Notre Dame of Maryland University will be conducting the Women of the World Festival, a progressive gab-fest at Baltimore's Inner Harbor on Saturday, March 7. Former Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards will be a keynote speaker. See this page for other progressive and pro-death speakers. Please note that there is an "empowerment room" for girls aged 6-10, with no adults (parents) allowed.
As you can see from the flyer below, America Needs Fatima will be conducting a Rosary of Reparation outside the gab-fest abomination and are inviting all Catholics to join them. I for one will be there and I'd suggest that all local Catholics set aside plans to join us (unless of course, you are already involved in similar efforts, such as witnessing in front of abortion mills). We are in Lent, when we are asked to step up our efforts at prayer, fasting and almsgiving. This activity will boost all three of these actions in our lives.
I now direct this challenge to men who are involved in "That Man Is You" and/or "Exodus 90". These two programs have as goals the formation of true Catholic men worthy of the name. It's one thing to engage in exercises within the relatively safe confines of your homes and parishese. But men are called not only to transform themselves, but the world around them. Here lies a golden opportunity. Yes, you might be opposed and ridiculed, what? This is Lent. Die to self and take up your crosses in imitation of Our Lord. See you on March 7.
Thursday, February 27, 2020
Put MCCARRICK MONEY In Your Annual Appeal Envelopes And A Note In The CRS Rice Bowl
Many thanks to my blogging colleagues at Complicit Clergy for "minting" these most appropriate dollars bills. Now we have McCarrick Money! Print off a bunch of these, put them in the collection envelopes, then drop them in the baskets or send them to your chanceries!
As for the Rice Bowl shakedown, Lent has started and the obiquitous rice bows are appearing in most Catholic church lobbies. So take them home and assemble them. Put not one red cent in them. Instead, put in them the note at the bottom of this Lepanto article.
Instead of these shake-downs, give your money to pregnancy centers, a traditional order or another worthy charity.
As for the Rice Bowl shakedown, Lent has started and the obiquitous rice bows are appearing in most Catholic church lobbies. So take them home and assemble them. Put not one red cent in them. Instead, put in them the note at the bottom of this Lepanto article.
Instead of these shake-downs, give your money to pregnancy centers, a traditional order or another worthy charity.
Sunday, February 23, 2020
Archbishop Lori Asks Homophile Priest To Retire - Call To Action On Our Part
We in Maryland recently learned that Archbishop Lori has asked for the retirement of long-time sodomy-enabling Father Joseph Muth, pastor of St. Matthew's Catholic Church. In fact, the "ask" is more like "order". We are delighted to no end and we thank God that some measure of spiritual health and sanity might soon return to that blighted parish. Father Muth asked the Archbishop for an extension; the Archbishop declined that request.
I have written quite a bit about that parish and the gay-enabling filth that has poured forth from that place for many years; see here, here, here. Regrettably a sizable portion of the parishioners seem to be of Muth's homophile mindset. They conducted a meeting to discuss this development, and possible actions they would take. A Defend Life reporter attended that meeting. After she was recognized, she was ejected. No one questions their right to remove people from their meetings. However, one can wonder why they were so afraid to have a reporter in attendance. What did they have to hide?
She wrote the following article, that I'll append below. I'll have more commentary, with actions that you can take to help restore spiritual health to the Church in Baltimore.
So the presence of the reporter was going to prevent the parishioners from speaking freely? Why? Are they really such delicate little snowflakes? Probably so, for the facilition of moral depravity often leads to cowardice and shame.
We can bet that one of their strategies will be to blast the Archbishop's office to get him to stand down. What we MUST do is to contact his office too. We must thank him for this step that he is taking and urge him to stand firm and not waver in the face of pressure - be it from these errant parishioners or perhaps even his homophile brother bishops.
I'd also suggest contacting Father Muth or at least the parish office. Urge him to obey the archbishop's request without further ado. Urge him to use his retirement time to repent and do reparation, for owing to his gay activism, he has placed his soul in grave danger of damnation with that danger being multiplied for the sacrilege against his own Holy Orders.
Here is contact information for Archbishop Lori. Contact information for Fr Muth is here. You might also want to go to their social media sites and leave them messages.
I have written quite a bit about that parish and the gay-enabling filth that has poured forth from that place for many years; see here, here, here. Regrettably a sizable portion of the parishioners seem to be of Muth's homophile mindset. They conducted a meeting to discuss this development, and possible actions they would take. A Defend Life reporter attended that meeting. After she was recognized, she was ejected. No one questions their right to remove people from their meetings. However, one can wonder why they were so afraid to have a reporter in attendance. What did they have to hide?
