I am troubled that these two events seem to be coinciding so conveniently. While I truly hope their almost simultaneous occurences are just coincidental, I cannot help but notice a common thread. Too many "leaders" seem to view those of us, be we bloggers or Tea-Party activists, as threats to their cushy little situations.
Here's more information on the DISCLOSE act that passed the House.
We read in today's online edition of the Washington Post that "Washington celebrates its globe-trotting cardinal, "Uncle Ted" Apparently His Eminence will soon turn 80 years old. I was aware that that there was a rather large dinner for him last evening, but was not aware of all the doings - certainly not of the Mass.
Sadly, I am not surprised to see that Sister Carol Keehan did one of the readings at the Mass, thus befouling the pulpit of St. Matthew's Cathedral. This is not the first time His Eminence has shown some special honor to a Catholic dissident whom faithful Catholics in this area have publicly rebuked; John Sweeney (former president of AFL-CIO) comes to mind as another example.
The writer of this article expresses some surprise that "the whole celebration has been uncharacteristically quiet." While I understand Ms. Boorstein's surprise, I am not surprised. Click this link for a reminder of how we took action when Sister Keehan was similarly honored, with His Eminence at hand.
We do wish His Eminence true blessings on his birthday. We also rejoice that as he turns 80 years of age, he will no longer be eligible to vote for future popes. Deo gratias!
In an Italian study, people whose eyes were damaged by caustic chemical splashes have experienced restored sight after they received transplants from their own stem cells.
The last five words of the previous sentence are key. These are adult stem cells, not cells ripped from the bodies of helpless embryonic children. Once again, we see how ethiccal and life-respecting medical science actually works, as opposed to the largely-failed "embryonic stem cell research" (ESCR).
One might ask why there is such a politically-correct push for the ESCR. It's really quite simple. It's all about fattening the wallets of abortionists. This nefarious push artificially creates a market for the bodies of babies. Often enough, our tax dollars are used to buy the babies' bodies, as though they were just scientific commodities.
The really "smart money" though, has abandoned ESCR - not necessarily because of moral principles, but because it just doesn't "work". Sometimes God's justice can only be described as poetic.
A few days ago, it was reported that Cardinal George, president of the USCCB, criticized the Catholic Health Association for lending support to the Obama Hell Bill. Frankly, I was rather pleased to hear that. Yes, it was "too little too late", but at least some protest was uttered - or so I thought!
Today we hear that Helen Osman, secretary for communications for the USCCB, charged the Catholic News Agency with dishonesty in its coverage of Cardinal George's remarks on the Hell Bill. She claims that the Cardinal never made such remarks.
Alejandro Bermudez, director of the CNA, challenged Osman to release the recording of Cardinal George's talk. She refuses to do so because it's "confidential". I echo my friend at Les Femmes as she asks, "what's the big secret?"
At a convention of the Catholic Media Association (not to be confused with the Catholic Media Coalition, of which we're a proud member), Bishop Gambino Zavala (auxiliary of Los Angeles and chair of the US Bishops' Communications Committee), had some things to say about Catholic media - and blogs such as this one in general. His comments about us bloggers:
A reader of this blog sent the following email to the Gonzaga administration this past Friday. I commend her for the research that she did and do commend the links to your reading. The linked information sheds additional light on the nefarious deeds of Sister Carol Keehan and like-minded cronies, and the harm that they are doing to the Faith and to human life in general. And now, the email…
Here's a little something for His Eminence to enjoy! I might even suggest this to the Messiah Most Miserable as he prepares to haul the State of Arizona into a kangaroo court! (Click here if you can't see embedded videos)
Additionally, maybe Anthony Stevens-Arroyo would like to watch this (any relation to Ray?)!
This video does make some sense. At any rate, it's time to toss out the liberal lemmings of New York City who gave the go-ahead for this poke-in-the-eye to all Americans and a supreme insult to the families of those who perished on September 11, 2001. (Click here if you can't see embedded videos)
An allegedly catholyc scholar named Anthony Stevens-Arroyo is suggesting that Catholic bishops are being remiss in their duties by not denying Holy Communion to Sheriff Joe Arpaio and others who support the Arizona immigration law.
Hey, Anthony! Here's a canon law mini-tutorial! Canon 915 is very simple. It reads "Those who have been excommunicated or interdicted after the imposition or declaration of the penalty and others obstinately persevering in manifest grave sin are not to be admitted to holy communion." Sheriff Arpaio is engaging in no sin whatsover by enforcing immigration law. Thus it would be patently unjust to deny him Holy Communion.
