Friday, October 4, 2024

To Stop The Great Reset

Today Michael Hichborn interviewed Reggie Littlejohn.  Their discussion revolved around the agenda that certain global wonks with lots of money and clout have for the rest of us.  In their arrogance, they are moving to obtain and exercise control over us and every aspect of our lives.  Of course they are setting themselves up as our de facto gods.  I think as you listen to this, a great many events of this present day will make sense.  They are part of a plan to bring us into sheep-like subservience.  

One of their more blatant experiments was with the Covid lockdowns.  Their success with that was frightening.  That is a testament not only to their machinations, but also to the lack of courage and spiritual fortitude of the general populace.  Having largely abandoned God and adopted lives of disobedience to Him in varying degrees, they lacked the spiritual and mental wherewithal to withstand the clarion call to surrender their rights and autonomies for an illusion of safety.

They are also attempting to corral us into metropolitan areas, away from rural areas, so that we can be penned in and more easily controlled.  That is one reason why Kamala Harris, should she (God forbid) win the White House, will attempt to tax unrealized capital gains, including that of the houses we own.  That is why Montgomery County MD is seeking to restrict the zoning for single-family buildings.  I believe that is a key motive behind the Reproductive Freedom Amendment in Maryland, as it will serve to separate children from the protection and authority of their parents. I could go on and one, but I won't. 

That is also why they are pulling out all stops to defeat Donald Trump.  Trump, for all his faults, is not a globalist.  He will resist them.  They know that and will stop at nothing to defeat him.  They have already demonstrated that assassination is acceptable to them.

One more thing before I post the video.  Ms. Littlejohn has started an effort called Anti-Globalist International.  Please go to that website and sign its manifesto.  Then in November, vote the GOP ticket, from Trump right on down the ticket.

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