Of course this sort of thing is nothing unexpected from a pro-abortion, pro-sodomite "katholic-in-name-only" politician who has remained prominent only because she has betrayed her Church and Jesus Christ. If ever there was a person in dire need of the medicine of Canon 915, Barbara Mikulski would be that quintessential patient. Archbishop Lori of Baltimore, please take note as you are her bishop and are now answerable before God for her. Granted the ultimate responsibility is hers, and you are inheriting quite a mess from your predecessors who demurred from their duty towards her. Please take public action against her and yes, Governor Martin O'Malley too for the sake of their souls.
In her latest screed, she has referred to many of us as practitioners of perverted acts with her use of the term "tea-baggers". What comes out of her mouth is just symptomatic of the garbage that festers within her. Pray for her. Also let's work for her defeat in 2016.
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