Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Venerable Fulton Sheen On Signs Of Our Times

Consider that he gave this talk in 1947.  He might as well have given it yesterday.


  1. Yes, you are so right! Thanks for this, and God bless you and your family.

  2. What a PROPHET he was for our time. He spelled out EXACTLY what we are now living through. Bishop Sheen, PRAY FOR US!!!

  3. Great speech until he gets to that last part about aligning ourselves with Prots and Jews. That part reeked of the false ecumenism of V-2. Presently the vast majority of mainstream Protestant and Jewish denominations all support abortion rights and all LGBTQ agenda demands.

    Seattle kim

    1. At the time Sheen recorded that clip (1947), they didn't support abortion and LGTBTQ didn't even exist. Their doctrines were off, but the morality was still somewhat solid. Sheen did differentiate between joining them in the pews versus joining them informally and in social endeavors. Vatican II was still nearly 20 years in the future.

    2. I understand what you're saying, but they supported contraception and divorce and remarriage by that time. They were at least that tainted.

      And why ally yourself with Jews whose Talmud teaches that Mary got knocked up by a Roman soldier , that Jesus was a wizard and that Jesus is now boiling in human excrement in hell?
      The Novus Ordo liturgy contains a small passage from the Talmud. I guess that's not really too surprising.

      Seattle kim


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