Here is Thursday's episode of The World Over. Arroyo discusses the upcoming sin-nod with Edward Pentin and Damian Thompson. Other topics are discussed, such as the UK bishops' silence in the wake of that attempted forced abortion in England. Mention is made of a website created by the Society for Tradition, Family And Property. It is called It may well be worth a visit from time to time.
Sunday, June 30, 2019
The Left Faking And Exploiting The Rio Grande Drowning
All left-wing pundits and progressive bishops are going ballistic over the drowning deaths of a border-crasher and his little girl. Some have gone so far as to blame President Trump when, at most, the child had been on US soil for a few minutes. To be sure, their deaths were sad, but not both were victims. The child was - of her parents' stupidity and lawlessness.
Louis Verrichio of AKA Catholic has some thoughts on the whole scenario and the picture that has succeeded in causing rational thought in the left to be even more addled than usual. I invite you to take a look at it and to ponder the very existence of the photograph. How indeed did that photographer just happen to stumble on that sad scene? If indeed it was a coincidence (mighty far-fetched), wouldn't a responsible, truly caring response be to ascertain the condition of the two before snapping pictures? For all this person knew, maybe they were still able to be assisted.
If anyone lacked compassion and decency here, it was the left-wing media who probably positioned their corpses face-down in the water for cheap photo-ops. It is they who exploited and yes, victimized, the two dead people for the sake of their own insipid narratives. I'm sure that fact is not entirely lost on the progressive bishops, so the shame of that exploitation lies on their heads as well.
Louis Verrichio of AKA Catholic has some thoughts on the whole scenario and the picture that has succeeded in causing rational thought in the left to be even more addled than usual. I invite you to take a look at it and to ponder the very existence of the photograph. How indeed did that photographer just happen to stumble on that sad scene? If indeed it was a coincidence (mighty far-fetched), wouldn't a responsible, truly caring response be to ascertain the condition of the two before snapping pictures? For all this person knew, maybe they were still able to be assisted.
If anyone lacked compassion and decency here, it was the left-wing media who probably positioned their corpses face-down in the water for cheap photo-ops. It is they who exploited and yes, victimized, the two dead people for the sake of their own insipid narratives. I'm sure that fact is not entirely lost on the progressive bishops, so the shame of that exploitation lies on their heads as well.
Friday, June 28, 2019
Maryland Catholic Hierarchy Fleeing From Gay Nazis?
Both of these Maryland-based stories are from LifeSiteNews.
In the first, we see that the State of Maryland put a private Christian school, located in Baltimore, in its crosshairs. Because the school, Bethel Christian Academy, correctly teaches that God designed marriage to be between one biological man and one biological woman (see how I have to spell it out?), parents could no longer use school vouchers to send their children to that school. Mind you, the school makes no distinction among prospective students in terms of "gender identity". They simply teach God's truth. They are filing suit and are represented by Alliance Defending Freedom. What I failed to detect in the LifeSiteNews piece is any indication of support from the Catholic hierarchy, specifically from the Archdiocese of Baltimore. Why?
Let's now shift focus to St. Mary's County. In Lexington Park, there was a "drag queen story hour" occurring on the Feast of Corpus Christi. An intrepid group of Christians came to protest the sleaze session. It turns out that there were more Christians there than were attendees of the poof-production. Regrettably there was only one Catholic priest, and he hailed from Charles County. Why were no priests from St. Mary's County on hand?
It seems like those in the Maryland Catholic hierarchy are afraid of the gay cartel - or they are in cahoots with them. I would love to be proven incorrect. Please - if anyone hears of the bishops taking action regarding either of these situations, or that of dissident parishes participating in "pride" parades (that means you, Father Joseph Muth!), please advise in the com boxes.

Let's now shift focus to St. Mary's County. In Lexington Park, there was a "drag queen story hour" occurring on the Feast of Corpus Christi. An intrepid group of Christians came to protest the sleaze session. It turns out that there were more Christians there than were attendees of the poof-production. Regrettably there was only one Catholic priest, and he hailed from Charles County. Why were no priests from St. Mary's County on hand?
It seems like those in the Maryland Catholic hierarchy are afraid of the gay cartel - or they are in cahoots with them. I would love to be proven incorrect. Please - if anyone hears of the bishops taking action regarding either of these situations, or that of dissident parishes participating in "pride" parades (that means you, Father Joseph Muth!), please advise in the com boxes.
Thursday, June 27, 2019
Trekking Through The Amazon Instrumentum
We continue our agonizing and penitential slog through the Instrumentum Laboris of the upcoming debacle known as the Amazon Sin-nod. Last week I finished paragraph 13. Paragraph 14 lays out a bunch of hypothetical threats to the peoples of the Amazon. Read it and notice what is missing. Where are the threats to the eternal salvation of those people (and the rest of humanity for that matter)? The Church's primary mission is the eternal salvation of souls. So where is the concern about faulty catechesis? Where is the concern about false religions and idolatry? Oh, wait! According to paragraph 13, they are supposed to be "in relation to various spiritual forces"! So this papal plop promotes sins against the First Commandment? Moving along to paragraph 15, we see that it is considered a "threat" that the people might abandon ancient idolatries. My goodness! Was that the attitude of St Patrick when, at his preaching, the Irish ceased their druidic human sacrifices?
Please take a gander at this precious gem from paragraph 17:
"We are" what??!!? No, we are created in the image and likeness of God, with intellect and will. We are not just some hobgob of stuff from the material order. As far as this "cut the veins of our Mother Earth, that's a new one. The earth is not "our mother". It is, at best, silly to personify a planet. For the next several paragraphs one will read ad nauseum the most poetic bewailing of the supposed evils wrought by mankind against the environment. In other words, it's the quintessential envirowhacko screed.
The themes change a bit at paragraph 28. The Amazon is now in a "period of grace", you see! It's because of this "Synod of the Amazon"! There's going to be "a mutual dialog among all the people of God"! Let us thank that same God that they didn't see fit to include "the various spiritual forces" in the dialog!
