pope Francis finally issued a statement about the Olympics blasphemy, if only to salvage some semblance of moral credibility that he may still have in the eyes of some.  Here it is.  Notice that there is not one mention of the offense and insult offered to Our Lord Jesus Christ, nor is there any mention about the inherent evils of homosexuality, transgenderism and other perversions.  There is only some blather about "sensibilities" of religious people. 

Also notice that it came eight days after the fact.  It seems that Francis had to be cajoled into issuing the statement by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.  Erdogan is Muslim.  That is to say, a Muslim displayed more zeal for the honor of Jesus Christ than did the Vicar of Christ.  Such is the disgraceful state of affairs in the Vatican today.  How can that be?

The answer to that last question really isn't so mysterious, considering events of this past weekend in Washington DC.  Recall how Francis enthused over the Georgetown gab-fest.  Oh, he issued his congratulations to Fr. Martin with all kinds of alacrity, didn't her?  Perversion was celebrated at the Georgetown orgy that Francis congratulated.  Now can we see why Francis would be reluctant to speak against that Olympics debacle?

We congratulate the prelates who issued their own open letter regarding the slap in the face to Our Lord.  I understand that more of them are joining them with their signatures; may that list of signers grow long.

We also thank Turkish President Erdogan for lighting that fire under the papal posterior to get him to speak (albeit weakly) like a Catholic - for a change.

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