Friday, January 31, 2025

Two Signs Of Gay-Coddling Sacrilege To Come?

SIGN #1!

Today, when I went to the USCCB site to look up something else, this was on their main page

As you can see, they originally published that release more than a year ago.  So why, oh why, are they resurrecting it?  Are they trying to prepare us for these "blessings" to happen in our churches?

Consider that this appears just as Cardinal McElroy is making his presence known as the new Archbishop of Washington.  He is infamous as being unabashedly sympathetic to the gay lifestyle, going so far as to intimate that sodomy is not inherently sinful.  If some question that link as coming from a conservative source, consider that the Washington Blade waxes gleeful over McElroy's appointment here.

McElroy will be installed as prelate on March 11.  How long will it be after that before such "blessings", that is, actual cooperation with the mortal sin of sodomy, be expected of parish pastors?  What are we as Catholics in the pews going to do about it?  If we remain silent out of fear, we will be complicit in that sin.

SIGN #2!

On January 22, Cardinal Gregory attended and gave a talk at a "prayer service" held at Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Georgetown (We've heard about them before, haven't we?) for the LGBTQ "community".  A number of sources chortled about it, but Outreach carried the full text of Gregory's screed.  In a nutshell, he apologized to the gays on supposed behalf of the Church for the times when the Church was faithful to Christ's teachings on sexuality and marriage.  Gregory pulled a similar stunt at Georgetown University last August.  That's twice in one year that Gregory has groveled before those flaunting mortal sin.  A reasonable person could assume that Gregory is condoning and even applauding their perversions.

This Catholic denounces both the USCCB and Cardinal Gregory for capitulating to those in mortal sin, paving the way for even more depravity.  We certainly do pray for them, for we all must face Our Lord at the moments of our deaths.  We also suggest that faithful Catholics withhold all donations to the Archdiocese and let them know why.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Am I The Only One To Notice The Bishops' Silence Regarding The Release Of The Pro-Life Activists?

Below is the statement of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops regarding the release of the 23 pro-life activists who were unjustly imprisoned by the Biden administration.



Please don't tell me that they simply had not the time to prepare a statement.  The release happened Thursday, and prior to that, rumors had been widely circulating that the release was imminent.  They had plenty of time to prepare a statement.  Moreover, had the released people been climate activists or shills for unbridled illegal alien invasion, the bishops would have been falling all over themselves to wax lyrical about both the release and the bravery of the activists with great alacrity.  They might, in light of this posting, attempt to mumble something in the most perfunctory manner, but it will ring hollow and superficial.

Their silence can mean only two things:
  1. Absolute indifference to their plight, and the plight of the millions of children murdered by abortion.
  2. Alignment with the mindset of those who commit these acts of murder.
Once I held the opinion that the bishops were simply too cowardly, too afraid of losing governmental funding for their pet projects, to take an actual Catholic stance towards abortion.  When I saw how ruthlessly they punished priests who upheld Church teaching regarding sexually-perverted lifestyles, I realized that they could indeed move decisively, albeit in the wrong direction.   That leaves me with the two choices noted above.  While I hope the first one is the case, I am seeing how very likely the second one is more the case.  The majority of the bishops have made clear their alignment with the gay agenda.  Why would they not be just as pro-abortion as their pals such as Biden and Pelosi?

Thursday, January 23, 2025

President Trump Pardons Pro-Life Activists

The headline of my previous post also now applies to over twenty pro-life activists whom the Biden administration strong-armed into jail via kangaroo courts for peaceful civil disobedience.  Among that number are the activists known as the Garland Nine.  The Thomas More Society, who have been representing these activists throughout their ordeals, announced the pardons earlier today.  Below is video of Trump signing the order.  Trump noted that these activists were peaceful and quite a few are elderly.  More commentary below the video.

Elections have consequences.  It really does matter who wins, even if none of the candidates is as pure as the driven snow.  In addition to this pardon, Trump has ordered federal offices to recognize only two genders, stopped DEI nonsense in federally-funded establishments, removed the United States from WHO and the Paris Climate Agreement.  He has started to seal the southern border and renewed efforts are underway to remove illegal aliens.  These are at the top of my head, so I'm sure there are more.

There is still much to be done - not only by Trump, but by each and everyone of us.  It starts with the daily Rosary and continues through being alert and active.

