Several weeks ago Virginia's Governor McDonnell signed into law a measure that would require abortion centers in Virginia to meet the standards required of other stand-alone surgical centers. Prior to that, they were only required to meet the standards of doctors' offices. If the pro-abortion proponents were truly solicitous of women's safety, they'd be all for these professional standards that would increase the chances of a "safe procedure". They show their true colors (and those of the abortuaries) by bemoaning the costs and their "fears" (our hopes) that the bulk of the Virginia abortuaries would close.
We of Maryland have that same opportunity! In Annapolis, the House Health and Government Operations Committee has recently heard House Bill 23 and much testimony from families of abortuary victims. They will vote on it very soon. Maryland Right to Life has a list of Delegates who are on that committee and their contact information. Contact these delegates and urge them to support HB 23. If they truly care about women, as most of them claim, tell them this is one way that they can prevent the Brigham and Ferrer debacles from repeating themselves.
The parallel Senate bill is SB 505. We'll be following that too.
Good people of Maryland showed much energy and determination with the gay marriage bills recently. Let's bring that same commitment to bear on this matter, also.
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2 hours ago
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