According to paragraph 30, this dialog "aligns with a journey that began with the (surprise!) the Second Vatican Council"! Taa-daa! As all progressives know, Church history just didn't exist before the Second Vatican Council! Prior to that, it was all triumphalist rubbish! All the saints, doctors of the Church, worldwide preaching of the Gospel, Our Lord's mission for the Church - fudget about it already! Yes, I am being sarcastic, but I fear my interpretation of paragraph 30 is a tad too accurate for comfort.
I understand that last evening's Democrat candidates' debate was quite a farce. So tell me - which is the most banal of the two? This document or the debates? Please opine in the com-boxes!
Please take a gander at this precious gem from paragraph 17:
"We are" what??!!? No, we are created in the image and likeness of God, with intellect and will. We are not just some hobgob of stuff from the material order. As far as this "cut the veins of our Mother Earth, that's a new one. The earth is not "our mother". It is, at best, silly to personify a planet. For the next several paragraphs one will read ad nauseum the most poetic bewailing of the supposed evils wrought by mankind against the environment. In other words, it's the quintessential envirowhacko screed.
The themes change a bit at paragraph 28. The Amazon is now in a "period of grace", you see! It's because of this "Synod of the Amazon"! There's going to be "a mutual dialog among all the people of God"! Let us thank that same God that they didn't see fit to include "the various spiritual forces" in the dialog!
According to paragraph 30, this dialog "aligns with a journey that began with the (surprise!) the Second Vatican Council"! Taa-daa! As all progressives know, Church history just didn't exist before the Second Vatican Council! Prior to that, it was all triumphalist rubbish! All the saints, doctors of the Church, worldwide preaching of the Gospel, Our Lord's mission for the Church - fudget about it already! Yes, I am being sarcastic, but I fear my interpretation of paragraph 30 is a tad too accurate for comfort.
I understand that last evening's Democrat candidates' debate was quite a farce. So tell me - which is the most banal of the two? This document or the debates? Please opine in the com-boxes!
Perversion Equals Satanic
Want proof? Behold! By the way - this occurred in a public library, funded in part by tax dollars.
Wednesday, June 26, 2019
Tuesday, June 25, 2019
The Gay Mafia In The MD/DC Church
Last week Archbishop Vigano revealed in an interview that while he was nuncio, he received numerous complaints regarding Msgr Walter Rossi, rector of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington DC. He allegedly preyed upon male students of the Catholic University of America, where the Shrine is located. The LifeSiteNews article details Rossi's connections with now-disgraced Bishop Bransfield, as well as McCarrick and Wuerl.
Archbishop Vigano made reference to George Neumayr. The latter wrote that Rossi suggested group sex to young men who rewarded those who submitted to him and persecuted those who didn't. Several years ago, Rossi had Neumayr's name and face put on some sort of Shrine security notice and barred him from the premise. No reason was ever given. While that action is allowable at civil law, it isn't allowable at canon law.
This past Sunday on the Feast of Corpus Christi, Neumayr attempted to attend Mass and participate in the Corpus Christi procession. He was spotted and ordered to leave. Church Militant tried to follow up with the Shrine staff. As a demonstration of what the Gay Mafia church really means by "transparency", the questions were stonewalled.
It's worth noting that now-disgraced Bishop Bransfield, embroiled in his own scandals, is a predecessor of Rossi's. Allegedly he's being investigated by Archbishop Lori. But Lori is a busy man - busy about the wrong things. He and many other left-wing prelates are actively trying to undermine President Trump's efforts to deport border crashers as we see from this piece on the Archdiocese of Baltimore's site.
Please take note of several details. First, through this "parish id program", we see that the archdiocese will be giving aid and comfort to those who are willfully flouting US immigration laws. Second, this Brooks woman is slandering the men and women of ICE, characterizing their efforts as "domestic terrorism". Because the ADB published her remarks with no disclaimer, we can logically assume that they partake in her guilt of slander. Father Lewandowski takes it a step further by blustering that ICE "has to go through me first". It must also be noted that Brooks is a member of BUILD (all in the blue shirts). A simple google search of them reveals that they are an affiliate of the Industrial Areas Foundation, founded by Saul Alinsky himself.
So there you have it. Lori is dealing with Bransfield. He continues to let Father Joseph Muth and his gay-rights cronies run amok at St Matthew's Church (I believe they marched in the Baltimore Pride parade again). So now he's thumping his chest over illegals? Or is he just hankering after some of those Catholic Charity dollars?
Right now things are looking rather sordid in the leadership of both the Archdioceses of Washington and Baltimore. We will keep you abreast as you keep the church in your prayers.
Archbishop Vigano made reference to George Neumayr. The latter wrote that Rossi suggested group sex to young men who rewarded those who submitted to him and persecuted those who didn't. Several years ago, Rossi had Neumayr's name and face put on some sort of Shrine security notice and barred him from the premise. No reason was ever given. While that action is allowable at civil law, it isn't allowable at canon law.
This past Sunday on the Feast of Corpus Christi, Neumayr attempted to attend Mass and participate in the Corpus Christi procession. He was spotted and ordered to leave. Church Militant tried to follow up with the Shrine staff. As a demonstration of what the Gay Mafia church really means by "transparency", the questions were stonewalled.
It's worth noting that now-disgraced Bishop Bransfield, embroiled in his own scandals, is a predecessor of Rossi's. Allegedly he's being investigated by Archbishop Lori. But Lori is a busy man - busy about the wrong things. He and many other left-wing prelates are actively trying to undermine President Trump's efforts to deport border crashers as we see from this piece on the Archdiocese of Baltimore's site.
Please take note of several details. First, through this "parish id program", we see that the archdiocese will be giving aid and comfort to those who are willfully flouting US immigration laws. Second, this Brooks woman is slandering the men and women of ICE, characterizing their efforts as "domestic terrorism". Because the ADB published her remarks with no disclaimer, we can logically assume that they partake in her guilt of slander. Father Lewandowski takes it a step further by blustering that ICE "has to go through me first". It must also be noted that Brooks is a member of BUILD (all in the blue shirts). A simple google search of them reveals that they are an affiliate of the Industrial Areas Foundation, founded by Saul Alinsky himself.
So there you have it. Lori is dealing with Bransfield. He continues to let Father Joseph Muth and his gay-rights cronies run amok at St Matthew's Church (I believe they marched in the Baltimore Pride parade again). So now he's thumping his chest over illegals? Or is he just hankering after some of those Catholic Charity dollars?