But could Anthony be blowing smoke to disguise his own serious dissidence? Yes, it seems that Anthony himself is pro-abortion or at least is sympathetic to its proponents! We read in this piece of his (published in the Washington Post), how he defends Nancy Pelosi "as a Catholic woman who honors her role to uphold the law of the land that allows choice about abortion." The truth that Pelosi continuously dishonors her role as Speaker, and her Catholic heritage in her support of baby-murder.
In San Francisco last autumn, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi relocated her district office to a bigger suite. Allegedly, the security is enhanced, it is more accessible to "public transportation", and, oh yes, it is "greener". Well, let's talk about the ways in which it's "greener" - that is, just how much long-green this office costs taxpayers!
Ladies and gentlemen, have the smelling salts handy and be sitting down. The monthly rent for this office is - (drum roll, please)
$18,736 per MONTH!
That's right! Not "per year" - per MONTH! Now let's put this into a bit of perspective here; what she expects taxpayers to pay every month is more than two times my annual mortgage payments. Boys and girls, can we say "ka-chinnng"?
Go further down that article, and notice two things. First, her rent is almost double that of the next expensive office rents of House Members. Now notice something else - all those cited with pricey office rents are (wait for this!) DEMOCRATS! Well, whaddya know? Aren't they the party of the "little guy"? Well sure! They want to keep us "little" so that they can pay for these opulent offices with our hard-earned tax dollars!
Yes, indeed! That appears to be the one iron-clad "commandment" that is preached in way too many pulpits and catholyc schools as they pander to all sorts of dissident catholycs who have much in the way of worldy resources. Alas, I am often accused of breaking that commandment - mea maxima culpa! For more, watch. (Click here if you can't see embedded videos)
This is the word from the USCCB. The entire press release is here. At first glance, it looks just fine.
Sometimes things require a closer look. I will quote the paragraph describing projected fund usage. The emphasis (bold) that you will see in the quotes are mine. Here it is.
The groups who receive the grants will use the funds to provide a voice for the fishermen and communities affected by the spill, coordinate with communities and emergency responders to document the damage, as well as insist on work to restore the damaged wetlands.
Think about those bolded words. Sounds like "business as usual", right? Particularly the last one is telling. Note that the funds aren't going towards the actual recovery efforts themselves, but they're going for lobbying! Who will be lobbied? The government! And with what funds will the government be expected to repair the wetlands? Hint - hold onto your wallet. The money that you'll be asked to contribute in the next CCHD collection will be used to raise your tax dollars - and not too much of that (if any) will go to actual relief efforts.
Now what's with all this "documentation" and "voice"? This is all busywork for "community organizers." What the USCCB described as the purposes of this $300k seems not to encompass even one of the Corporal Works of Mercy.
The CCHD (and perhaps the entire USCCB) should be dismantled immediately, before more money is squandered to the detriment of the Church and this nation.
Many of us have been contacting (or attempting to contact) both the Catholic Network of Volunteer Service and the Franciscan Monastery regarding Chris Matthews' scheduled appearance on Thursday June 24th. So far we've heard of no response from the CNVS. The monastery has responded, and many have sent copies of the replies to me. I've rehearsed some of those replies in earlier postings. The monastery seems to be disavowing responsibility for Matthews' appearance. Well yes, it is a CNVS event, but still the monoastery is allowing Matthews to come onto their property. They could well make clear that he cannot speak, but they choose not to do so. Some responses go so far as to claim complete ignorance of the event, or to hint that we're incorrect in our knowledge of Matthews' scheduled appearance. In addition to the announcement on the CNVS website (to which I linked in an earlier post), there is the announcement in the June 10th edition of the Catholic Standard. Since this issue will soon be taken off the church shelves to make way for the next edition, I captured that announcement in the video below. (Click here if you can't see embedded videos)
Our sources cannot be denied. What also cannot be denied is the very real probability that smoke is being blown at us.
Therefore, I'd like to make very clear to the CNVS and Monastery people who are watching this blog that unless there is a PUBLIC announcement that Chris Matthews' planned appearance will not occur, there will be a picket of this event. We will witness for the truth of the Faith, something that others are setting aside for money and the chance to toady up to a celebrity. All concerned Catholics are welcome to join us.