She wrote the following article, that I'll append below. I'll have more commentary, with actions that you can take to help restore spiritual health to the Church in Baltimore.
Abp. Lori orders
early retirement of LGBT activist priest
Denies Fr. Muth’s
request to stay on; parishioners plan pushback
Archbishop William Lori has told
Father Joseph Muth, pastor of St. Matthew and Blessed Sacrament parishes in
Baltimore, that he wants the long-time LGBT activist priest to retire in
September 2020, at age 72.
Father Muth told his parishioners
that he asked the Archbishop that he be allowed to remain until he was 75, but
that Lori denied his request.
Muth, who was ordained in the
Archdiocese of Baltimore in 1974 and has served in various archdiocesan
churches since then, has labored indefatigably for years to promote not just
acceptance but downright approval of active homosexual and other LGBT behavior
by both St. Matthew Church and the Catholic Church in general.
The priest has been an active member
of New Ways Ministry, a Maryland-based national organization founded in 1977 to
push for acceptance of active gay and lesbian Catholics within the Catholic
The Congregation of the Doctrine of
Faith condemned the group’s positions on homosexuality in 1999.
Father Muth’s pro-homosexual efforts
have met with payoff.
In 2015 ran with a
hugely sympathetic article and videos about the LEAD (LGBT Education and
Affirming Diversity) Ministry, which Muth founded at St. Matthew.
The following year, the Baltimore
Museum of Art hosted an exhibit featuring videos extolling Muth’s efforts,
through LEAD, to condone homosexual behavior.
On February 18, about fifty people
attended a meeting in St. Matthew parish hall to launch a campaign opposing
Archbishop Lori’s retirement dictum.
“This is the first of three meetings
we will have,” explained former priest Peter McIver, who helped conduct the
meeting. “We don’t want to have a knee-jerk
reaction—we want to get ideas and strategy.”
Father Muth, present at the meeting,
quoted from the Letter of James 1, 2:
“Count it all joy, my brethren, when you meet various trials, for you
know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.”
His listeners responded with
enthusiastic applause.
One of the meeting organizers then
read aloud Father Muth’s lengthy statement, which he had given at his January
15-16 Masses.
“The Archbishop wants me to retire” in
September 2020, he told his congregants.
Archdiocesan policy calls for a
priest to notify the archbishop when he turns 70, he explained.
Muth said he wrote to the Archbishop
that he would be 70 in 2018. He asked
him for permission to stay until 2023, “when I turn 75.”
One reason for his request, he said,
was to see his pastorate “through the final stages of its strategic planning
The Archbishop, in a January 2020
letter, replied that “after careful consideration,” he thought it would be “in
the best interests” to keep the original retirement date of September 2020.
After the organizer finished reading
Father Muth’s statement, the priest commented to the audience, “Messengers come
and go—however, the message stays the same:
All are welcome.”
The organizer then fielded questions
for Muth from the audience, which two helpers posted on large sheets of paper.
Many of the questions revealed the
questioners’ anger and frustration at the Archbishop’s retirement mandate.
“What is meant by ‘after careful
consideration’?” asked one person.
“Why did they pick on Father Muth?”
asked another.
“Is this the only parish that has a
reputation of being as liberal and welcome to all?” a woman asked.
Another woman asked Muth directly,
“Do you have the sense that you know that [Lori’s retirement mandate] is
because of your activism to the immigrants and the LGBT community?”
“I have a sense that that is part of
it,” Muth admitted. “But there are three
other parishes with an active LGBT group, and five others are considering it.”
While the questioning was
proceeding, a man in the audience, who earlier had mentioned that he was part
of the LEAD Ministry, saw a Defend Life
reporter sitting next to him taking notes, and asked if she was a reporter, and
with whom.
When she told him, he immediately
got up and walked over to Father Muth, who was standing nearby, and whispered
to him.
A few minutes later, the woman
conducting the questioning announced, “This is a safe place, where a person can
give their thoughts and opinions freely.
We’re going to pause for several minutes and ask that anyone who is
planning on reporting the meeting to respect that and leave.”
She looked straight at the reporter.
The reporter objected to the term
“safe place,” saying that she was not going to use names, and no one’s “safety”
was going to be violated.
The organizer repeated that this was
a planning and strategy session for the parish, and parishioners wanted to be
able to speak freely.
“But this is a newsworthy event,”
the reporter objected. “It’s of rightful
interest to Catholics in other parishes in the Archdiocese! What about freedom of the press?”