Right now things are looking rather sordid in the leadership of both the Archdioceses of Washington and Baltimore. We will keep you abreast as you keep the church in your prayers.
Sunday, June 23, 2019
He Refused To Kneel Again
Today, the Feast of Corpus Christi, Pope Francis refused to kneel again. See here.
Also today in Rome a 3.7 magnitude earthquake happened.
Coincidence? I think not!
Also today in Rome a 3.7 magnitude earthquake happened.
Coincidence? I think not!
Saturday, June 22, 2019
Washington Diocese! Boycott Peter's Pence Collection Tomorrow!
I trust by now you've seen my first account (along with those of others) of the latest insults being wrought against the Faith and the salvation of souls vis-a-vis the plans for the Amazon sin-nod this coming October. Below I'll post a video on the analysis done by Raymond Arroyo and friends. Complicit Clergy rightly suggests a boycott of the Peter's Pence collection. We should contribute directly to truly worthwhile charities and not risk one cent of our hard-earned money being used to promote devil-worship. They state that the collection is June 30. However, for the Archdiocese of Washington, that collection will happen tomorrow. Instead of money, please jot a note explaining why a contribution to Peter's Pence cannot be considered "supporting the work of the Church" as stipulated in the Six Precepts of the Church.
Friday, June 21, 2019
The Amazon Sin-Nod - Full Of Disaster
The USCCB circus is over, but the undermining of Holy Mother Church is continuing apace. A rather huge insult to the Faith will occur at an Extraordinary Synod of Bishops in the Amazon this coming October. Rorate Caeli has obtained the full English version of the Instrumentum Laboris of this thing. If you click on that square with the arrow pointing to the upper right corner, you'll be able to download it to your machines.
I've seen analyses of the thing and you might wish to read them. But do read the document yourselves. So far I've gotten through 13 paragraphs and already I see that it is chock-full of heresies. In many cases, the problems are what is not said. For instance, paragraph 11 starts by saying "Jesus offers life to the full", but says exactly zero-zip-nada about eternal life. The lack of mention of eternity is an implicit instruction to deny its reality and to belittle the importance of preparing for said life. In paragraphs 12 & 13, we see blather about the "good life" being about relationships between a whole plethora of things in no particular order; included in that is God and "various spiritual forces". Of course God is not given primacy of place in this thing. One wonders just what the hell are these "various spiritual forces"? Hint! There is a reason why I used the word "hell"in that sentence! These two paragraphs are noting short of an ode to pantheism and possibly devil worship.
Let's take a look at one of the driving forces behind this document. He is Bishop Erwin Krautler, prelate of Xingu. He wrote a large part of this document. LifeSiteNews has some disturbing revelations regarding his most un-Catholic beliefs. One of them has to do with conversion. He said "no longer is the fastest possible formal conversion to Christianity by baptism at the center of the Church’s work for the Indians, but an inculturation that asks which traces God also left in the natural religions." That's odd. At the end of Matthew's Gospel, we see Jesus commanding His apostles to baptize. I see nothing about "inculteration". Perhaps he thinks Jesus' commands are archaic (I'm NOT being facetious). Well, one of these delightful indigenous traditions is infanticide. What does he say about that? He wouldn't punish the murders but favors "convincing the people, with pastoral patience, that the culturally prescribed death of a child is anachronistic and undercuts their own strategy of life." Pastoral patience! Just what kind of "pastoral patience" would he practice if he came across one such murder occurring? Maybe we don't want to go there! Of course he favors married priests, for which the document shills.
Cardinal Burke sees the dangers and warns us of the relaxation of the discipline of continence for priests of the Amazon. He points out that bishops of Germany will petition the pope for the abolition of that discipline in Germany if he grants it for Amazon clergy. By the way - who else noticed that this prelate of Xingu has a German name?
Getting back to the pantheism and occult, we see thm being positively lauded in paragraph 75, where it says, "the family is where one learns to live in harmony, dialogue with the spirits". The Church positively forbids the dangerous practice of communicating with spirits. This is tantamount to spiritual suicide.
I will close this post, but will follow up with others as I read it and as others comment on the document. I urge my readers to study this thing for themselves, to educate themselves regarding the bile that is emanating from the Vatican these days. Just bear in mind that this is not a document worthy of the Catholic Church, but a pantheistic, envirowhacko screed.
Of course be lifting Holy Mother Church in prayer during your Rosaries.
I've seen analyses of the thing and you might wish to read them. But do read the document yourselves. So far I've gotten through 13 paragraphs and already I see that it is chock-full of heresies. In many cases, the problems are what is not said. For instance, paragraph 11 starts by saying "Jesus offers life to the full", but says exactly zero-zip-nada about eternal life. The lack of mention of eternity is an implicit instruction to deny its reality and to belittle the importance of preparing for said life. In paragraphs 12 & 13, we see blather about the "good life" being about relationships between a whole plethora of things in no particular order; included in that is God and "various spiritual forces". Of course God is not given primacy of place in this thing. One wonders just what the hell are these "various spiritual forces"? Hint! There is a reason why I used the word "hell"in that sentence! These two paragraphs are noting short of an ode to pantheism and possibly devil worship.
Let's take a look at one of the driving forces behind this document. He is Bishop Erwin Krautler, prelate of Xingu. He wrote a large part of this document. LifeSiteNews has some disturbing revelations regarding his most un-Catholic beliefs. One of them has to do with conversion. He said "no longer is the fastest possible formal conversion to Christianity by baptism at the center of the Church’s work for the Indians, but an inculturation that asks which traces God also left in the natural religions." That's odd. At the end of Matthew's Gospel, we see Jesus commanding His apostles to baptize. I see nothing about "inculteration". Perhaps he thinks Jesus' commands are archaic (I'm NOT being facetious). Well, one of these delightful indigenous traditions is infanticide. What does he say about that? He wouldn't punish the murders but favors "convincing the people, with pastoral patience, that the culturally prescribed death of a child is anachronistic and undercuts their own strategy of life." Pastoral patience! Just what kind of "pastoral patience" would he practice if he came across one such murder occurring? Maybe we don't want to go there! Of course he favors married priests, for which the document shills.