Between now and Thursday the 24th, please check this blog regularly, as we'll post updates to this situation.
Ever since Sister Margaret McBride excommunicated herself by authorizing the murder of a baby in the hospital where she was a chief administrator, Bishop Olmsted has been under constant attack by left-wing media for confirming the fact of her excommunication. Watch this video from American Life League's Michael Hichborn for details and how you can support the good bishop. (Click here if you can't see embedded videos)
From Pewsitter and Catholic Culture, we read that John Garvey, dean of Boston College Law School, will succeed Father David O'Connell, who will become coadjuter bishop of Trenton.
In 2002, he wrote, "On several occasions I have heard people express concern that the Catholic identity of Boston College and the Law School will require a certain orthodoxy, or suppress unorthodox opinions, among its faculty and students. No school that regulates ideas can justly call itself a university. Indeed, it is precisely because we are committed to the search for truth in an atmosphere of academic freedom that the Law School can render a useful service to the Church and the cause of justice. It is natural that we should have a particular interest in the intersection of law and religion. (Though this is not our only focus.) But when people address that subject here they do not speak for (or against) the church hierarchy. They follow where their inquiries lead them." So much for Ex Corde Ecclesiae. This man parrots the heretical "Land O' Lakes Statement".
In 2007 he awarded an honorary degree to Rep Edward J. Markey, who sports a 100% "pro-choice" voting record. He himself donated three times to John Kerry's campaigns. He may be a college dean and soon-to-be president, but he has demonstrated that as far as Catholic morals goes, he has trouble distinguishing between apple butter and cow pie.
I understand that under Father O'Connell, things at CU had improved from what had been a rather abysmal state of affairs. Alas, it appears that these improvements may well be undone. Parents, think twice about paying tuition for your children to be under Garvey's tutelage.
As I said, sometimes "intolerance" is a good thing. No parent in their right mind will "tolerate" a naughty child's bullying of his/her younger sibling, nor will they "tolerate" a stranger trying to lure them into a car. Some behaviors are intolerable. Such is the attitude of the Holy Father, as he seeks to address the dangers that confront the Church today. Here's an excerpt from his homily during the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart: "The Church too must use the shepherd’s rod, the rod with which he protects the faith against those who falsify it, against currents which lead the flock astray. The use of the rod can actually be a service of love." I commend the whole text to your reading.
Then there's the other intolerance. I find it amusing how the progressives engage in disingenuous behavior - without apparent realization that they are showing their true colors. At a recent pro-abort-feminazi conference in Washington DC, some pro-life activists were distributing literature on the public sidewalk in front of the place. The feminazis were at the door, demanding that those who took the literature hand it over to them. So much for their brand of "tolerance"! So much for respect of others - and I speak of conference attendees, not the pro-lifers! Read the whole account here and see a picture of one of these feminazi chumpions in action!
I received such a badge of honor today. Although I'd be in my rights to do so, I decline at this time to reveal the author of this tome. Otherwise, it is reproduced below in its entirety.
"As I do from time to time, I was looking that things religious on the Internet today and stumbled acorss your site. Goodness ... it grabbed my attention.
I am distressed that there appears to be so much hatred and intolerance among you. Where is the Love One Another? You treat other people like dirt with your snide comments and judgements. You are clearly not at peace with yourelves. You seem to think you have a lock on the true faith and use appeals to the magisterium only when it is convenient for you. Who are you to question another's faith? The Church has indeed let you down ... it has failed to successfully preach the Gospel of love to you. I will pray for your conversion."
So there it is. I could pick this apart ad infinitim, but will only look at one part. Notice how on one hand he says "we're not at peace with ourselves", but then asks "who are you to question another's faith?" Do you see how he questions our spirituality, but then asks who are we to do what he is clearly doing? Can we all say "double standard"?
Then there's the almost obligatory snffling about "intolerance". Sometimes "intolerance" is a good thing. We may not tolerate that which is injurious to the Faith and thus to our eternal salvation, for example. Now if this person really wants to see "intolerance", he can watch Michael Voris! (Click here if you can't see embedded videos)
A friend of mine forwarded to me a reply that he received from Hyundai's management regarding their ad that blasphemed the Mass. I reproduce it below.
Hello and thank you for your feedback regarding Hyundai advertising.
