Our "global warming event" ended about 4:30pm, with almost 3 feet of "products of global warming" dumped upon us. I've just started shoveling.
With that in mind, I present below videos of Lord Christopher Monckton, who debunked the global-warming junk science in a meeting in Melbourne on Monday Feb 1. I remember several years ago that he challenged Al Gore to a debate about the matter. Oddly enough, the Father of the Internet didn't accept the challenge. Speaking of "internet", be glad that blogs such as this exist, else you'd never hear of this in the polticially-correct mainstream media.
In the second video, take note of the shenanigans discovered at the Copenhagan meeting: the attempt to further ensconce a world government system. Notice the part about the democratic process proposed by the Copenhagan treaty - none. He mentioned that commisars would be appointed, etc. Does this remind you of all our little czars running around Washington these days?
Will the USCCB and Catholic State Conference trolls who track this and similar blogs please - PLEASE - show this to your bosses? Perhaps some common sense will sink in and they'll stop proliferating this junk science on Catholic web pages.
And So It Begins
1 hour ago
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