Cardinal Burke sees the dangers and warns us of the relaxation of the discipline of continence for priests of the Amazon. He points out that bishops of Germany will petition the pope for the abolition of that discipline in Germany if he grants it for Amazon clergy. By the way - who else noticed that this prelate of Xingu has a German name?
Getting back to the pantheism and occult, we see thm being positively lauded in paragraph 75, where it says, "the family is where one learns to live in harmony, dialogue with the spirits". The Church positively forbids the dangerous practice of communicating with spirits. This is tantamount to spiritual suicide.
I will close this post, but will follow up with others as I read it and as others comment on the document. I urge my readers to study this thing for themselves, to educate themselves regarding the bile that is emanating from the Vatican these days. Just bear in mind that this is not a document worthy of the Catholic Church, but a pantheistic, envirowhacko screed.
Of course be lifting Holy Mother Church in prayer during your Rosaries.
Tuesday, June 18, 2019
We Need More Of This Sort Of Action
Kudos to the members of "500 Moms Strong" and their supporters for taking a stand against perverts using our tax dollars to feed spiritual poison to our children. At the very least, they made the drag queens and their sycophants uncomfortable in their mortal sins.
Mount St Mary's Careens Towards Decadance
Last month we had to picket the commencement at Mount St. Mary's owing to the fawning that they heaped upon pro-abortion Mark Shriver. They have had other problems. Now, via their alumni magazine, they are formally cooperating with the mortal sin of sodomy as committed by two of their graduates.
Two Mount graduates, currently engaging in perversion, are about to make a mockery of the Sacrament of Matrimony. The Mount is assisting them in announcing their "engagement" just as they would the engagement of a man and woman.
The Church recognizes nine ways in which we can cooperate in sin, and thus partake in that sin. That cooperation can either be remote or proximate, formal or informal. I would think that printed praise of sodomy in their official publication is both formal and proximate cooperation in mortal sin on the part of Mount officials who instigated and allowed that praise. They most likely share in the guilt of the sins of sodomy and sacrilege committed by those two alumni.
The LifeSiteNews article has embedded therein a letter of protest from an alumna of the Mount. She spoke out against the sin, exercising the Spiritual Work of Mercy known as "rebuking the sinner". Now the question remains, "what will you and I do about it?" We do not have the moral option to just shrug our shoulders and ignore the matter.
Two Mount graduates, currently engaging in perversion, are about to make a mockery of the Sacrament of Matrimony. The Mount is assisting them in announcing their "engagement" just as they would the engagement of a man and woman.
The Church recognizes nine ways in which we can cooperate in sin, and thus partake in that sin. That cooperation can either be remote or proximate, formal or informal. I would think that printed praise of sodomy in their official publication is both formal and proximate cooperation in mortal sin on the part of Mount officials who instigated and allowed that praise. They most likely share in the guilt of the sins of sodomy and sacrilege committed by those two alumni.
The LifeSiteNews article has embedded therein a letter of protest from an alumna of the Mount. She spoke out against the sin, exercising the Spiritual Work of Mercy known as "rebuking the sinner". Now the question remains, "what will you and I do about it?" We do not have the moral option to just shrug our shoulders and ignore the matter.
Monday, June 17, 2019
A Monstrous Agenda Comes Into Focus
Today Michael Hichborn of Lepanto Institute outlined how Pope Francis is promoting goals espoused by communists. Hichborn focuses much on the so-called "sustainable development goals". I have published similar things on my blog, noting how the pope, in various documents, actually calls for one-world government and population control; the latter is code-talk for contraception and abortion.
Well, in order to advance a socialistic one-world government where the government is seen as the master that meets all needs, one must try to usurp the One True God and His Church. That is done effectively by undermining her teachings and traditions. We see today that the pope is taking pot-shots at priestly celibacy and tinkering with the order of Mass. We've seen how Amoris Laetitia insinuates the idea that adulterers can receive Holy Communion.
Of course, at the beginning of his papacy we saw his disregard for ceremonial traditions such as the papal slippers, the apartments, etc. Ladies and gentlemen, while these things seem minor, they are traditions that link the current occupant of Peter's chair to a legacy and responsibility that far transcends what might be his own preferences. Pope Francis thumbed his nose at these. Now we see that these so-called minor snubs were only precursors to much more dangerous problems.
I hope that by now, most thinking people have their eyes wide open. Let us pray and be prepared to speak out.
Well, in order to advance a socialistic one-world government where the government is seen as the master that meets all needs, one must try to usurp the One True God and His Church. That is done effectively by undermining her teachings and traditions. We see today that the pope is taking pot-shots at priestly celibacy and tinkering with the order of Mass. We've seen how Amoris Laetitia insinuates the idea that adulterers can receive Holy Communion.
Of course, at the beginning of his papacy we saw his disregard for ceremonial traditions such as the papal slippers, the apartments, etc. Ladies and gentlemen, while these things seem minor, they are traditions that link the current occupant of Peter's chair to a legacy and responsibility that far transcends what might be his own preferences. Pope Francis thumbed his nose at these. Now we see that these so-called minor snubs were only precursors to much more dangerous problems.
I hope that by now, most thinking people have their eyes wide open. Let us pray and be prepared to speak out.
The Vatican Mafia Takes Off Its Remaining Kid Gloves
First, click on the video to play the music. It will lend appropriate ambiance to the news that which I shall relate below the video.
In a manner that would do any Mafia don proud, the pope recently told his ambassadors not to criticize him "behind his back". No doubt he alluded to Archbishop Vigano, who tried to approach him personally (much like the dubia cardinals) but was ignored.
So what's with all this "collegiality" talk? Has his "bishop of Rome" schtick been a cheap public relations stunt? Probably so. It now appears that the pope is being more upfront about his real agenda. The lovable persona is being laid aside now and it has become more clear that he is implementing his real goals. The next post will discuss these.
In a manner that would do any Mafia don proud, the pope recently told his ambassadors not to criticize him "behind his back". No doubt he alluded to Archbishop Vigano, who tried to approach him personally (much like the dubia cardinals) but was ignored.