Hyundai Motor America would like to thank you and other consumers for sharing concerns about a new ad titled "Wedding" which aired during the opening games of the FIFA World Cup broadcast last week. We take comments of this nature very seriously. Because of feedback like yours, we have removed the ad from all Hyundai communications and stopped airing it.
We credit the passionate World Cup viewers and Hyundai owners for raising this issue to us. The unexpected response created by the ad, which combined both soccer and religious motifs to speak to the passion of international soccer fans, prompted us to take a more critical and informed look at the spot. Though unintentional, we now see it was insensitive. We appreciate your feedback and hope you will accept our sincere apologies.
With appreciation, Hyundai Motor America
There are two things I'd like to say about this. First, Hyundai deserves a fair amount of credit for admitting their mistake and apologizing for it. We can all recall other organizations that didn't have nearly the amount of decency to own up to offensive behavior.
Second, this does show that protests do work. We can never allow ourselves to think, "my efforts make no difference" and to turn away. Keep at it.
This exchange between Matthews, Cecile Richards and Barbara Comstock occurred immediately after one of the Obama/McCain debates. Notice that Matthews talks of the "right to abortion" as though that should be a "given".
The "embed" function appears not to be working, but click this link to watch the exchange.
Nowhere will you see listed "Confession", "repentance", "Sacrament of reconciliation". That's because they're to...to... well, you know...Catholic! Horrors! We can't have those on the monastery grounds now, can we?? Also notice that there are no men on this counseling team. Don't you find that to be rather sexist? Oh, wait! I forgot! Only white males can be sexist - and no one else! Silly me!
Now perhaps there's an upside to all of this! Maybe Chris Matthews can visit these lovely counselors and they can do some Jungian analysis and guide him through "transformational breath work" to help keep him from going catatonic, as he did during his abuse of Bishop Tobin.
Watch the clip below of a Hyundai ad that mocks the Eucharist and Holy Mass.
I just emailed Hyundai to advise them that I would not buy their vehicles and that I'd advise all whom I could reach that they may wish to do likewise. Click here to send your message. Here is what I wrote to them:
"As a Roman Catholic who takes my God and my Church seriously, I am disgusted by your advertisement that blasphemed our Holy Mass and Holy Communion. Please be advised that I will never consider a Hyundai in any future vehicle purchase decisions. No organization that mocks Jesus Christ is worthy of my money. I will utilize my own blog to advise others to likewise boycott your products."
Please watch this carefully, and understand that your immortal souls are in danger because of your dissidence. We seek to minimize the damage that you are causing to yourselves as well as to others. (Click here if you can't see embedded videos)
First, I want to correct a "typo" in the previous post. I erroneously stated the monastery address to be "14 Quincy Street NE". The street number is really "1400". I apologize for any inconvenience caused by my error.
Many of you have written to the Franciscan Monastery and to the Catholic Networkof Volunteer Service, as have I. Some have sent to me copies of what a Friar named Brother John Sebastian sent to them. Since they are similar in nature, they cannot be held to be exclusive communications.
An early reply was, "Hmm, Ive not heard all this however I know that he has spoken at many a Catholic organization this year with Bishops & Cardinals Present. " Sadly, it's true that Matthews has spoken with bishops and cardinals in his audience; I don't know whether or not such has happened since his tirade against Bishop Tobin. However, I find it incredible that Brother Sebastian did not know of this June 24th event. I trust it merely means that the right hand and left hand don't communicate at the Monastery, but even so, such lack of knowledge boggles the mind. Most people who read the Catholic Standard saw the announcement in the June 10th issue - and yet Brother Sebastian was ignorant? Moreover, many of us emailed the link to the announcement that was on the "Volunteer" website.
A week has not elapsed since Sister Carol Keehan was permitted by the Jesuits to befoul a Catholic high school graduation, and now we have word of another unsavory character that is slated to speak at a Catholic function.
Two weeks from today, on June 24th, from 7:00pm-9:00pm, the Catholic Network of Volunteer Service is conducting an awards ceremony at the Franciscan Monastery, located at 14 Quincy Street, NE in Washington DC. The guest speaker is Chris Matthews, host of Hardball. Matthews is pro-abortion, and has no patience for those who insist that Catholics behave as such in the public square.
