Several years ago it was quite apparent that the Vatican, with direction of Pope Francis and deal-brokering by former Cardinal McCarrick, abdicated its responsibility to select bishops who would truly look after Chinese Catholics. At the time, it wasn't clear just what the Vatican hoped to gain by selling the Chinese Catholics down the river. In retrospect, we, at least I, failed to consider the most logical and obvious motive of them all - money to the tune of $2billion per year. I post now a report from Church Militant giving more details.
A few days ago President Trump signed into law the Uyghur Human Rights Policy Act, designed to combat human rights violations in Red China. Consider that Pope Francis and Theodore McCarrick paved the way for the multiplication of human rights abuses for the price of $2 billion. Small wonder why God has sent judgment upon us. Pray and intercede for God's mercy - and cut off contributions to the dioceses and the USCCB.
Monday, June 29, 2020
Archbishop Gregory's Freudian Slip, Tobin Allowing LGTB Mass
LifeSiteNews alerts us that when Archbishop Gregory tried to link the pro-life movement with the BLM version of "racial justice", that he uttered a major blooper. He opined that a person's human dignity begins at birth. To his dubious credit, he at least allows that, as opposed to VA governor Northam, who favors allowing born babies to die if they survive abortion attempts. However, from bishops, we'd expect that they would acknowledge that our personhood and dignity starts the moment that our father's sprem fertilized our mother's ovum.
Archbishop Gregory's like-minded colleague, Cardinal Joseph "nighty-night-baby" Tobin again allowed Our Lady of Grace Church in Hoboken NJ to conduct a sacrilegious "LGTB pride mass". I have blogged quite a bit on Tobin's aiding and abetting the gay-perverted lifestyle, along with his own keeping of a gay male "actor" in his rectory.
Like pesky flies these scandals just don't stop bombarding us. I and others reiterate these to keep in mind that these events are not how the Church is to be led. They are serious aberations, not to be accepted but to be denounced and protested.
Archbishop Gregory's like-minded colleague, Cardinal Joseph "nighty-night-baby" Tobin again allowed Our Lady of Grace Church in Hoboken NJ to conduct a sacrilegious "LGTB pride mass". I have blogged quite a bit on Tobin's aiding and abetting the gay-perverted lifestyle, along with his own keeping of a gay male "actor" in his rectory.
Like pesky flies these scandals just don't stop bombarding us. I and others reiterate these to keep in mind that these events are not how the Church is to be led. They are serious aberations, not to be accepted but to be denounced and protested.
Friday, June 26, 2020
Cathoic Charities CEO Botches Incarnation, Supports BLM
(HT - One Mad Mom)
Here we have the CEO of Catholic Charities of Eastern Washington outright saying that because he is a white person, he is a racist, and then links his alleged "racism" with the fact that he is white. Well, the automatic linkage of "racism" to Caucasian heritage is itself racist, so I will concede his own self-diagnosis. Then comes the theological pronouncement at the 2:30 mark, when he says "our Catholic faith tradition was built on the premise that a baby born in a manger in the middle east was a white baby". And to think that for over two thousand years, the Apostles, evangelists, Doctors of the Church, saints, etc got it all wrong, thinking that Jesus was God incarnate, without that toxic whiteness dawning on them even for an instant! Silly bumpkins, we are! How did western civilization ever survive without the sage wisdom of Rob McCann?
Then his states that "Catholic Charites supports Black Lives Matter" at the 5:00 mark. Please check out the video linked in the previous post, where a BLM founder acknowledges the Marxist underpinnings of the BLM. For that matter, check out BLM's own webpage.
I would think that not only Catholic Charities is supporting a Marxist, violence-spewing organization that is Black Lives Matter, but so is the rest of the vipers' den that is the USCCB. Watch the video below.
A note to Catholic Charities trolls: any thoughts you have towards taking down this embarrassment of a video are understandable, albeit dishonest. Don't bother, we've archived it, and any removal will only incriminate you further as conniving fools.
Here we have the CEO of Catholic Charities of Eastern Washington outright saying that because he is a white person, he is a racist, and then links his alleged "racism" with the fact that he is white. Well, the automatic linkage of "racism" to Caucasian heritage is itself racist, so I will concede his own self-diagnosis. Then comes the theological pronouncement at the 2:30 mark, when he says "our Catholic faith tradition was built on the premise that a baby born in a manger in the middle east was a white baby". And to think that for over two thousand years, the Apostles, evangelists, Doctors of the Church, saints, etc got it all wrong, thinking that Jesus was God incarnate, without that toxic whiteness dawning on them even for an instant! Silly bumpkins, we are! How did western civilization ever survive without the sage wisdom of Rob McCann?