So what's with all this "collegiality" talk? Has his "bishop of Rome" schtick been a cheap public relations stunt? Probably so. It now appears that the pope is being more upfront about his real agenda. The lovable persona is being laid aside now and it has become more clear that he is implementing his real goals. The next post will discuss these.
Sunday, June 16, 2019
Thus End Another USCCB Dog And Pony Show
I concluded my previous post about the USCCB gab-fest with a question for which I believe we now have an answer, and a rather unsurprising one at that. With a handful of exceptions, they are about the deconstruction of the Faith, the transformation of the Church into a shill for "social justice", i.e. anti-God socialism. I won't analyze all the insults to the Faith that have just happened, lest I be here till doomsday doing all that. I will summarize.
Cardinal Cupich flat out tried to defend his utter disregard for Canon 915. His lame excuse? "Sanctions..don't change anybody's minds". Do you see what is completely omitted from his thinking? He disregards his responsibility to protect the Blessed Sacrament from sacrilege and to keep these unrepentant pro-aborts from burdening their souls with yet another mortal sin, that of sacrilege against the Blessed Sacrament.
The bishops ostensibly had as a major point of their agenda (the one that didn't even mention Jesus Christ) the mechanisms by which they purport to address the sex abuse crisis. If you're looking for a list of new and innovative actions that they'll be taking, there isn't any list for there are no real changes. The bishops will continue to police themselves. It's the same-old-same-old. Surprise!
Ah, but there is one change, one that will ensconce heresy into the American catechism. They are going to tweek it to refer to the pope's erroneous statement that the death penalty is "inadmissible". Nope! The Church, in her entire history, has always acknowledged that the death penalty is a legitimate means by which the state can protect its citizens. No pope can say what Tradition deemed right centuries ago is now a moral wrong. Make no mistake. This death penalty stunt is their chosen trial balloon. Since many good Catholics are adverse to it, the Vatican believes they will put up little resistance to this one little tinkering with Church teaching. They reason that if they can get away with this heresy, that the acceptance of other heresies will be easier to get faithful Catholics to swallow.
I guess they are implementing Hitler's addage: "If you repeat a lie often enough, they will believe it." Our job is to make sure that doesn't happen. I'm posting below a Vortex regarding the Church hierarchy and their attempt to continue the lies. Of course Church Militant isn't the lone organization pursuing truth. There are others, such as Lepanto Institute, Remnant TV, LifeSiteNews and quite a few others.
Cardinal Cupich flat out tried to defend his utter disregard for Canon 915. His lame excuse? "Sanctions..don't change anybody's minds". Do you see what is completely omitted from his thinking? He disregards his responsibility to protect the Blessed Sacrament from sacrilege and to keep these unrepentant pro-aborts from burdening their souls with yet another mortal sin, that of sacrilege against the Blessed Sacrament.
The bishops ostensibly had as a major point of their agenda (the one that didn't even mention Jesus Christ) the mechanisms by which they purport to address the sex abuse crisis. If you're looking for a list of new and innovative actions that they'll be taking, there isn't any list for there are no real changes. The bishops will continue to police themselves. It's the same-old-same-old. Surprise!
Ah, but there is one change, one that will ensconce heresy into the American catechism. They are going to tweek it to refer to the pope's erroneous statement that the death penalty is "inadmissible". Nope! The Church, in her entire history, has always acknowledged that the death penalty is a legitimate means by which the state can protect its citizens. No pope can say what Tradition deemed right centuries ago is now a moral wrong. Make no mistake. This death penalty stunt is their chosen trial balloon. Since many good Catholics are adverse to it, the Vatican believes they will put up little resistance to this one little tinkering with Church teaching. They reason that if they can get away with this heresy, that the acceptance of other heresies will be easier to get faithful Catholics to swallow.
I guess they are implementing Hitler's addage: "If you repeat a lie often enough, they will believe it." Our job is to make sure that doesn't happen. I'm posting below a Vortex regarding the Church hierarchy and their attempt to continue the lies. Of course Church Militant isn't the lone organization pursuing truth. There are others, such as Lepanto Institute, Remnant TV, LifeSiteNews and quite a few others.
Saturday, June 15, 2019
Faithful Catholics, Stop Sitting On Your Hands
The video below was posted by Randall Terry, reporting on his recent confrontations with rabidly pro-abortion CINO Joe Biden. As most know, Biden is one of quite a few pro-abortion Democrats (a redundancy) running for President. In his video, Terry states the reasons for his protest and encourages others to do the same.
As I watched this, I couldn't help but recall our action against Mark Shriver at Mount St Mary's last month. Of all the faithful Catholic laity that I know exist in Maryland, only nine of us showed up - me and eight young men from the American Society of Tradition, Family and Property. Now I realize that quite a few faithful Catholics were in front of abortuaries as they usually are on Saturday mornings. I speak not to them for they are in fact speaking against evil in other venues. They too find their numbers to be small.
I tried to drum up support for the Mount effort but at best the responses were "well, maybe". Those "well maybes" turned into no-shows. Ladies and gentlemen, please understand that while prayer is necessary and crucial, it is NOT sufficient. In fact, I daresay that if one prays for the culture of life but yet refuses to step out of his/her comfort zone to engage in street activism, political action or just speaking publicly, then his/her prayers aren't worth the spit produced in the utterances, for they value their comfort over God's will. It is they who need repentance as much as abortion supporters. If you are going to repent, don't just go to confession (although that's advisable) but get out of your comfort zones and do something. The next 40 Days campaign would be an excellent start. Now the video.
Friday, June 14, 2019
Useless Gabfest In Baltimore
Yes, the USCCB is having its semi-annual swanky gum-flap session in Baltimore as I type this. I just learned this a few days ago; usually their November meeting is in Baltimore and their June meeting is elsewhere in the country. I wonder what prompted this venue switch?
At any rate they are in Baltimore and they are trying to carry on as though it's business as usual. There are rumblings of some common sense - not much, but not non-existent. Bishop Robert Baker of Birminghan noted that in the "strategic priorities" and "emphasis areas" documents that were distributed to the bishops contained not one mention of the name of Jesus Christ. Oh, pish-posh! How neo-pelagean of him! Is Bishop Baker clinging to ashes of the past? Goodness! Enough sarcasm. Bishop Baker is correct. They are bishops of the One True Church founded by Jesus Christ. How can it be that a key document of an ostensibly Catholic gathering doesn't once mention the words "Jesus Christ"? Anyway, Bishop Baker's point received no acknowledgment from Archbishop Vigneron.
