Doesn't that just make you want to grab a hanky and sob your eyes out? Such mean-spirited (another liberal buzz-word right out of Alinskyan text books) slobs we are, for telling the truth about the CCHD. Now from whom does this snivvel-drivvel originate? For this we can thank "Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good" - or so they call themselves. Here's their desperate plea for assistance against our truth-telling.
(Begin email)
The Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) has funded thousands of projects that have lifted people out of poverty and given our struggling neighbors the opportunity to live in dignity. For nearly 40 years, CCHD has empowered communities through grassroots organizing and economic development. The campaign has been on the frontlines of community development, neighborhood change, and social justice longer than any other church-sponsored domestic program.
Now CCHD is under attack and needs our support!
In recent months, the campaign has been attacked by right-wing bloggers and partisan ideologues. While they have successfully pressured CCHD to de-fund groups that have taken some positions opposed to church teaching, these critics have also launched a concerted effort to exploit the ACORN scandal to get CCHD to stop ALL funding for community organizing efforts. At least five dioceses have cancelled this year's collection. Several bishops have threatened to raise the issue next month at the U.S. bishops' annual meeting in Baltimore ...
(and another snippet)
The campaign embodies the Catholic call to have a "preferential option for the poor." Stand up against the extreme voices, and stand in solidarity with those fighting for justice, compassion and the common good.
(End quote)
The most precursory glance at the CACG website makes very plain that they are in bed with the most rabid liberals in Congress who want to shove Obamacare, with abortion and death care panels, down our throats. They're even touting a "40 Days for Health Reform" - an obvious copycat effort of the (genuinely) prolife 40 Days for Life effort. The CACG has even had the stupidity to chide the American Life League for its "Bury Obamacare with Kennedy" poster. They are appalled that ALL would "dishonor the legacy of the late Senator Edward Kennedy." In actuality, Senator Kennedy's legacy is 1) millions of murdered babies throughout the years and 2) dopey, arrogant children who dare to chide the Church for being true to its mission.
Let's look at some of the key players at CACG. Throughout the board, speakers' bureau and staff, we see lots of Pax Christi. Now on their staff, we have their Program Development Manager, James Kralovec. Among his credentials is an internship for the rabidly pro-abortion Congressman from Maryland, Steny Hoyer (now the Majority Whip). Notice some of the affiliations on the Advisory Council. AFL/CIO? SEIU? ACORN buddies all.
Let's look at the board chair - Alfred Rotondaro. He's also a Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress in DC. Take a gander at that webpage to see what's on their little minds. On the right of the page is "The Progessive Pulse". (Important aside - the word "progressive" usually indicates socialist and/or atheist tendencies). Read what they consider a hand-wringer: "Will Abortion Derail Health Care Reform?" Of course they basically try to take Bart Stupak to the woodshed for championing the Hyde Amendment. Click on the "issues" tab and you'll see the mindset of the chair of Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good!
Another board member, Dr. Joseph Fahey of New York is on the State Committee of the Working Families Party. Well, go to that website. That word "progressive" is festooned all over the place there. Now from where did this WFP originate? Here it is from their site:"formed by a grassroots coalition of community organizations, neighborhood activists, and labor unions". That's somewhat nebulous, but wikipedia gives a bit more detail. Yes, indeed, ACORN is one of the founders. Of course, WFP endorsed the Messiah Most Miserable for President.
I think that's enough to bring to light the questionable alliances of "Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good." They obviously are in alliance with ACORN, union thugs and pro-abortion politicians and organizations. Their protests on behalf of CCHD renders all the more important our efforts to effect not only the defunding of the CCHD, but indeed its permanent dismantling.
37 minutes ago