Then his states that "Catholic Charites supports Black Lives Matter" at the 5:00 mark. Please check out the video linked in the previous post, where a BLM founder acknowledges the Marxist underpinnings of the BLM. For that matter, check out BLM's own webpage.
I would think that not only Catholic Charities is supporting a Marxist, violence-spewing organization that is Black Lives Matter, but so is the rest of the vipers' den that is the USCCB. Watch the video below.
A note to Catholic Charities trolls: any thoughts you have towards taking down this embarrassment of a video are understandable, albeit dishonest. Don't bother, we've archived it, and any removal will only incriminate you further as conniving fools.
Some Interesting Interviews
A few days ago, Raymond Arroyo interviewed President Trump on the White House porch, touching on a number of topics. Salient points are discussed. One objection that I have to his to-date lack of intervention in the rioting and mayhem is that he did say he would invoke the Insurrection Act. Why has he not done so? I for one hold bluffing to be unacceptable; one must be true to their word at all costs.
Also interviewed was Patresse Cullers, one of the founders of Black Lives Matter. The embedded video catches her in clearly stating that she and her comrades are marxist-trained.
So now we have solid basis to hold that the CHAZ-CHOP-whatever takeover of Seattle is a Marxist insurrection, done with the permission, if not cooperation, of the leftwing government of both Seattle and the State of Washington. There is violence in that compound. Now that one victim has died because the BLM and Antifa brats wouldn't let ambulances get to him, the mayor is talking of ending their little orgy. We'll see if she follows through or if she was simply trying to put on a tough face.
Also interviewed was Patresse Cullers, one of the founders of Black Lives Matter. The embedded video catches her in clearly stating that she and her comrades are marxist-trained.
So now we have solid basis to hold that the CHAZ-CHOP-whatever takeover of Seattle is a Marxist insurrection, done with the permission, if not cooperation, of the leftwing government of both Seattle and the State of Washington. There is violence in that compound. Now that one victim has died because the BLM and Antifa brats wouldn't let ambulances get to him, the mayor is talking of ending their little orgy. We'll see if she follows through or if she was simply trying to put on a tough face.
Monday, June 22, 2020
Progressive Bishops Continue To Mow Down Faithful Priests And Laity
Many of the nation's bishops have adopted two golden calves as objects of worship. These two are: 1) the normalization and even exaltation of every manner of sexual perversion and 2) all attempts by Antifa, Black Lives Matter, etc to erase every vestige of western culture and, by extension, Christianity. Many years ago when my eyes were just opening up to the evils plaguing society, I thought the bishops were just being timid when they did not lead the charge against these evils. Now I realize, to my sadness, that they are in fact actively defending and even promoting these evils, often with swift ruthlessness.
I certainly saw it in my own parish during Lent of 2012, when Father Marcel Guarnizo was swiftly ejected from the Archdiocese of Washington for refusing Holy Communion to a flaming lesbian. Cardinal Wuerl and then-Auxiliary Bishop Knestout didn't even put on the pretense of an investigation. The summarily expelled him. In light of more recent revelations concering both Cardinal Wuerl and then-Cardinal McCarrick, who still resided in the ADW at the time, I wonder if they were trying to prevent an expose of their own antics.
Errant prelates still continue to punish the priests in their charge who are actually acting like priests.
Father Daniel Maloney was chaplain at Massachusetts Institute of Technology when he openly questioned the wisdom of making a de facto martyr out of George Floyd, and if racism really was a factor in his murder. I too have been raising that question. The video leaves little room for doubt that Floyd was murdered. However, not all murders are motivated by racism. Was his? Maybe, maybe not. The prudent, rational course of action would be to await a professional, thorough investigation into the incident before pronouncing judgment, one way or the other. For daring to question what is obviously the politically correct stance on the matter, Cardinal Sean O'Malley committed a sin of rash judgment against Father Maloney in rebuking him and "asking" - ordering - his resignation. One Mad Mom posted the entirety of the "offending" email in her piece. Read it. Where, oh where, is the offense in that? The comments section of her piece is also worth a read.
Let's shift attention to Texas and to Father Clay Hunt, who serves as chaplain for the prison ministry of the Archdiocese of San Antonio. He is being punished for reaffirming the church's teachings on homosexuality. Bexar County officials issued a proclamation recognizing June 29, 2019 as "Pride is Bigger Than Texas Day". Father Hunt publicly called them out for contradicting God's commands. Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller has removed Father's faculties to offer public Mass. Father Hun't sister is trying to raise funds via gofundme for a canonical lawyer to defend him.