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Why McElroy's Appointment Is Particularly Dangerous

In the Jan 16th episode of the Anchor Team, Michael Hichborn and Dr. Janet Smith elaborated on why the appointment of Cardinal McElroy is particularly egregious to the Church at large.

Both Hichborn and Smith make a compelling case why McElroy's appointment is even more harmful than was Gregory's appointment several years ago.  This is seen as a direct slap in the face of President-elect Trump, who has sworn to close the border and deport those who are here in defiance of our laws.  We can also expect the gay agenda to be unhindered in the Church, as well as the baby-killing agenda and any other dissidence against the moral teachings of the Church.

I must make clear one serious difference of opinion that I have with Dr. Smith.  She stated several times that those Catholics who find the truth of the Church's abysmal state hard to swallow, simply excuse themselves and focus on other matters.  I hold that such is not a morally valid option for anyone who calls themselves a Catholic.  Each and every one of us is part of the Church Militant.  No one is exempted from the moral duty to face and confront the evil that pervades the structures of the Church.  Indeed, it is this very same willful ignorance that has allowed such evil to ensconce itself in the Church unhindered.  All of us, no exceptions, must thicken our skins, harden our noses, and stiffen our spines in the face of this evil.  If some find their faith to be shaken by the sordid truth, may I suggest that such faith has very shaky basis and needs correction?  Sometimes the boat must be rocked to see if it will withstand a storm.

We need to get serious about learning our faith, opening our eyes to current events so that we can pray and act accordingly.

Friday, January 10, 2025

Another Progressive Prelate To Putrify The Archdiocese Of Washington

McElroy should learn from these boys
Cardinal Gregory has resigned as Archbishop of Washington and Cardinal McElroy will be his successor.  See the announcements in the Catholic Standard and the USCCB site.  There is plausible talk that Francis put McElroy here to be a thorn in President Trump's side, namely when it comes to stemming the de facto invasion known as illegal immigration.  McElroy has also shilled for climate change, going so far as to state that it is a bigger threat to life than abortion.  Of course he's equating the murder of 3300 babies a day with a left-wing hoax.

He has also covered up clerical sexual abuse in his diocese.  Jennifer Rohrbach Morse interviewed Rachel Mastrogiacomo, a survivor of satanic ritual abuse conducted by a priest in the context of Mass.  Leila Miller carries that interview on her site.  McElroy tried to cover it up, but fortunately the priest was laicized and did jail time.

Complicit Clergy repeated a story by NBC News that details how attorneys who are or were prosecuting sex-abuse cases against San Diego priests are denouncing this appointment.  Apparently, his crusade to deny abuse victims justice compelled him to declare bankruptcy for the San Diego archdiocese to keep the victims from being compensated.  Lisa Roers, one such victim, penned an open letter to Francis, begging him not to appoint McElroy.  However, Francis and McElroy are cut from the same cloth so Ms. Roer's plea went unheeded.  

McElroy supports the ordination of women to the diaconate.  He would not allow facilities of San Diego parishes to be used by Catholic homeschool groups.  He supports the inclusion of unrepentant gays (that is to say, engaging in repeated and flagrant mortal sin) as Catholics in good standing.  A former resident of the Archdiocese of San Francisco warns us of McElroy's hostility towards the Traditional Latin Mass. McElroy's appointment is yet another indicator of Francis' mindsets

Now the question for us residing in the Archdiocese is this - what are we prepared to do, if and when we see insults to Our Lord and His Church in our own parishes?  Please drop your thoughts in the comments box.

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Tweedle-Dee In, Tweedle-Dum Out?

Rumors are afoot that Cardinal Gregory is resigning his post as Archbishop of Washington.  He is 77 years old, and is already 2 years past the customary retirement age.  Furthermore, these same rumors peg Cardinal McElroy has Gregory's successor.  Again, these are just rumors, but for the sake of this post, we'll assume they are true for the purpose of commentary.

Gregory and McElroy are both part of the hierarchy that is undermining the One True Church.  I've written on McElroy before.  As you see in that collection of posts, he actually ordered his priests to disobey Canon 915.  He's also acquainted with the practice of canceling good priests within his diocese.  In 2017, after Wuerl's resignation, his name was floated as a possible successor before Gregory was chosen.  Now his name comes up again.

The next few weeks will tell the tale.