The organizer continued to insist
that she leave.
“So I’m being ordered out,” the
reporter retorted. She put on her coat
and left.
Life has reported critically for four years on the LGBT activities of
Father Muth and the LEAD Ministry, and of Archbishop Lori’s tacit permission,
by his silence, of those activities.
Those reports included a photo
revealing Father Muth marching in the 2016 Gay Pride Parade in Baltimore in
Life also published a photo of LEAD Ministry members marching in
Baltimore’s 2018 Pride Parade with signs
identifying them as from St. Matthew Catholic Church, despite Lori’s asking
Muth that no such signs be carried.
So the presence of the reporter was going to prevent the parishioners from speaking freely? Why? Are they really such delicate little snowflakes? Probably so, for the facilition of moral depravity often leads to cowardice and shame.
We can bet that one of their strategies will be to blast the Archbishop's office to get him to stand down. What we MUST do is to contact his office too. We must thank him for this step that he is taking and urge him to stand firm and not waver in the face of pressure - be it from these errant parishioners or perhaps even his homophile brother bishops.
I'd also suggest contacting Father Muth or at least the parish office. Urge him to obey the archbishop's request without further ado. Urge him to use his retirement time to repent and do reparation, for owing to his gay activism, he has placed his soul in grave danger of damnation with that danger being multiplied for the sacrilege against his own Holy Orders.
Here is contact information for Archbishop Lori. Contact information for Fr Muth is here. You might also want to go to their social media sites and leave them messages.
Friday, February 21, 2020
CCHD = Catholics Colluding with Homosexual Deviants
What else would you call this? I'm talking about the (drum roll, please!) "41st Annual Social Minstry Convocation". It will happen Saturday, Feb 29, at Mercy High School in Baltimore MD.
Take a visual stroll through this flyer. It's chock-full of the usual "social justice" dribble: environmentalism, poverty, immigration, etc, with one striking addition. Item 9 touts a workshop entitled "Why Our Parishes Need LGTBQ+ Ministries" - for safe places and all that! You notice there's no talk of assisting these people out of their sinful lifestyles. Given what we've seen of St. Ignatius and their group, we could safely surmise that these "ministries" aren't much more than dating services for deviants. In other words, these "ministries" are about the sordid business of cooperating with mortal sin. Is that what they mean by "social ministry"?
Now go to the very last page, the registration section. To whom does one make their check to attend this gab-fest? Why, to CCHD/Archdiocese of Baltimore! So the Archdiocese of Baltimore is actually putting on this claptrap? Well, let's look at their own webpage versus the flyer, which was found on St Matthew's site. Shrewdly they did not post that flyer on their own site, but they do tout this "convocation". Now look at the subpage for the awards presented. You see that the same awards mentioned are similar to those in the flyer. Despite their attempts to be discreet about their pro-gay shilling, Baltimore's CCHD has been caught with its hand in the cookie jar, so to speak.
So can one imagine CCHD facilitating sinful conduct? Would they do it for any other destructive lifestyle choices, like usage of "recreational" drugs? Well, yes. Nationwide, they have given grants to marijuana farms and funded needle-exchange programs.
As if we needed it, here is yet another reason to boycott the next CCHD collection. For Baltimore, that will happen in November. If you need additional reasons to boycott the collection, I'm sure some will sprout up between now and November.
Take a visual stroll through this flyer. It's chock-full of the usual "social justice" dribble: environmentalism, poverty, immigration, etc, with one striking addition. Item 9 touts a workshop entitled "Why Our Parishes Need LGTBQ+ Ministries" - for safe places and all that! You notice there's no talk of assisting these people out of their sinful lifestyles. Given what we've seen of St. Ignatius and their group, we could safely surmise that these "ministries" aren't much more than dating services for deviants. In other words, these "ministries" are about the sordid business of cooperating with mortal sin. Is that what they mean by "social ministry"?
Now go to the very last page, the registration section. To whom does one make their check to attend this gab-fest? Why, to CCHD/Archdiocese of Baltimore! So the Archdiocese of Baltimore is actually putting on this claptrap? Well, let's look at their own webpage versus the flyer, which was found on St Matthew's site. Shrewdly they did not post that flyer on their own site, but they do tout this "convocation". Now look at the subpage for the awards presented. You see that the same awards mentioned are similar to those in the flyer. Despite their attempts to be discreet about their pro-gay shilling, Baltimore's CCHD has been caught with its hand in the cookie jar, so to speak.