Now let's go to Lexington, Kentucky where Bishop John Stowe is celebrating "gay pride month" and actually apologized for the Church's obedience to Jesus Christ regarding the intrinsic evil of homosexuality. Yes, he really said that and the video is embedded in the LifeSiteNews piece. This is clearly a blind shepherd leading blind sinners to hell. Giving comfort to mortal sinners as they commit mortal sin is itself seriously sinful. We saw the same thing with Archbishop Gregory when he went on record praising the dissident group Fortunate Families.
By the way - if the name "Stowe" and "Kentucky" rings a bell, it's for good reason. He is one of the Kentucky bishops who attacked the Covington boys after they were accosted by the activist. He's also affiliated with the Association of US Catholic Priests, an organized cabal of dissident clergy.
Stowe is affiliated with a bunch called "Association of US Catholic Priests", AUSCP for short. As you can see from their web page, those initials might as well stand for "American Union of Socialist Catholic Priests". Look at their pet causes: racism, climate change, death penalty, women priests,etc. Odd! I see nothing regarding the death penalty for unborn infants! By the way, watch that video featuring Fr McAleenan. Yes, he is a priest despite manner of dress. Frankly, I think it's just as well that these progressives don't wear clerics for they certainly don't talk as real priests. He admits that the younger priests aren't enthralled with the "social gospel", owing to the influence of Pope Francis' two most recent predecessors. But according to McAleenan, Jesus' mission was all about "healing" and "being registered to vote", yada-yada, nothing about redemption from sin, eternal salvation, sacraments, etc. Of course they are trash-talking Archbishop Vigano.
Church Militant highlighted one good bishop this week, Bishop Daniel Thomas of Toledo. He formalized the excommunication of Beverly Bingle, who went through a mock ordination and is now pretending to offer bogus "sacraments". She is being coddled by AUSCP. AUSCP is headquartered in Thomas' diocese. He is warning his priests and the Catholics in his diocese to stay away from AUSCP.
I know there are some who think the nation's bishops were simply playing the cowards in the face of governmental orders to cut off their congregations from sacramental graces. Truth be told, I think those orders fit in quite nicely with their attempts to remake the Church into an arm of the New World Order.
I certainly saw it in my own parish during Lent of 2012, when Father Marcel Guarnizo was swiftly ejected from the Archdiocese of Washington for refusing Holy Communion to a flaming lesbian. Cardinal Wuerl and then-Auxiliary Bishop Knestout didn't even put on the pretense of an investigation. The summarily expelled him. In light of more recent revelations concering both Cardinal Wuerl and then-Cardinal McCarrick, who still resided in the ADW at the time, I wonder if they were trying to prevent an expose of their own antics.
Errant prelates still continue to punish the priests in their charge who are actually acting like priests.
Father Daniel Maloney was chaplain at Massachusetts Institute of Technology when he openly questioned the wisdom of making a de facto martyr out of George Floyd, and if racism really was a factor in his murder. I too have been raising that question. The video leaves little room for doubt that Floyd was murdered. However, not all murders are motivated by racism. Was his? Maybe, maybe not. The prudent, rational course of action would be to await a professional, thorough investigation into the incident before pronouncing judgment, one way or the other. For daring to question what is obviously the politically correct stance on the matter, Cardinal Sean O'Malley committed a sin of rash judgment against Father Maloney in rebuking him and "asking" - ordering - his resignation. One Mad Mom posted the entirety of the "offending" email in her piece. Read it. Where, oh where, is the offense in that? The comments section of her piece is also worth a read.
Let's shift attention to Texas and to Father Clay Hunt, who serves as chaplain for the prison ministry of the Archdiocese of San Antonio. He is being punished for reaffirming the church's teachings on homosexuality. Bexar County officials issued a proclamation recognizing June 29, 2019 as "Pride is Bigger Than Texas Day". Father Hunt publicly called them out for contradicting God's commands. Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller has removed Father's faculties to offer public Mass. Father Hun't sister is trying to raise funds via gofundme for a canonical lawyer to defend him.
Now let's go to Lexington, Kentucky where Bishop John Stowe is celebrating "gay pride month" and actually apologized for the Church's obedience to Jesus Christ regarding the intrinsic evil of homosexuality. Yes, he really said that and the video is embedded in the LifeSiteNews piece. This is clearly a blind shepherd leading blind sinners to hell. Giving comfort to mortal sinners as they commit mortal sin is itself seriously sinful. We saw the same thing with Archbishop Gregory when he went on record praising the dissident group Fortunate Families.
