Sunday, September 29, 2024

Francis' Apostacy Is Blatant And In Our Faces

Yesterday on the World Over, Raymond Arroyo interviewed Bishop Athanasius Schneider.  That portion of the program begins at the 31:00 mark on the clip below.   When asked about the Pope's heretical statement last week, namely the heresy of indifferentism uttered in Singapore, His Excellency stated, "regrettably, Pope Francis contradicts the First Commandment of God and the entire Gospel."  When Arroyo asked him how Catholics should process what happened, the bishop replied that Peter, the first Vicar of Christ, denied Jesus three times.  What came to my mind was Peter's almost immediate repentance and the fact that these sorts of antics were far from habitual for Peter.

The bishop then stated that we must pray that Francis repents and then proclaim that there is no other name but Jesus' name, by which we can be saved.

Likewise, Archbishop Vigano released his own statement that condemned Francis' words.  An excerpt is published at LifeSiteNews.  He reiterated that the Church is the "only arc of salvation", and that "to deny this truth is to apostatize from the Faith and to trample on the Cross".


  1. Peter wasn't yet pope when he denied Christ. And even then Peter didn't deny any teaching of Christ. It seems that Bishop Schneider is trying to convince himself that Bergoglio can't be an antipope.

  2. Bishop Schneider and company are just going to have to "recognize and resist" harder....LOL.


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