Bishop Thomas Paprocki of the Diocese of Springfield (IL) continues to stand strong against the perversion of marriage. He has announced that at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception on Nov 20, he will conduct prayer for exorcism and reparation for the sin of "gay marriage" (I use quotes for the phrase "gay marriage" is an oxymoron). This is the approximate time that Governor Quinn is expected to sign that legislation into law. There are accounts here and here.
Bishop Paprocki's actions in defense and proclamation of the faith are numerous and stellar, as previously noted here. Let us pray for more bishops such as he.
Thought For The Day
1 hour ago
Wouldn't it be a united action with all U.S. Bishops at that very same time in their cathedrals as well! Lord, bless Bishop Poprocki and his holy actions on behalf of Your creatures. Thy will be done. Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us. Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.