Likewise ignored was Bishop Strickland, when he stated that the bishops needed to hold CINO pro-abortion politicians accountable. Again, the response to his point was crickets. In reality, I think some of these prelates were seething at him for he politely called out their boot-licking for what it is.
So here we have it. Two bishops made rather modest suggestions on how the US bishops could actually act as bishops, and the response to both was crickets. They also had no word of rebuke for Cardinal Wuerl, who was caught lying multiple times. So just what are they jabber-jawing about in Baltimore anyway? For what are they squandering thousands of dollars this week?
At any rate they are in Baltimore and they are trying to carry on as though it's business as usual. There are rumblings of some common sense - not much, but not non-existent. Bishop Robert Baker of Birminghan noted that in the "strategic priorities" and "emphasis areas" documents that were distributed to the bishops contained not one mention of the name of Jesus Christ. Oh, pish-posh! How neo-pelagean of him! Is Bishop Baker clinging to ashes of the past? Goodness! Enough sarcasm. Bishop Baker is correct. They are bishops of the One True Church founded by Jesus Christ. How can it be that a key document of an ostensibly Catholic gathering doesn't once mention the words "Jesus Christ"? Anyway, Bishop Baker's point received no acknowledgment from Archbishop Vigneron.
Likewise ignored was Bishop Strickland, when he stated that the bishops needed to hold CINO pro-abortion politicians accountable. Again, the response to his point was crickets. In reality, I think some of these prelates were seething at him for he politely called out their boot-licking for what it is.
So here we have it. Two bishops made rather modest suggestions on how the US bishops could actually act as bishops, and the response to both was crickets. They also had no word of rebuke for Cardinal Wuerl, who was caught lying multiple times. So just what are they jabber-jawing about in Baltimore anyway? For what are they squandering thousands of dollars this week?
Monday, June 10, 2019
Five Prelates Issue Declaration Of Truths To Counter Common Heresies
Some of the heresies being addressed have been ginned up by Pope Francis. The five prelates are:
- Cardinal Raymond Burke
- Cardinal Janis Pujats
- Archbishop Tomash Peta
- Archbishop Jan Pawel Lenga
- Bishop Athanasius Schneider
LifeSiteNews links to the official Declaration, as well as a petition to be signed in support of these five prelates. Church Militant also has commentary. It can be asked "where are the rest of the prelates of the Church?" Well, consider that many of these prelates are not merely cowards, but they have drawn their long knives against these five prelates (and other faithful bishops such as Bishop Paprocki).
At any rate, we welcome this news as we learn that Pope Francis et al have all but wiped out another traditional order of sisters, these being the Little Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Redeemer. Most have been relieved of their vows for not bowing to the modernistic dictates of Sister Mary Pantsuit. Of course that's not her real name; I don't know it and that's just as well, I suppose.
So how did these sisters find themselves in progressive cross-hairs? Well, among their high crimes and misdemeanors they engaged in (Wait for it! This is an exact quote) "too much prayer", and being "unmoving" in fidelity to their order's charism.
The pope also let loose at Italy's Interior Minister Matteo Salvini because the latter is enforcing common-sense immigration policies. The pope went so far as to compare him to Cain murdering Abel. The pope both insulted and slandered Salvini.
I and many others pray that this latest Declaration of Truth will wake some people up regarding the evil that has overtaken the Vatican.
Thursday, June 6, 2019
Support Bishop Paprocki
Pro-abortion CINO's in the Illinois state legislature are working to pass an extremely deadly abortion-rights bill. Bishop Thomas Paprocki has decreed that those CINO's may not receive Holy Communion in his diocese; he singled out by name the Illinois Senate President and the Speaker of the House. Moreover he ordered his priests not to give them Holy Communion, should they dare present themselves for it.
Note what just happened. Paprocki invoked Canon 916 when he directed that the pro-abortions not present for Holy Communion. Canon 916 speaks to the laity. This is not the first time I've heard bishops make this proclamation. It is, however, the first time that I've heard a bishop order his priests to deny Holy Communion to pro-aborts. This is Canon 915, that speaks to the ministers of Holy Communion. Correction: Several decades ago, Bishop Rene Gracida, then bishop of Corpus Christi, put some pro-aborts under interdict.
As one can imagine, Bishop Paprocki is taking a lot of heat for his proclamation. I daresay that a good portion of that heat might be coming from brother bishops. Let's sign this petition to publicly support this bishop for acting like a bishop. We pray that others follow suit.
Note what just happened. Paprocki invoked Canon 916 when he directed that the pro-abortions not present for Holy Communion. Canon 916 speaks to the laity. This is not the first time I've heard bishops make this proclamation. It is, however, the first time that I've heard a bishop order his priests to deny Holy Communion to pro-aborts. This is Canon 915, that speaks to the ministers of Holy Communion. Correction: Several decades ago, Bishop Rene Gracida, then bishop of Corpus Christi, put some pro-aborts under interdict.
As one can imagine, Bishop Paprocki is taking a lot of heat for his proclamation. I daresay that a good portion of that heat might be coming from brother bishops. Let's sign this petition to publicly support this bishop for acting like a bishop. We pray that others follow suit.
Wednesday, June 5, 2019
Gay-Pandering In The Catholic Church
Almost three years ago I wrote this post regarding gay-pandering David Haas. Today it is still quite relevant, if not more so now than then. LifeSiteNews captured a screen shot of his facebook page, in which he announced, and I quote, "For Pride Month, last night I composed a Taize’-like (ostinato) refrain, based on Psalm 139, 13-14". In other words, he twisted Sacred Scripture to celebrate the mortal sin of sodomy. It seems like the distortion of Scripture is quite the fad these days in progressive circles, but I digress.