By the way - if the name "Stowe" and "Kentucky" rings a bell, it's for good reason. He is one of the Kentucky bishops who attacked the Covington boys after they were accosted by the activist. He's also affiliated with the Association of US Catholic Priests, an organized cabal of dissident clergy.
Stowe is affiliated with a bunch called "Association of US Catholic Priests", AUSCP for short. As you can see from their web page, those initials might as well stand for "American Union of Socialist Catholic Priests". Look at their pet causes: racism, climate change, death penalty, women priests,etc. Odd! I see nothing regarding the death penalty for unborn infants! By the way, watch that video featuring Fr McAleenan. Yes, he is a priest despite manner of dress. Frankly, I think it's just as well that these progressives don't wear clerics for they certainly don't talk as real priests. He admits that the younger priests aren't enthralled with the "social gospel", owing to the influence of Pope Francis' two most recent predecessors. But according to McAleenan, Jesus' mission was all about "healing" and "being registered to vote", yada-yada, nothing about redemption from sin, eternal salvation, sacraments, etc. Of course they are trash-talking Archbishop Vigano.
Church Militant highlighted one good bishop this week, Bishop Daniel Thomas of Toledo. He formalized the excommunication of Beverly Bingle, who went through a mock ordination and is now pretending to offer bogus "sacraments". She is being coddled by AUSCP. AUSCP is headquartered in Thomas' diocese. He is warning his priests and the Catholics in his diocese to stay away from AUSCP.
I know there are some who think the nation's bishops were simply playing the cowards in the face of governmental orders to cut off their congregations from sacramental graces. Truth be told, I think those orders fit in quite nicely with their attempts to remake the Church into an arm of the New World Order.
Friday, June 19, 2020
Carhart Sent Two Women To Hospital From Bethesda In May 2020
When Leroy Carhart was butchering moms and babies in Germantown, sending at least eight of them to the hospital via ambulance, killing one of them (Jennifer Morbelli) I quipped that perhaps the condo association should arrange for a private parking space in front of Carhart's location to accomodate the parade of ambulances.
When I said "hospital", I meant Shady Grove in Rockville MD. When he was in Germantown, it made sense for him to send his victims to Shady Grove, for that was the closest hospital for Germantown. However, from the Wildwood area in Bethesda, Suburban Hospital is literally a few miles down the road. Why didn't he send the women there? There's more to that than meets the eye.
I'm also rather alarmed that the frequency of these incidents seems to be resuming old patterns. Why? I'm not even going to ask the question of how the locals can tolerate this literal bloodletting. This is lower Montgomery County, a hotbed of progressivism and hostility to any sense of morality. When we as a society can be so blase in the face of such crimes, I wonder why God hasn't sent plagues upon us more severe than covid and the riots?
He left Germantown and went into Wildwood Shopping Center in Bethesda. It's a very convenient location for him, very close to the I495 and I270 interchanges. A month after he opened (and his opening was illegal), an ambulance was seen outside of that office building, transporting yet another botched-abortion victim to the hospital.
In that last link, I asked a question about a hypothetical "ambulance 2". It is hypothetical no longer. Operation Rescue learned that in May 2020 (last month), there were two separate incidents where women were taken by ambulance to the hospital. Mind you, these are the only ones of which we know. We aren't there at all times so there might well have been more.
When I said "hospital", I meant Shady Grove in Rockville MD. When he was in Germantown, it made sense for him to send his victims to Shady Grove, for that was the closest hospital for Germantown. However, from the Wildwood area in Bethesda, Suburban Hospital is literally a few miles down the road. Why didn't he send the women there? There's more to that than meets the eye.
I'm also rather alarmed that the frequency of these incidents seems to be resuming old patterns. Why? I'm not even going to ask the question of how the locals can tolerate this literal bloodletting. This is lower Montgomery County, a hotbed of progressivism and hostility to any sense of morality. When we as a society can be so blase in the face of such crimes, I wonder why God hasn't sent plagues upon us more severe than covid and the riots?
Wednesday, June 17, 2020
Tuesday, June 16, 2020
CHAZ Or Mommy's Basement?
As many of us heard by now, a bunch of antifa-blm-whatever spoiled-brat thugs descended upon a six-block section of Seattle, setting up their own pseudo-nation. They call it "Capital Hill Autonomous Zone", or CHAZ for brevity. They were assisted by the bubble-headed mayor of Seattle, Jenny Durkan, who likened it to a "summer of love" (her words). She ordered the police who were stationed in that area to leave the station, effectively throwing them under the bus.
This bunch has set up walls and "check-points". Hey! If nothing else, those twerps are learning that borders actually serve a purpose!
