Tomorrow there will be a consistory at the Vatican to formally create the new Cardinals. Traditionally before such gatherings, the pope has held pre-consistory meetings with already existing cardinals before the ceremony. This time he canceled it. Understandably a number of eyebrows are raised, particularly because Pope Francis has often lauded "dialogue" and "collegiality".
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to postulate a reason for this cancellation. That reason is the Dubia written by the four cardinals, requesting formal clarification regarding doctrinally questionable segments of Amoris Laetitia. A response from the pope has been requested. Can anyone doubt that it would seem grossly disingenuous of the pope if he didn't at least mention it at any meeting of cardinals.
The Dubia is formatted in such a way that it must be answered with "yes" or "no", with no "in-between" responses feasible. In an interview, the pope had this to say: "Some, as with certain responses to Amoris Laetitia, persist in seeing only white or black, when rather one ought to discern in the flow of life.." "Discern in the flow of life"? What the hell does that mean??? Might it be a clever way of saying "go with the flow"? If so, what flow? Who/what determines the flow? Are we even (in the pope's mind) even allowed to ask that question, because, well - the god of surprises!!! Faithful Catholics have news for him. Has he considered that at the end of time there will either be heaven or hell? Doesn't that truth seem to be rather "black and white"?
Elsewhere in the interview he says critics of Amoralis Lamentia "don't understand" that the Church "exists only as an instrument to communicate to men God's merciful design". As I learned my Baltimore Catechism, Jesus Christ founded the Church to help us get to heaven. That is done by administration of the Sacraments, as well as promulgation of Christ's teachings. His teachings on faith and morals are quite direct, "black and white". One either obeys or disobeys them.
I will post now a video of yesterday's episode of World Over, where Raymond Arroyo interviews Robert Royal and Edward Pentin. The whole thing is worth watching, but pay close attention between the 27:10 and 29:09 marks, where Pentin relates what his sources told him, that the dubia has the pope "boiling with rage". While we'd hope for a calm response to the letter, at least we know that the dubia isn't being ignored - at least privately.
Let us pray that the pope reaffirms the Teachings of Jesus. Barring that, let us pray that these cardinals stay the course and that others join them. Vox Cantoris has words about that. Now the video.
McElroy Already On The Warpath Against Trump
3 hours ago
""Discern in the flow of life"? What the hell does that mean??? Might it be a clever way of saying "go with the flow"? If so, what flow? Who/what determines the flow? Are we even (in the pope's mind) even allowed to ask that question, because, well - the god of surprises!!!"
ReplyDelete"Dead bodies float downstream." +Venerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen
Catechist Kev
There goes the One True Church. Slowly but surely.
ReplyDeleteFrom what I am reading, Cardinal Mueller was going to inquire of him today in regard to the 'Dubia'. I would assume that this would have been during their traditional meeting. Like I have posted earlier, there are many more behind the four that are silent supporters FOR NOW. Key words, I do believe.............'FOR NOW'. Seems as they are again waiting a response from the Pope now that the Dubia has been shared with the Church and the world. We (at least I) have no idea what 'Step # 3' would look like. As Cdl. Burke said, we are basically in 'UNCHARTED WATERS' because a 'Dubia' like this is EXTREMELY RARE. Undoubtedly, they are again going to give a time limit for Francis to respond. I do think, however that if this goes far enough, you will see many Cardinals coming out of the woodwork to support the four, and confront Francis. This 'Dubia' was not created in a vacuum, as I'm sure there have been MANY conflabs with MANY Cardinals and probably for a long time now, as to how to handle this situation and what steps to take etc. The mere fact that Cdl. Mueller seems to be involved is evidence.
ReplyDeleteStep # 1 was presenting Francis with the Dubia. They waited for almost 2 months for an answer of which of course there was none. That said, a 'non answer' is pretty much an 'answer' in my mind, at least some sort of an answer. Step # 2 was taking it to the entire Church to 'ask' Francis to clarify, as happened last week. Now of course, there will no doubt be another time line to await. Step # 3.........I have NO CLUE what Step # 3 would look like. I think Cdl. Burke stated that it may take a 'Formal Correction'. What a 'Formal Correction' is, and what that looks like is a total mystery to me. All I know is......the ball is now rolling, and I don't think there's anything anyone can do to stop it.
PRAY FOR THE POPE SO THAT THE HOLY SPIRIT MAY OPEN HIS EYES, AND PRAY FOR THE CARDINALS TO KEEP HIS FEET TO THE FIRE. The cancellation of the traditional meeting today is very telling. Obviously, Francis DID NOT want to be confronted. PRAY!