Thursday, September 5, 2024

Pope Francis: The Earth Is Sick

This latest poop video is one big exercise into anthropomorphism.  The object being so treated by Francis?  None other than the earth.  In this latest shill for the idol of environmentalism, we hear the Vicar of Christ tell us:
  • The earth is sick.
  • The earth is running a fever.
Of course, with the possible exception of the poor, we big bad humans are causing all this suffering.  Is this one of the results of Jeffrey Sachs et al, flying on their private behemoth jets to the Vatican to come up with this crap?

He cuts to the chase when he said "dealing with the environmental crisis caused by humans..begs responses that are not only ecological but are also social, economic and political."  Karl Marx couldn't have said it better.  He continues by saying we "must change our personal and community habits...Let us listen to the cry of the earth."

Poor earth, crying like that!  Give it a hanky!  This is such a transparent shill for one world government, socialism, etc that it's a wonder that people won't see through it.  But they don't.  Living in Montgomery County MD, I see the liberal stupidity daily.

Francis, IF you are the pope (and that is a big IF, at this point), please focus on your real job, that is, to save souls and get them to heaven.  If you think the earth is running a fever, you may rest assured that hell will be infinitely hotter.

Francis may have gotten this "cry of the earth" goofiness from this bunch.  It's rather old, but you get the point.  Turn down your speakers when you get to the end!

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