So can one imagine CCHD facilitating sinful conduct? Would they do it for any other destructive lifestyle choices, like usage of "recreational" drugs? Well, yes. Nationwide, they have given grants to marijuana farms and funded needle-exchange programs.
As if we needed it, here is yet another reason to boycott the next CCHD collection. For Baltimore, that will happen in November. If you need additional reasons to boycott the collection, I'm sure some will sprout up between now and November.
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
DC Diocese Shake-Down Preempts ALL Homilies This Past Weekend
On Sunday I asked whether or not the ADW parishes were ordered to scuttle the homily for that day's Mass to make way for the Annual Appeal sales pitch. I asked several DC area friends what happened in their churches. So far I received six replies from different parishes. They all report that the sales pitch replaced the homily in its entirety.
I was prepared to give the chancery the benefit of any doubt, to surmise that perhaps they merely gave permission to scuttle the homily. However, according to one report, the priest announced that the homily would be replaced, and did so with noticeable displeasure. The evidence points to an order from the chancery dictating that the homily be completely scuttled in favor of the sales pitch.
Sunday's post linked to the GIRM's stipulations regarding a homily at Sunday Mass. Clearly the rubrics were shredded this past Sunday, apparently by the direction of the chancery and the Archbishop.
Consider the irony of this archdiocesan blunder, if you will. Recall how they went into "damage control mode". Whoever wrote that flyer pretended that our only concern regards the McCarrick abuse scandals. Horrific as that is, that is not our only concern. We want to see the DC chancery actually proclaim the faith, to recall that its primary mission is to save souls, not to be "social justice warriors". We demand that dignity and reverence and adherene to sacramental norms be implemented and enforced. Clearly that did not happen this past weekend, when the homily was completely jettisoned for a glib sales pitch. Either some people in the chancery are completely tone deaf, or (more likely) they really don't give a flying fig about our concerns, let alone fidelity to the Church's real mission.
While such a state of affairs lasts, we will have no choice but to pass up this collection.
I was prepared to give the chancery the benefit of any doubt, to surmise that perhaps they merely gave permission to scuttle the homily. However, according to one report, the priest announced that the homily would be replaced, and did so with noticeable displeasure. The evidence points to an order from the chancery dictating that the homily be completely scuttled in favor of the sales pitch.
Sunday's post linked to the GIRM's stipulations regarding a homily at Sunday Mass. Clearly the rubrics were shredded this past Sunday, apparently by the direction of the chancery and the Archbishop.
Consider the irony of this archdiocesan blunder, if you will. Recall how they went into "damage control mode". Whoever wrote that flyer pretended that our only concern regards the McCarrick abuse scandals. Horrific as that is, that is not our only concern. We want to see the DC chancery actually proclaim the faith, to recall that its primary mission is to save souls, not to be "social justice warriors". We demand that dignity and reverence and adherene to sacramental norms be implemented and enforced. Clearly that did not happen this past weekend, when the homily was completely jettisoned for a glib sales pitch. Either some people in the chancery are completely tone deaf, or (more likely) they really don't give a flying fig about our concerns, let alone fidelity to the Church's real mission.
While such a state of affairs lasts, we will have no choice but to pass up this collection.
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Sunday Homily Bumped To Accomodate Money Shake-Down
This morning I didn't feel well enough to make my regular early Mass, so I went to a later Mass - the 10:45 at Mother Seton in Germantown, to be precise. At the start of the homily, Father announced that we'd be hearing a pre-recorded message from the Archbishop. Truth be told, I was expecting this, since this Annual Appeal thing is kicking into gear. It was of the same syrupy genre of sales pitches that Wuerl and McCarrick have shoved down our throats for years now. Then the priest passed out the envelopes and had people complete them right then and there.
After the ushers collected them, we could now hear the real homily, correct? I'm talking of the actual exposition and teachings based upon the Scripture readings just heard, or some other pertinent topic from Church teaching. Well, we heard....
After a lame one-liner about how the appeal tied into the Scriptures, Father dove right into the Creed. Section 65 of the General Instruction of the Roman Missal states that "the homily is part of the Liturgy and is strongly recommended, for it is necessary for the nurturing of the Christian life. It should be an exposition of some aspect of the readings from Sacred Scripture or of another text from the Ordinary or from the Proper of the Mass.." Furthermore, Section 66 tells us that "There is to be a homily on Sundays and holy days of obligation at all Masses that are celebrated with the participation of a congregation; it may not be omitted without a serious reason." (emphasis mine) Thus the complete omission of today's homily at Mother Seton to accomodate this simpering sales pitch constitutes liturgical abuse.