That post has been deleted (I wonder why!), but there remains this gem from Fr James Martin that he shared to his wall. Unfortunately he is not the only one who slobbers over James Martin. On Good Friday of 2017, Wuerl invited Martin to preach on Good Friday at St Matthew's Cathedral. Later he was invited to lecture at the Theological College at Catholic University; faithful Catholics were successful in putting the kibosh on that debacle; read here. Under Archbishop Gregory, we have indications that we can only expect more gay-pandering, as he did in the Archdiocese of Atlanta. I wonder if we can expect gay propaganda now in the Catholic Standard. If so, they will hear from us.
For now, I'd suggest that faithful music directors expunge David Haas from their repertoires. If that doesn't happen, faithful Catholics should simply refuse to sing his dribble.
That post has been deleted (I wonder why!), but there remains this gem from Fr James Martin that he shared to his wall. Unfortunately he is not the only one who slobbers over James Martin. On Good Friday of 2017, Wuerl invited Martin to preach on Good Friday at St Matthew's Cathedral. Later he was invited to lecture at the Theological College at Catholic University; faithful Catholics were successful in putting the kibosh on that debacle; read here. Under Archbishop Gregory, we have indications that we can only expect more gay-pandering, as he did in the Archdiocese of Atlanta. I wonder if we can expect gay propaganda now in the Catholic Standard. If so, they will hear from us.
For now, I'd suggest that faithful music directors expunge David Haas from their repertoires. If that doesn't happen, faithful Catholics should simply refuse to sing his dribble.
Tuesday, June 4, 2019
The Lord's Prayer - An Ash Of The Past???
A few days ago, the pope returned from Romania on a plane. Yes, a plane! As we are all aware by now, the pope, planes and interviews are recipes for disasters and this was no different. The cabin oxygen must have dipped as he said that "fundamentalists" want to return to "ashes of the past" and said also that " not the container of ashes". Then he carried on about "future".
The Church is called upon to preserve and proclaim Tradition for therein lies the timeless Teachings of Jesus Christ. God's word is timeless as is Our Lord Himself. God is not bound in time. He does not change over time for God does not change. Neither does His word. Neither does Tradition. It is only common sense to understand that.
It's quite possible that the pope uttered that tripe not only as an insult to faithful Catholics, but to pave the way for his tinkering with both the Lord's Prayer and the Gloria. Understand that both were originally uttered by Our Lord Himself and angels respectively. It takes an unbelievable amount of hubris to edit the words of Our Lord Himself. What? Are we to believe that Jesus misspoke when He said "lead us not into temptation"? What's that? A misunderstanding in English? Ain't it funny how the Church got the English wrong for hundreds of years! Goodness! How did the Church ever struggle along without progressives "enlightening" it? Likewise the angelic hosts must have stumbled over their words when they proclaimed that first Gloria.
In two or three months, what else about Sacred Scripture will be considered an "ash of the past"? Will it be the teachings on hell and the final judgment? How about Paul's admonishments regarding sodomy? Who knows?
I do know this. Should this bastardization of the Lord's Prayer be promulgated in US parishes, I will VERY LOUDLY recite the Lord's Prayer as He uttered it. I hope I will not be alone, should it come to that. You can put that in your pipe and smoke it, for anyone interested in ashes. So dear US bishops, if you want to avoid that, then "lead me not into temptation".
The Church is called upon to preserve and proclaim Tradition for therein lies the timeless Teachings of Jesus Christ. God's word is timeless as is Our Lord Himself. God is not bound in time. He does not change over time for God does not change. Neither does His word. Neither does Tradition. It is only common sense to understand that.
It's quite possible that the pope uttered that tripe not only as an insult to faithful Catholics, but to pave the way for his tinkering with both the Lord's Prayer and the Gloria. Understand that both were originally uttered by Our Lord Himself and angels respectively. It takes an unbelievable amount of hubris to edit the words of Our Lord Himself. What? Are we to believe that Jesus misspoke when He said "lead us not into temptation"? What's that? A misunderstanding in English? Ain't it funny how the Church got the English wrong for hundreds of years! Goodness! How did the Church ever struggle along without progressives "enlightening" it? Likewise the angelic hosts must have stumbled over their words when they proclaimed that first Gloria.
In two or three months, what else about Sacred Scripture will be considered an "ash of the past"? Will it be the teachings on hell and the final judgment? How about Paul's admonishments regarding sodomy? Who knows?
I do know this. Should this bastardization of the Lord's Prayer be promulgated in US parishes, I will VERY LOUDLY recite the Lord's Prayer as He uttered it. I hope I will not be alone, should it come to that. You can put that in your pipe and smoke it, for anyone interested in ashes. So dear US bishops, if you want to avoid that, then "lead me not into temptation".
Monday, June 3, 2019
Vigano Vindicated - Pope, Wuerl, McCarrick Lied
Owing to other matters that required attention (e.g., the Rob Schenck betrayal, Bishop Tobin's heroism and subsequent cowardice), I haven't given this latest development its due. I trust that other sources have filled in some gaps, but will now add my commentary, as Wuerl and McCarrick were, at one time, my bishops.
Msgr Anthony Figueiredo, a former aide to then Archbishop McCarrick while in New Jersey, published details of correspondence that confirms the revelations by Archbishop Vigano. As you'll read, McCarrick acknowledged the restrictions placed on him in 2008.
I will now digress into an important aside. Readers of my blog in June of 2010, shortly after Sr. Carol Keehan influenced the passage of the Obama Hell Bill, will recall that we picketed her appearance at the commencement exercises of Gonzaga High School in DC. I took video of that picket. I ask you to watch the confrontation between one of my colleagues and ... Cardinal McCarrick!. This event happened in 2010, well after he was informed that he was not permitted to make such public appearances! At that time we had no idea that he was under those sanctions. Only now do we know that not only was his appearance with Keehan its own scandal, but it was also an act of direct disobedience to Pope Benedict XVI!
Now let's get back to the current situation. In the correspondence, we see that McCarrick knew he had to change residences. He mentioned that Wuerl was assisting him in that matter. So Wuerl knew of the restrictions and allowed McCarrick to gallivant wherever he pleased. He joined in the defiance against Pope Benedict XVI.
