Sunday, December 29, 2024

Hate Crimes Directed At ADW Churches On Christmas Eve - Why No Mention Of This In The Catholic Standard?

At two Christmas Eve Masses in St Mary's County in Maryland, an obviously imbalanced man disrupted two masses.  The guy's name is Thomas Campbell Bolling Von Goetz, aged 58 years.  At Holy Angels Church in Avenue MD, the 5pm Mass, he dropped an onion in the aisle.  When  a parishioner followed him after that, he pelted the parishioner with tangerines.

At the midnight Mass at St Francis Xavier in Leonardtown, he poured whiskey in a holy water font.  After a bit of a tussle, parishioners subdued him and held him until sheriff's deputies arrived.  Kudos to the parishioners who took proper action and who didn't just cower in their pews.

I just looked on the Catholic Standard web site.  They were quite efficient in reporting the death of former President Jimmie Carter, that just happened today - God have mercy on Carter's soul.  However, I found nary a peep of Goetz's rampage and attacks on those two churches within the Archdiocese of Washington.

Had these sorts of attacks been directed at a synagogue or mosque, I daresay that the Standard would have issued voluminous tomes to denounce these hate crimes, and rightly so.  Then why, oh why, do we hear crickets coming from them when our own Churches, and the Catholics within them, are similarly attacked?  These incidents are all over the secular media, rendering the Standard's silence at best, inexcusably silly, and at worst, highly suspect.  I think the latter is the case.

Friday, December 20, 2024

Pagan Idolatry In US Catholic Church - What Will YOU Do???

At St Denis Church in Diamond Bar CA, an immense sacrilege happened during the evening Mass for the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, obviously with the authorization of the parish priest.  After the homily and before the offertory, a troupe of pagan dancers performed a dance that can only be called sacrilegious idolatry.  The parish of St Denis seemed to think nothing amiss about this, having posted the video below to their Facebook page.  They seemed to have trouble with their sound system, and perhaps that is just as well.  The pagans actually started off that Mass at the 13:00 mark with an introductory ritual.

If you know anything of Our Lady of Guadalupe, you'll know that she aided greatly in the conversion of the Aztecs and other native American tribes, delivering them from the very same pagan practices that were celebrated at this Mass.  Somehow the phrase "the dog returns to its vomit" seems most appropriate here.  There is a more complete analysis of this debacle at Complicit Clergy.  Meanwhile, the Traditional Latin Mass is banished to the hinterlands while idolatry is celebrated during Mass.

I am equally appalled by the behavior of the congregation.  In the video, you see them applauding that dance of idolatry.  Some of them look like they are old enough to know better than that.  Can their own faith in Our Lord be so compromised that they actually approve of this idolatry during Holy Mass?  Or could it be that they are simply going along to get along, because they are cowards too afraid to stand up for Jesus in His Church?

Now the question is "what will we do when this happens in our parishes?"  Not "if", but "when".  I remind you that this isn't happening in some third-world backwater.  That happened a few days ago in the United States.  Will we laypeople have the conviction and courage needed to drive the filth out of our churches (as Jesus cleansed the temple), should someone dare place it there?  Or will we just sit on our hands, stew about it and then complain on social media afterwards?  As Bishop Strickland said a few weeks ago, what will it take for us to act?

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

The Arms Of A Catholic

In the Dec 12th edition of the Anchor Team, Michael Hichborn was joined by Richard Barrett.  They discussed Barrett's book, "The Armed Catholic", and the theology supporting a person's right to defend themselves, even to the point of using lethal force if need be.  They also touched on the related topics of capital punishment and the Just War Theory, but spent most of the time discussing the right of the individual to defend him or her self from an unjust aggressor.  Indeed, the right to self-defense comes from God as part of the right to life itself.

Such a right includes the right to obtain means of self-defense that are adequate to address the threats that one might face.  Today that includes firearms.  Both Hichborn and Barrett agreed that a right to self-defense might actually be an obligation, particularly if the person being attacked has other persons who are dependent on him or her.  Perhaps the aggressor is threatening those in his charge.  That person would be morally obliged to defend the person under his charge.  Think of a parent defending his children.  In a family, that obligation would fall primarily on the father's shoulders, but the mother might have to take up that mantle if her husband is away or otherwise unable to take action.