Fellow DC Catholics, I'm quite certain that you too had to suffer through that recorded drivvel today. But were your homilies also completely omitted as was the case at Seton today? Please advise via the comment box, giving location and Mass time. If enough homilies were likewise omitted, I must suspect that this omission - in other words, liturgical abuse - might have been ordered from "on high". I look forward to your feedback. Thanks.
After the ushers collected them, we could now hear the real homily, correct? I'm talking of the actual exposition and teachings based upon the Scripture readings just heard, or some other pertinent topic from Church teaching. Well, we heard....
After a lame one-liner about how the appeal tied into the Scriptures, Father dove right into the Creed. Section 65 of the General Instruction of the Roman Missal states that "the homily is part of the Liturgy and is strongly recommended, for it is necessary for the nurturing of the Christian life. It should be an exposition of some aspect of the readings from Sacred Scripture or of another text from the Ordinary or from the Proper of the Mass.." Furthermore, Section 66 tells us that "There is to be a homily on Sundays and holy days of obligation at all Masses that are celebrated with the participation of a congregation; it may not be omitted without a serious reason." (emphasis mine) Thus the complete omission of today's homily at Mother Seton to accomodate this simpering sales pitch constitutes liturgical abuse.
Fellow DC Catholics, I'm quite certain that you too had to suffer through that recorded drivvel today. But were your homilies also completely omitted as was the case at Seton today? Please advise via the comment box, giving location and Mass time. If enough homilies were likewise omitted, I must suspect that this omission - in other words, liturgical abuse - might have been ordered from "on high". I look forward to your feedback. Thanks.
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Annual Appeal Damage Control

Case in point! Take a look at the second question. I quote, "I feel like the only way my voice can be heard is if I withhold support." By including this in its list of "frequently asked questions", the DC chancery is admitting that it has lost the trust of faithful Catholics.
To the Catholics who are withholding financial support, you are correct in surmising that your voice is now being heard. By publishing this dribble, the chancery concedes the effectiveness of your boycott. However, they don't want to change their ways one iota. For example, my blogging colleague at An Archdiocese Of Washington Catholic points out that we still haven't heard one peep about the Msgr Rossi investigation. There also exists that disgusting video of Archbishop Gregory at the Theology on Tap doing obeisance to gays and transgenders. The swamp at the DC chancery continues to be deep and fetid.
Let's ponder the first question and its answer. Basically the answer is "we know better than you how your charity dollars should be used." You can be sure that some of these "critical services and ministries" include progressive causes such as "resettling" illegal aliens, etc. Frankly I suspect these appeal funds are managed just as "well" as are the Peter's Pence funds in the Vatican.
Ladies and gentlemen, please keep starving this beast. That yellow piece of paper might well be signifying some needed pain and even death throes. Until the DC chancery realizes that the Catholic Church's FIRST business is the saving of souls, not one penny should go to them.
Thursday, February 13, 2020
USCCB Political Videos Downplaying Abortion To Promote Seamless Garment And Undermine Trump
I post their series of videos below. While the videos mention innocent unborn as needing protection, they don't say from what they need protection. That is, of course, abortion, and the progressive politicians shilling for abortion. Why? Two reasons.
- Many of these politicians have been funnelling money towards the USCCB coffers.
- They know that many faithful Catholics will vote for Trump on account of his recent actions to stem abortion. The USCCB is set on undermining him. If they can downplay abortion in the minds of Catholics, they'll lessen the impetus to vote for Trump.
Along the lines of that second point, notice how the unborn is just one of a whole laundry list of issues, most of lesser importance and tending to justify a socialist government, ultimately leading to a one-world government. LifeSiteNews and Church Militant have commentary, too.
As an aside, notice at the 5-minute mark the shameless plug for the many-times-disgraced Catholic Relief Services. This video series, and the larger effort of the USCCB's is just another reason why we should cease all contributions.
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
DC Prelates Kvell Over Reduced Donations - Grab Your Hankies
From the Washington Post we read how the DC chancery is bemoaning the drop in donations received by the Archdiocese. Well, boo-hoo! Cry me a river! Just what the blankety-blank did they expect?
The Post is correct in citing the McCarrick-Wuerl-Bransfield debacles as causes for the drying up of local donations. What they fail to mention is the utter lack of credibility that the Archdiocese of Washington still has. When the current prelates waxes eloquent about Fortunate Families, when faithful Catholic reporters are stonewalled when questioning the Rossi mess, we Catholics in the pews understand that the swamp in the DC chancery is still fetid and deep.
