Continuing with our series, courtesy of Real Catholic TV, we examine the nature (apparent and hidden) of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Please watch below.
One thing Mr. Voris makes very clear is that the USCCB, as a body, has no teaching authority whatsoever. It cannot define Church teaching, nor can it clear up interpretations of the same. That belongs to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in the Vatican, which was headed by Cardinal Ratzinger before he became Pope Benedict XVI.
Another aspect that should be examined is their financial picture. On their website (for now!) is their audited 2008 financial report. Take a look at it, especially page 5. Look at the revenue section and notice the two biggest income categories: national collections and (wait for it!) government contracts/grants! That's not all. Drop down to the operating expenses section and notice the two biggest categories there: grants and donations and some mysterious thing called "sub-recipient government contract expenses". I'm not making this up. Add the amounts from each of the pairings. Isn't it interesting how the totals almost equal? Now just think of this unsavory reality; a great deal of money comes from the government, and a great deal of money is given to ACORN, CCC, etc. Curious, is it not?
By the way - you should be able to save the financial report to your own computers, as it is simply a pdf file. I'd suggest doing so (I did), since Mr. Voris has warned us that the USCCB website has been rapidly mutating rather rapidly to expunge "embarrassing" information.
Inauguration Day
3 hours ago
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