Thursday, October 3, 2024

Yoo-Hoo! Cardinal Gregory! What Are You Going To Do About This?

My blogging colleague at A Washington DC Catholic discovered that St Thomas More Catholic Church in Washington DC is openly campaigning for Kamala Harris.  They were quite blatant about it this past Sunday, for during the announcements after the 10am Mass, a woman announced that Kamala Harris shirts were available.  Here is the video.  It will start at the 1:29:00 mark.  Note that she is speaking from the ambo, with the fully-vested priest looking on.

Cardinal Gregory, will you discipline these people, or will you just look the other way?  Is your zeal for the Church's 501c3 status simply dependent on the person or cause that is being promoted?   You and the other Maryland bishops were quite zealous about keeping out of the Maryland parishes a local grass-roots group that is doing much work against Maryland's "Reproductive Freedom Amendment" that is on Maryland's ballot.  And yes, we have proof of that, and we post it below.

Yes, it's from the Maryland Catholic Conference.  However, the Board of Directors of the MCC are teh three MD bishops and their auxiliaries.  They knew about this before this memo was sent, and it's very likely that they ordered this to be sent.

The shilling that the MD bishops for the various sexual perversions of the LGBT cabal is beyond shameful.  They are exposed.  Rather, they have exposed themselves.

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