So they can whine all they want. Until these prelates understand that they are called to be priests before progressive "social-justice warriors", I hope and pray that the money flow continues to decrease. That mens don't toss one penny towards the Archdicesan Appea. Regrettably money - or lack thereof - is the only language they understand. In the meantime, to obey the Church's sixth precept, we should direct our donation dollars to a traditional religious order, a pro-life charity, etc.
The Post is correct in citing the McCarrick-Wuerl-Bransfield debacles as causes for the drying up of local donations. What they fail to mention is the utter lack of credibility that the Archdiocese of Washington still has. When the current prelates waxes eloquent about Fortunate Families, when faithful Catholic reporters are stonewalled when questioning the Rossi mess, we Catholics in the pews understand that the swamp in the DC chancery is still fetid and deep.
So they can whine all they want. Until these prelates understand that they are called to be priests before progressive "social-justice warriors", I hope and pray that the money flow continues to decrease. That mens don't toss one penny towards the Archdicesan Appea. Regrettably money - or lack thereof - is the only language they understand. In the meantime, to obey the Church's sixth precept, we should direct our donation dollars to a traditional religious order, a pro-life charity, etc.
Tuesday, February 11, 2020
Connecticut Bishops Undermining Real Pro-Life Actiity
Crisis pregnancy centers in Connecticutt are dealing with some strong-arm tactics by:
- the local Planned Parenthood
- the local NARAL
- pro-abortion politicians
- none of the above.
If you selected "none of the above", you are correct! The culprit is the Connecticut Conference of Catholic Bishops! If you find that surprising, well, I wish I did. Given my experiences of being a sidewalk counselor in the DC are for several decades now, I have seen similar things from the Archdiocese of Washington throughout the years and chronicled them here.
Once upon a time I thought that the tepid support (if any) that we received from the bishops was the result of cowardice. However, in learning just how much money the USCCB gets from the Democrats via dubious grants, etc, and in seeing how the chancery punishes faithful priests, I now believe that they have been working to hobble the pro-life efforts of faithful Catholics. If the Dems don't get their donations from abortionists, well, then they won't be inclined to direct donation dollars into diocesan coffers now, will they?
Once upon a time I thought that the tepid support (if any) that we received from the bishops was the result of cowardice. However, in learning just how much money the USCCB gets from the Democrats via dubious grants, etc, and in seeing how the chancery punishes faithful priests, I now believe that they have been working to hobble the pro-life efforts of faithful Catholics. If the Dems don't get their donations from abortionists, well, then they won't be inclined to direct donation dollars into diocesan coffers now, will they?
Local Connecticut Catholics would do well to boycott any collection efforts by the CCC. They can now rest assured that any pretenses they might hear of the collections "supporting pro-life efforts" is, well, inaccurate if not downright deceitful. Instead, send donations directly to these embattled crisis prenancy centers and other worthy charities.
Sunday, February 9, 2020
Might The Vatican Attempt Interference In The 2020 Presidential Elections?
I post below commentary by Michael Matt on how President Trump is putting a serious crimp in the plans of progressives who want to thrust upon us a "new world order". One of the leaders, or perhaps puppets in this nefarious effort is Pope Francis. Below that I will have commentary.
If you find it difficult to believe that the Vatican will try to derail Trump's reelection efforts in November, then why, oh why, San Diego Bishop McElroy try to pretend that the US withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord is a greater evil than is the distribution and usage of contraceptives (many of them abortifacients)?
Stay tuned for news of more Vatican monkeyshines
If you find it difficult to believe that the Vatican will try to derail Trump's reelection efforts in November, then why, oh why, San Diego Bishop McElroy try to pretend that the US withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord is a greater evil than is the distribution and usage of contraceptives (many of them abortifacients)?
Stay tuned for news of more Vatican monkeyshines
Saturday, February 8, 2020
Catholic Standard Watch - Progressive Catholics Diss Trump's Appearance At March For Life
Here is the article in question. Please note that it is a Catholic News Service piece; thus it is most likely published at the unction of the USCCB. First, we see quoted one John Gehring, Catholic program director of Faith in Public Life. One would never know from this puff piece that FPL is funded by George Soros. John Gehring is not fit to be quoted in any Catholic publication. His complaints about the President are no doubt guided by his own progressive leanings (not to mention Soros and the USCCB).