For instance, you might recall how Patrick Kennedy was railing against the Church for stating that he does not call the shots when it comes to determining Catholic morality. Kennedy's bishop, Thomas Tobin of Rhode Island, took Kennedy to task - and aroused Matthew's ire. Observe. (Click here if you can't see embedded videos)
Now that we've all been sufficiently charmed by Matthews' oratorial/conversational style and his utter disregard for bishops who act like shepherds instead of fund-raising politicians, we can all see that Chris Matthews does not deserve a Catholic forum to cloak his dissent.
Please contact both the Catholic Network of Volunteer Service and the Franciscan Monastery. Remind them that the presence of one who publicly favors abortion and who mocks bishops for acting like bishops is a disservice and insult to those who selflessly engage in Catholic volunteer efforts. If you do so via email, send them the link to the youtube video above, and the links to the other articles, so that they can see for themselves just what they might inflict upon their guests should they not cancel his appearance.
Additionally, please spread word of this and ask your acquaintences to join us.
That is a serious question posed by atheistic "philosopher" Pete Singer of Princeton University. He is apparently mulling over the work of fellow atheist David Benatar. Both men (in differing degrees) opine that the pain of human existence is evil.
In my opnion, if one holds to the erroneous belief that there is no God and that there is no eternity, then the beliefs of these two men are actually quite logical and consistent. Did not even Paul attest to that logic in 1 Corinthians 15, when he states that if there is no resurrection, then "eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die"?
Those of us who grapple with the Culture of Death (e.g., those of us in front of abortuaries) would do well to consider this mental paradigm that is foundational to the thinking of our opponents. While they still have that God-shaped restlessness in their hearts (of which St Augustine wrote), they are becoming increasingly oblivious to it and unable to recognize it.
Since some readers (particularly some recent high school graduates) seem to have strokes when political opinions are mentioned on this blog, I believe it to be only charitable to post the above warning, so that the lily-livered may move onto something else, for this is a kinder, gentler blog - and we are an Easter People!
Father Euteneuer, president of Human Life International, addressed this public letter to the Messiah Most Miserable. It is entitled, "We Don't Believe You, Mr President".
To reiterate - these coming November elections are critical. We must elect candidates who are proponents of our Judeo-Christian heritage, smaller government, personal responsibility. And to the little boys of Gonzaga (and any others) who snivvel about "politics being mixed with religion on your blog" or other such tripe, I have only this to say:
Those of us old enough to remember will recall that the "Negro Project" was a scheme devised by Margaret Sanger to eliminate the black population.
40% of abortions committed in this country are done on black women. Yet blacks comprise only 13% of the total population. From my own experience in being in front of abortion death-mills, I can attest that these hell-houses are located primarily in minority neighborhoods.
As mentioned in previous posts, Sister Carol Keehan was slated to give today's commencement address to the 2010 graduating class of Gonzaga High in Washington DC today. Despite our protests and pleadings, the administration of Gonzaga (Jesuits, of course!) remained obdurate. Sister Carol Keehan did befoul the commencement with her address - however, we made very certain the truth was heard, if not embraced. Read more - it's a long read, but well worth it. Please click the appropriate link.
A few weeks ago, I wrote about the "flower of pro-abortion feminism". I now have occasion to write of "the flower of pro-abortion" manhood.
Today at the Planned Parenthood on Spring Street in Silver Spring, the pro-choice escorts were joined by this less-than-gentleman. I present this to you so that you can see just how far the so-called "pro-choice" movement, in reality the Culture of Death, has caused men and women to literally degrade themselves. Observe. (Click here if you can't see embedded videos)
As you watch the guy and the deathscorts, I think you can clearly see the stunted mentalities of these pro-abortion individuals. At one time, one might have seen such juvenile behavior only in junior-high locker rooms. Now it passes fur adult behavior. Need we any more proof of how morally and intellectualy vacuous is the pro-abortion mentality?
Not only did the guy make a complete ass of himself, but so did the "deathscorts" (as we call them). In chortling and giggling over this fellow's shirt, they gave tacit approval to the degradation and exploitation of women everywhere - including themselves! Far from recoiling from this obvious affront to all women and the supposed ideals of feminism, the lead person of the Washington Clinic Defense Task Force (the outfit that sends these deathscorts to the abortuaries) signed him up.
The only bright spot to that is if he is recruited as a deathcort, then he'll be wearing the orange vest as opposed to that obscene shirt. But come to think of it, maybe there isn't that much of a difference between the shirt and the orange deathscort vest!
