How Orwellian the Obama regime has become. We hear now that the Department of Justice (of AP-email-snooping infamy) is rattling its saber against those of us who dare question the portrayal of Islam as a "religion of peace". DOJ official William Killian said that federal civil rights laws can be violated by those who post "inflammatory documents aimed at Muslims" on social media. Only these Minions Most Mindless know what constitutes "inflammatory" in their (excuses for) minds.
So if I link to the article about the Muslim who murdered and beheaded two Coptic Christians in Jersey City, am I being "inflammatory"? How about if I link to this interview of an Egyptian Muslim cleric who gives pointers on how to properly beat one's wife? (By the way - where are all the feminists? Why, oh why, aren't they in an uproar over this?)
Well, speak I will. This is still the United States of America, where there is at least still some lip service paid to the Constitution - for now. Go to this Breitbart article about last week's Congressional hearing regarding the DOJ misadventures. Trent Franks is questioning Thomas Perez, Assistant Attorney General of the DOJ Civil Rights Division.
This "inflammatory" nonsense is simply a ploy to get good people to shut up about the obvious encroachment attempt by adherents to a violent ideology. By the way, if Islam is truly a "religion of peace", would someone please point me to the links where mainstream muslims denounce their misbehaving brethren for beating women, blowing up the Boston Marathon, 9/11, etc?
Biden Should Have Taken It With Him
12 minutes ago
The US government has funded, armed, and trained Sunni Islamic jihadists to use against the Russians and their Shia Muslim and Christian allies (Serbia, Lebanon, Syria, Iran) since 1979. Operation Cyclone was the first operation, which lasted until 1989, and this operation has continued, going by other names, ever since. Al Qaeda ("the base") is simply the Arabic word for the CIA data base once used for the names of the early (Operation Cyclone) jihadists. You're believing the big lie the true perpetrators of 9/11 and the ongoing clash of civilizations in Washington, New York, London, Rome, and Tel Aviv want you to believe, and, until you realize this, you're just spinning your wheels and spouting their propaganda. Muslims did lay waste to entire population from World War I to the present. That would be the so-called "Christian" and "Jewish" nations. Once you realize this you will then see why the Church is in such bad shape.
ReplyDeleteSo precisely what is this "big lie" that I'm allegedly believing? I'm "spouting their propaganda"? Who or what is the source of this alleged "propaganda"? Who are these "true perpetrators of 9/11"? Please clarify what you're trying to say.
ReplyDeleteThe big lie is that al Qaeda was responsible for the terror attacks of September 11, 2001. Al Qaeda was created by the US government to use against the USSR in Afghanistan, beginning in 1979 and has been used by the US government as a tool to destabilize the Suni Muslim nations of the Middle East ever since, with the downfall of Russia being the end game, and Muslims (Sunni and Shiite) being the cannon fodder. Al Qaeda consists of radical Sunni jihadists and the US uses them against the Shiites, in Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, and Iran. The UK and US have been trying to cause the downfall of Russia since World War I and is still working for this today, in Syria at present. Why else do you think John McCain and Lindsey Graham - not Barack Obama - are pushing to arm al Qaeda and their associates in Syria? As much as I dislike Clinton and Obama, they have both resisted this war on Russia using al Qaeda more than Bush did and Romney would have. Clinton did, however, use al Qaeda against the Serbians in 1998, Serbia being an ally of Russia. Obama is also using al Qaeda now in Syria, Syria being an ally of Russia. 9/11 was a false flag... a self-inflicted wound blamed on a created enemy who was not capable to doing what occurred the morning of September 11, 2001. The US government did it, blamed it on al Qaeda, and used it as an excuse to invade and destroy Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and now Syria, using al Qaeda in these places, especially Libya and Syria, to push Russia up against a wall. This has been the plan since 1979: use Sunni Muslims against Russia with the Middle East as the battle ground, laying it waste, destabilizing it, and making it safe for the US, UK allies: Sunni Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, UAE, and Jewish Israel. The US government has funded, armed, trained and used Sunni Jihadists beginning in 1979 up to the present day. Not Obama, but every president and administration from 1979 to the present. To think this all began with Obama is a neocon half-truth. Dig into this and you will see the US government is to blame for every supposed al Qaeda attack, including 9/11. Read the work of Peter Lance, especially, who has written three book on this subject. The big lie is that al Qaeda is an enemy instead of an ally, a scapegoat, and a creation of the US government, with the help of Saudi Arabia and Israel. The CIA is our real enemy. Right now they are using Yemen and a base of operations for CIA run al Qaeda plots against the US, which we will see soon enough. Expect, too, another big false flag terror attack on the US, perpetrated by the US government but blamed on Shia Hezbollah, who is a Russian ally.