So now that raises some interesting questions.  Are Catholic men willing to address that aspect of their responsibilities, particularly if they have families under their care?  Do they accept that there are evil people out there who may harm their families if given the opportunity?  Have they swallowed the "guns are scary!" kool-aide?  Our society has focused a lot on a man's ability to provide for his family, not so much on his ability to protect his family.  When I was a young child, that wasn't so much an issue, for most of the fathers were World War II veterans.  They knew how to fight and how to handle firearms.  The makeup of adults in general has degraded quite a bit since then.  Now we, men and women, are timid and lazy.  But I digress.

They discussed the US bishops' misguided attempts to inflict "gun control" on peaceful citizens. Hichborn and Barrett seemed to imply that the bishops are simply misguided by hippie mindsets or are trying to lick the boots of progressive sugar-daddies.  I for one think the US bishops' motives are a bit more inimical than that.  Think of my post that immediately precedes this one.  The bishops are at least sympathetic to socialism.  Could it be that they intend men to be emasculated, so that socialism finds a weakened resistance?  Do they want the adults to be timid and lazy, as mentioned in the previous paragraph?  Yes, that question is rhetorical.  Please watch the video.


Thursday, December 12, 2024

CCHD - Designed To Fund Marxist Revolutionaries

In this episode of the Anchor Team, Michael Hichborn gives the latest run-down on the CCHD, but then delves into the underlying principles that have been driving the CCHD during its entire sordid existence.  These principles have been the impetus for their funding decisions, and are now becoming obvious, owing to the damage that has been inflicted on the Church and civilization as a result. 

 At the 51:55 mark, we see that one of the CCHD grantees was into establishing what they called "deep democracy".  Hichborn goes on to explain how this is a form of marxism called anarcho-syndicalism.  In Hichborn's words, "its ultimate goal is the conquest by the workers of the means of production in order to change and revolutionize society."  With workers managing these means of production, the unions would be the backbone of the new socialist society.  So the CCHD is being used to transform society into a universal marxist society.  Alinsky and Egan visualized that goal right from the start of the CCHD.  Think back on all the CCHD-related posts on this blog and other locales.  They all expose organizations that are anti-God, socialist  and recipients of CCHD largesse.  

So the CCHD is funding organizations that attempt to bring about socialism.  A key point that Hichborn makes at the 58:50 mark is that to break down people's resistance to socialism, they have to break down the morality of the people.  That is why CCHD funds groups that promote sexual perversions, feminism abortion, etc.  The CCHD wants the immorality promoted to advance the socialist revolution.  Our American forefathers realized that.  We certainly can see it as we examine the culture, seeing that those wallowing in all sorts of sloth and hedonism are also quite infantile, lacking in any discipline and looking to government to be the "adult in the room" to cater to their needs and wants.

Hichborn states that is why we must get rid of the CCHD.  I'll go further and say that is just one reason why the entire USCCB and its state-level copycats (that means you, Maryland Catholic Conference!) need to be demolished.


Sunday, December 1, 2024

Unabashed Blasphemy From Fr Thomas Reese

The latest screed was found in a November 26th editorial found online at the Not-at-all Reporter.  In his shilling for lay participation for selecting bishops, he plopped this stinker: "even Jesus got it wrong one out of 12 times."  No doubt Reese was referring to Judas Iscariot, but Our Lord knew what would happen.

The very notion that the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, who is God Incarnate, would "get it wrong" is inherently blasphemous, as God does not fail.  He is omnipotent and perfect.  But such are the standards (or lack thereof) of both the Not-At-All Catholic Reporter and the Jesuit order.  When Pope Benedict XVI first ascend to the papacy, one of his first acts was to remove Reese from his post as editor of America magazine, the Jesuit rag that was just as heretical as the Reporter.  It still is, of course.