George Weigel related how Vigano informed him on several occasions, going back to 2013, that he told Pope Francis about McCarrick and his abuse of young men, seminarians and priests. In the wake of the pope's denials of these conversations, Weigel said he didn't believe that Vigano was making it up. This comes several days after which the pope flat-out denied knowing anything about McCarrick - a claim that Vigano calls a lie. Now for other commentary...
Msgr Anthony Figueiredo, a former aide to then Archbishop McCarrick while in New Jersey, published details of correspondence that confirms the revelations by Archbishop Vigano. As you'll read, McCarrick acknowledged the restrictions placed on him in 2008.
I will now digress into an important aside. Readers of my blog in June of 2010, shortly after Sr. Carol Keehan influenced the passage of the Obama Hell Bill, will recall that we picketed her appearance at the commencement exercises of Gonzaga High School in DC. I took video of that picket. I ask you to watch the confrontation between one of my colleagues and ... Cardinal McCarrick!. This event happened in 2010, well after he was informed that he was not permitted to make such public appearances! At that time we had no idea that he was under those sanctions. Only now do we know that not only was his appearance with Keehan its own scandal, but it was also an act of direct disobedience to Pope Benedict XVI!
Now let's get back to the current situation. In the correspondence, we see that McCarrick knew he had to change residences. He mentioned that Wuerl was assisting him in that matter. So Wuerl knew of the restrictions and allowed McCarrick to gallivant wherever he pleased. He joined in the defiance against Pope Benedict XVI.
George Weigel related how Vigano informed him on several occasions, going back to 2013, that he told Pope Francis about McCarrick and his abuse of young men, seminarians and priests. In the wake of the pope's denials of these conversations, Weigel said he didn't believe that Vigano was making it up. This comes several days after which the pope flat-out denied knowing anything about McCarrick - a claim that Vigano calls a lie. Now for other commentary...
Sunday, June 2, 2019
More Proof That Liberalism Leads To Mortal Sin - Amended At Bottom
As faithful Catholics know, June is the month dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus - the Heart that was pierced with a lance after Jesus died on the cross. Regrettably it is also the month in which gays hold parades in major cities, transforming the streets into venues for debauched orgies with all kinds of filthy perversions being celebrated.
Father James Martin, in the tweet below, shows his true colors by lauding public displays of mortal sin instead of calling the perpetrators to repentance and conversion. I'm not surprised by this. What caught my eye, though, is the tweet below that from Rebecca Bratten-Weiss, co-founder of the Non-Pro-Life Mutation. She too believes that mortal sins of perversion should be publicly displayed so our society can continue to spiral down the sewer. Below hers is my tweet; we'll see how long that stays on Martin's twitter page. This is just another reason why this fake "New Pro-Life Movement" should be avoided like the plague that it is. If there are any honest pro-life people still associated with that thing, get out now while you still have mental clarity left, lest you end up supporting baby-murder and sodomy.
I am happy to point out that Bishop Thomas Tobin (not to be confused with Joseph "nighty-night baby" Cardinal Tobin) put out a tweet reminding faithful Catholics that they are not to support the pride-orgies in any way, shape, fashion or form. As you can imagine, he is receiving all kinds of vile comments. Please go to that tweet and post supportive replies to him. Now where are his brother bishops? Bishop Strickland has supported him, but where, oh where, are the rest?
SAD ADDENDUM: It appears that Bishop Tobin might be backpeddling on his tweet. Please read this from his diocesan site. Look at the last paragraph. How in hell can a rally to celebrate debauchery and sin ever be a "safe, positive and productive experience for all"???? Bishop Tobin, please put some calcium in your spine. Actually, I hope that this blurb is attributable to some diocesan employee who tampered with the diocesan site without the bishop's authorization.
Father James Martin, in the tweet below, shows his true colors by lauding public displays of mortal sin instead of calling the perpetrators to repentance and conversion. I'm not surprised by this. What caught my eye, though, is the tweet below that from Rebecca Bratten-Weiss, co-founder of the Non-Pro-Life Mutation. She too believes that mortal sins of perversion should be publicly displayed so our society can continue to spiral down the sewer. Below hers is my tweet; we'll see how long that stays on Martin's twitter page. This is just another reason why this fake "New Pro-Life Movement" should be avoided like the plague that it is. If there are any honest pro-life people still associated with that thing, get out now while you still have mental clarity left, lest you end up supporting baby-murder and sodomy.
To all my many #LGBTQ friends, Catholic and otherwise: Happy #PrideMonth Be proud of your God-given dignity, of the gifts God has given you, of your place in the world, and of your many contributions to the church. For you are "wonderfully made" by God (Ps 139). #PrideMonth2019— James Martin, SJ (@JamesMartinSJ) June 1, 2019
Why not both?— R Bratten Weiss (@Prof_RBW) June 2, 2019
Note: the above are actual tweets. If they should (ahem!) "disappear, I'll replace these with screen shots that I have of these.Because the gay lifestyle is mortally sinful. If you don't understand that, it's no wonder that you were kicked out of Steubenville.— Janet M Baker (@MDDC_Catholic) June 2, 2019
I am happy to point out that Bishop Thomas Tobin (not to be confused with Joseph "nighty-night baby" Cardinal Tobin) put out a tweet reminding faithful Catholics that they are not to support the pride-orgies in any way, shape, fashion or form. As you can imagine, he is receiving all kinds of vile comments. Please go to that tweet and post supportive replies to him. Now where are his brother bishops? Bishop Strickland has supported him, but where, oh where, are the rest?
A reminder that Catholics should not support or attend LGBTQ “Pride Month” events held in June. They promote a culture and encourage activities that are contrary to Catholic faith and morals. They are especially harmful for children.— Bishop Thomas Tobin (@ThomasJTobin1) June 1, 2019
Thanks for speaking up Bishop Tobin....let us be mighty loving messengers of truth and light in Jesus Christ— Bishop J. Strickland (@Bishopoftyler) June 2, 2019
SAD ADDENDUM: It appears that Bishop Tobin might be backpeddling on his tweet. Please read this from his diocesan site. Look at the last paragraph. How in hell can a rally to celebrate debauchery and sin ever be a "safe, positive and productive experience for all"???? Bishop Tobin, please put some calcium in your spine. Actually, I hope that this blurb is attributable to some diocesan employee who tampered with the diocesan site without the bishop's authorization.
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