Lifesitenews reports that Sister Carol Keehan was driven off the board of Holy Family Hospital Foundation, an initiaive by the Knights of Malta. Read the full story.
I also commend to your reading an editorial that appeared in the Washington Times this past Thursday, entitled "The Million-Dollar Sister".
Until she makes public amends, Sister Carol Keehan does not deserve a Catholic audience. While we cannot condemn her, neither can we "give her a pass". Her actions, regardless of motives, were treacherous and scandalous.
Referring to the previous posting - please join us, if at all possble.
Last week I discovered that Sister Carol Keehan was slated to give the commencement address at Gonzaga's commencement this Sunday June 6th. I posted about that; re-read it here. Many of us (including readers) have contacted the leadership of Gonzaga to advise them that her presence in a Catholic school, being given honor, is most incongruous. Since they have chosen not to listen, we will have no choice but to be in front of St Aloysius Gonzaga church to bear witness to the truth.
The church itself is on the west side of North Capital Street. We'll gather there about noon to inform the folks arriving of the true nature of what they will witness. I've got to imagine that this address will be given from the pulpit. Remember - two months ago, she used her bully pulpit to help ram through the Obamacare Health Deform bill.
At least it is, if you are not "recycling"! Thus sayeth Msgr Paul Dudziak of St. Rose of Lima Church in Gaithersburg, MD. He said, and I quote, "every home that is not recycling is like its own BP oil spill, trashing the earth." And when was this inspired oracle delivered to the adoring throngs? On Pentecost Sunday! So the environmentalists hijack not only Lent (with their "lenten carbon fast") but now they exploit a major Church solemnity for their own ideological ends.
I thank my colleague at "A Washington DC Catholic" for alerting me to this, and suggest that you read his post. (Also read his post from today; the Archdocesan Environmental Committee apparently wants us to "repent" for the Gulf oil spill.) He stated that while he had the audio of the homily, he was unable to post it. I communicated to him that I was able to do so. He sent the file to me and I now make it available to you at this link. Note: the "oil spill" gaffe occurs right at the beginning of the clip. Msgr Dudziak goes on to lament violence, as well. However, he focuses primarily on military activity (forgetting that not all force is violence), but of course is typically silent on the violence done in the first environment that humans know: the violence of abortion committed in what should be the safest environment, that of a mother's womb.
Some of you might recall that this blog was inaugurated last September. One of my first posts had to do with my own visit to St. Rose. I urge you to revisit that post. That will make it easier to conceive how progressive propaganda thinly disguised as a homily can proceed from that place.
"And the Word was made Flesh". Yes, she made absolute gobbly-goop out of this. Can it be because truth, inside her head, is gobbly-goop? I'm having trouble embedding the video here, but you can watch it on Jill Stanek's blog. Behold her stunning performance for yourselves!
Note some key phrases. First (regarding the word), "fill it in with anything you want". Well, she's an expert at that. It's just another variation of making a god unto your image and likeness. She then says something about being prepared to answer in this life how we measured up. In that regard, she is no expert, as she will have to face the countless children whose murders were facilitated in no small part by Madame Speaker. Hopefully she's "Madame Speaker" only until next January.
Reform CCHD Now, a coalition of Catholic pro-life groups, recently sent a report to the nations's bishops and the heads of diocesan pro-life offices stating that problems with CCHD grantees still abound. We read on Lifenews that approximately 50 pro-abortion groups received CCHD grants; that is, they received donations from unsuspecting Catholics in the pews.
The bishops will be meeting from June 11-13th. Among things to be discussed is the CCHD and the various problems that have come to light. More information can be found at the Reform CCHD Now website. A full copy of the report is also available for reading and/or download.
To add your voice to ours that call for reform of the CCHD, please be sure to sign the petition, in the box on the right sidebar.
Rumors of this have been floating about for some time, but now there seems to be some basis to these rumors. I post the link to an article that is NOT for children or the weak of stomach.
If this is true, then a great many things make sense. The article implicates Republicans, as well - including one-time Senate Majority leader Bill Frist. If the allegations about Frist are correct, might that not explain his spinelessness during and just after the murder of Terri Schiavo?
Please read this Lifenews article and take note of these Republican senators who are either: 1) pro-abortion themselves or 2) suffering from lack of backbone. Then plan to retire these folks asap. I don't know when they're up, but there's a 60% chance that they're either up in 2010 or 2012.