ReplyDeleteour nation's forefathers established a Christian nation and when they guaranteed "freedom of religion" they had no idea (or intention) that this would someday be extended to devil-worshipers like Muslims and Hindus and other Satanic cults. We need a constitutional amendment to declare us explicitly to be a Judeao-Christian nation and define that our freedom of worship applies to Christians and Jews and not to these other "religions"
ReplyDeleteFor the moment, I'll assume that you're serious. The First Amendment says very clearly that Congress shall not establish any religion as a state religion, and will not prohibit the free exercise of religion (with exception of jihadic beheadings, female genital mutilation, anything that would infringe on human rights of others). It also addresses free speech. One may criticize my faith all they want; that is their right. We may level criticism at that of others, especially as we see such tenets harming others. It is an unconscionable course of action that the DOJ is pursuing, to shield Islam from much-deserved rebukes. The Feds are in fact elevating Islam above other tenets (First Amendment violation #1) by suggesting such free speech should be punished (First Amendment violation #2).
DeleteWhat you are suggesting is simply more violation of the First Amendment and yes, the God-given rights to speech and conscience. By the way - it's not merely about "freedom of worship", but "freedom of religion".
there is no "God-given" right to conscience. This is one of there heresies of Vatican II--Michael Voris makes this very clear in his criticisms of the Council and the decree Dignitatis Humanae in particular. It is modernism to suggest that these false religions stand on equal basis with the truth. As Cardinal Ottaviani made very clear in his condemnaiton of the heretic Jesuit John Courtney Murray--"Error has no rights." Our American Constitution was meant to protect Christianity--including the false Protestant religions and I can accept that. But it was never meant to protect the Mohammadean religion with all its evil practices
ReplyDeleteI agree that "error has no rights" - but people do. You seem to be confusing errors with people who hold erroneous beliefs. You also seem to be confusing moral rights with civil rights. The US Constitution speaks to civil rights. That's why it prohibits the establishment of state religions with the inherent sanctions against non-state religions. For that we are grateful, for during colonial times when there were state-sanctioned creeds, Catholics were among the persecuted (we always were a minority in the US).
DeleteI, as a Roman Catholic, certainly do not hold that all religions are equal. I do hold that at civil law all have the right to practice (or not practice) their religion - provided of course that such practices do not entail the violation of lives or liberties of others (as do the jihadists and others operating by violence). I'd like to see all become Catholic; but that won't happen via legal fiat.
well you have obviously drunk the VaticanII kool-aid if you are familiar with the John Courtney Murray case, Cardinal Ottaviani of the Holy Office (today's CDF is a watered down version of that) made it very clear as a matter of the faith that American Catholics had to work to establish the Catholic Faith as our official reliigon here in America. Then Catholic Spain and other once-Catholic nations did not allow non-Catholic worship under penalty of Law. The papal states did not permit non-Catholic worship. It was Vatican II that let Catholics believe in separatio of Church and State--it was always considered a heresy before the Council. We need to go back
ReplyDeleteI for one won't give in to the modernists
"Under penalty of law"? And just what "penalty" would you suggest? Again you insist on confusing (deliberately) moral liberty with civil liberty. The only - ONLY - way this nation will be Catholic is when its people are Catholic. It won't happen by legal or military fiat. That's reality. Get used to it.