I don't watch TV, so I didn't see the ad until now. Here it is.
We all know the snit-fits that the pro-abortion crowd had regarding the airing of this ad (see the "raging grannies" in an earlier post). It turns out the word "abortion" wasn't even mentioned (to the consternation of some more curmudgeonly pro-lifers). I surmise that Pam's reference to "almost losing him" referred to a partially detached placenta.
As you can see, the ad shows an obviously-faked tackle. Leave it to NOW to try to ascribe nefarious motives to that. Terry O'Neill, NOW president, sniffed that the ad "glorifies violence against women." This is a charge so ridiculous that even O'Neill's fellow pro-abortion advocate, Frances Kissling of (so-called) Catholics for Choice infamy had to contradict her.
Here's a little history lesson, particularly for us Montgomery County types. Before O'Neiil was NOW president, guess who her boss was? Remember? She was an assistant to Duchy Tractenberg, a former NOW official herself. It's amazing, the nonsense that spews forth from Montgomery County.
The Law vs. The Church
3 hours ago
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