Next to whine is Father Dauses, pastor of St Andrew by the Bay in Annapolis. He is quoted as saying he was "really, really conflicted attending" the March. Were the babies a high priority for him? That is a fair question, in light of the "social justice" page from his parish's website. This group, in working with other nearby "faith communities", identified "6 priorities". Notice what is not a priority.
These two progressives are simply using the president's presence as a feeble excuse for their own disregard of unborn children. At least the article quoted Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life, who made plain that the murder of thousands of babies daily trumps all other issues in scope and importance. As long as our clergy remain on the dole from progressive sugar daddies, they will be morally compromised and will likely have difficulty at their particular judgments.
Next to whine is Father Dauses, pastor of St Andrew by the Bay in Annapolis. He is quoted as saying he was "really, really conflicted attending" the March. Were the babies a high priority for him? That is a fair question, in light of the "social justice" page from his parish's website. This group, in working with other nearby "faith communities", identified "6 priorities". Notice what is not a priority.
These two progressives are simply using the president's presence as a feeble excuse for their own disregard of unborn children. At least the article quoted Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life, who made plain that the murder of thousands of babies daily trumps all other issues in scope and importance. As long as our clergy remain on the dole from progressive sugar daddies, they will be morally compromised and will likely have difficulty at their particular judgments.
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Gay Priest Retreat In Maryland This Coming April
Last week LifeSiteNews published an opinion piece entitled "Time For Bishops To Be Faithful And Shut Down Renegade Priests Who Champion Homosexuality". A picture of Baltimore's Archbishop William Lori is at the top of the piece. The reason for that is the scheduled "retreat" for gay priests that is slated to be held at Bon Secours Retreat Center in Marriottsville MD from April 12-14. The retreat is being led by Fr Peter Daly and most likely Father James Martin will be in attendance. Let's examine the pieces to this impending debacle.
Bon Secours is itself a dissident den of iniquity. If the name sounds familiar to readers of this blog, that is because Bon Secours is where Gordon Creamer, gay-married parish council chair of St Ignatius Catholic Church, carries on with his so-called "spiritual direction". St Ignatius is a parish in the Mount Vernon area of Baltimore City. They openly flaunt their participation in Baltimore's "gay pride" parade/orgies. I tried to engage the pastor about the matter, but oddly enough (cough!) he wasn't particularly interested in discussing the matter! I submit that this pastor, along with Fr Joseph Muth of St Matthew's on Loch Raven Blvd are priests whom Lori should shut down.
Let's look at the retreat leader, Father Peter Daly, as I've written quite a bit about him, too. In this anthology of posts, you see an account of his interactions with young men struggling with same-sex attraction. He admits to telling them that their disordered inclinations aren't disordered and that to act on them isn't sinful. He pointed them straight towards hell and gave a nudge. One can bet that is exactly what will happen in Marriottsville in two months.
Now let's look at the reactions of the two Maryland archbishops. Archbishop Lori continues to turn a blind eye on both St Matthew's and St Ignatius. Both are dens of gay perversions; there could be more. These are the only two of which I'm aware at this time Archbishop Gregory has actually shown himself to be an ally of proponents of gay perversions. This past summer he openly praised Fortunate Familes duing one of his first "Theology on Tap" presentations.
Will they listen to our demands that they clean up their churches? One language that they seem to understand is that of money - or more accurately, lack of donation money. The DC archdiocese is gearing up for its Annual Appeal. It used to be called the Archbishop's or Cardinal's Appeal (depending on rank of prelate). They at least know that they cannot invoke the prelate to raise money, as our prelates of late have been, uh, "credibility-challenged" shall we say. On the webpage they say that 60+ charities are supported via this collection. Guess what? You can support good charities directly, without the Archdiocese taking a cut of them. Moreover, you'd be able to select the recipients of your hard-earned dollars. Do NOT give one red penny to this or any other diocesan-wide collection. They have proven over and over again to be unworthy recipients of donations and inept stewards to boot. I don't know when the Baltimore campaign will happen, but that too should be boycotted until Archbishop Lori disinfects St Matthew's and St Ignatius AND quashes this upcoming "retreat".
Bon Secours is itself a dissident den of iniquity. If the name sounds familiar to readers of this blog, that is because Bon Secours is where Gordon Creamer, gay-married parish council chair of St Ignatius Catholic Church, carries on with his so-called "spiritual direction". St Ignatius is a parish in the Mount Vernon area of Baltimore City. They openly flaunt their participation in Baltimore's "gay pride" parade/orgies. I tried to engage the pastor about the matter, but oddly enough (cough!) he wasn't particularly interested in discussing the matter! I submit that this pastor, along with Fr Joseph Muth of St Matthew's on Loch Raven Blvd are priests whom Lori should shut down.
Let's look at the retreat leader, Father Peter Daly, as I've written quite a bit about him, too. In this anthology of posts, you see an account of his interactions with young men struggling with same-sex attraction. He admits to telling them that their disordered inclinations aren't disordered and that to act on them isn't sinful. He pointed them straight towards hell and gave a nudge. One can bet that is exactly what will happen in Marriottsville in two months.
Now let's look at the reactions of the two Maryland archbishops. Archbishop Lori continues to turn a blind eye on both St Matthew's and St Ignatius. Both are dens of gay perversions; there could be more. These are the only two of which I'm aware at this time Archbishop Gregory has actually shown himself to be an ally of proponents of gay perversions. This past summer he openly praised Fortunate Familes duing one of his first "Theology on Tap" presentations.
Will they listen to our demands that they clean up their churches? One language that they seem to understand is that of money - or more accurately, lack of donation money. The DC archdiocese is gearing up for its Annual Appeal. It used to be called the Archbishop's or Cardinal's Appeal (depending on rank of prelate). They at least know that they cannot invoke the prelate to raise money, as our prelates of late have been, uh, "credibility-challenged" shall we say. On the webpage they say that 60+ charities are supported via this collection. Guess what? You can support good charities directly, without the Archdiocese taking a cut of them. Moreover, you'd be able to select the recipients of your hard-earned dollars. Do NOT give one red penny to this or any other diocesan-wide collection. They have proven over and over again to be unworthy recipients of donations and inept stewards to boot. I don't know when the Baltimore campaign will happen, but that too should be boycotted until Archbishop Lori disinfects St Matthew's and St Ignatius AND quashes this upcoming "retreat".
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
When One Promotes Abortion, They Become Childish And Uncivilized
Proof? It was on national TV tonight, just at the end of President Trump's State of the Union address. First, she failed to introduce him as protocol requires of the House Speaker. She pouted through the entire address Then, on national TV, she did this to her copy of his speech.
From the looks of her twitter page, she isn't getting away with it. See for yourselves.
From the looks of her twitter page, she isn't getting away with it. See for yourselves.
.@GovWhitmer delivers the Democratic Response to the President’s #SOTU address.— Nancy Pelosi (@SpeakerPelosi) February 5, 2020
Monday, February 3, 2020
Super Bowl Half Time - More Sinister Than Raunchy
By now all have learned of the strip-tease vulgarity that was yesterday's Super Bowl half-time performance. I myself didn't subject myself to it, but saw enough pictures to understand the pornographic nature of it. I am not at all surprised that this happened, but am somewhat taken aback by two things.
First, I cannot fathom how some otherwise intelligent Catholics defended the obscene dancing, particularly the pole-dancing, as "art". To whom were they pandering? Or did they simply take leave of their common sense? Those that did seem to be of the "pope Francis cannot do anything wrong because he's the pope" variety. Maybe that had something to do with it. Still, I cannot see how they gave the mockery of Christ's crucifixion a pass.
Second, I didn't realize just how replete with Masonic symbolism the show really was, but it makes total sense. I have below a video to explain some of it. Fair warning - the video does show some clips of the vile performance.
First, I cannot fathom how some otherwise intelligent Catholics defended the obscene dancing, particularly the pole-dancing, as "art". To whom were they pandering? Or did they simply take leave of their common sense? Those that did seem to be of the "pope Francis cannot do anything wrong because he's the pope" variety. Maybe that had something to do with it. Still, I cannot see how they gave the mockery of Christ's crucifixion a pass.
Second, I didn't realize just how replete with Masonic symbolism the show really was, but it makes total sense. I have below a video to explain some of it. Fair warning - the video does show some clips of the vile performance.
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Pope Francis - Ensuring That The Wreckage Will Continue After His Passing
Here is the text from Remnant. Let this sink in, that the deck is stacked for Francis' deadly legacy to continue.
Saturday, February 1, 2020
A Superbowl Haiku With Maxine
Here it is, a literary masterpiece if ever there was one! 8-D
Or, from Maxine herself...
Super bowl is here.
It's way too overrated.
I'll do something else.
Or, from Maxine herself...
Seriously, though, in light of the fact that Fox news rejected ads from a pro-life group but is allowing drag queens to broadcast theirs', I'd suggest a boycott of the spectacle.
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