But reality is starting to hit some of these refugees from Mommy's basement! I don't know how many of them actually worked one day of their lives, but they seem rather unacquainted with the concept of earning a living and that the necessities of life don't just magically appear at one's beck and call. You want something? You pay for it! That means one must work in order to earn the money to pay for needed items. That seems like a logical concept to most sane adults, but that reality seems to be crashing upon the Chaz-dwellers' pipe dreams.
Get a load of this. One starry-eyed individual left their tent for a while. When he/she came back, they found their tent raided, with laptop, $400 cash and supplies gone. "Welcome to communism, it is good, suck it up" was the reply they got.
I wonder if the Chaz grand poobahs would consider murder to be an "unplanned demise"? But I digress!
Now that "time's up" is on the receiving end of the politically correct crap, what is his/her minset now? Will he/she wake up, smell the coffee and perhaps grow up a bit?
Others are sending out pleas for free goodies. To wit:
The hubris evinced by Abby Brown is laughable. Perhaps she never heard that beggars can't be choosers. Anyone who really needs water does not get persnickety about the precse brand or flavor of it. Perhaps it's just satire. I hope so, for I'd hate to think someone is that dense. I truly hope that no one is so stupid as to pamper these overgrown brats.
The flow of supplies, if any, should be halted and then the sadder and hopefully wiser marauders will sheepishly come out of there to seek out campus safe spaces or their mothers' basements. The local government could accelerate that process by cutting off water and electricity to that area. The poor dears wouldn't be able to recharge their smart phones! The horror!
At some point this farce must end. The president has stated that he will do so if the mayor and governor refuse to do so. I call upon him to please stop the dilly-dallying and get on with it. There are innocent people paying the price for these shenanigans; for their sake - and to prevent any similar stunts in the future - real law and order must be restored and the perpetrators punished NOW.
This bunch has set up walls and "check-points". Hey! If nothing else, those twerps are learning that borders actually serve a purpose!
But reality is starting to hit some of these refugees from Mommy's basement! I don't know how many of them actually worked one day of their lives, but they seem rather unacquainted with the concept of earning a living and that the necessities of life don't just magically appear at one's beck and call. You want something? You pay for it! That means one must work in order to earn the money to pay for needed items. That seems like a logical concept to most sane adults, but that reality seems to be crashing upon the Chaz-dwellers' pipe dreams.
Get a load of this. One starry-eyed individual left their tent for a while. When he/she came back, they found their tent raided, with laptop, $400 cash and supplies gone. "Welcome to communism, it is good, suck it up" was the reply they got.
I wonder if the Chaz grand poobahs would consider murder to be an "unplanned demise"? But I digress!
Now that "time's up" is on the receiving end of the politically correct crap, what is his/her minset now? Will he/she wake up, smell the coffee and perhaps grow up a bit?
Others are sending out pleas for free goodies. To wit:
The hubris evinced by Abby Brown is laughable. Perhaps she never heard that beggars can't be choosers. Anyone who really needs water does not get persnickety about the precse brand or flavor of it. Perhaps it's just satire. I hope so, for I'd hate to think someone is that dense. I truly hope that no one is so stupid as to pamper these overgrown brats.
The flow of supplies, if any, should be halted and then the sadder and hopefully wiser marauders will sheepishly come out of there to seek out campus safe spaces or their mothers' basements. The local government could accelerate that process by cutting off water and electricity to that area. The poor dears wouldn't be able to recharge their smart phones! The horror!
At some point this farce must end. The president has stated that he will do so if the mayor and governor refuse to do so. I call upon him to please stop the dilly-dallying and get on with it. There are innocent people paying the price for these shenanigans; for their sake - and to prevent any similar stunts in the future - real law and order must be restored and the perpetrators punished NOW.
Sunday, June 14, 2020
Dissident Composer David Haas Terminated By GIA Over Credible Sex Abuse Allegations
Four years ago I wrote of serious problems concerning David Haas, a fairly popular "katholyc" composer. As you see in the comments section of that post, quite the discussion ensued. His music was published in GIA Publications - until recently.
GIA suspended their relationship with Haas, as allegations of sexual misconduct were resported against him. Apparently the number of allegations is still growing. See this post from GIA's facebook wall for more details.
It appears that we have an example of the principle, "lex orandi, lex credendi, lex vivandi". Someone who holds beliefs at variance with God's revealed truth will most likely live their lives in disobedience to those truths.
GIA is suspending their relationship with Haas. I strongly suggest that all Catholic music directors remove Haas' works from their repertoires. They should also be mindful of the composers' obedience (or lack thereof) to the teachings of the Catholic Church.
GIA suspended their relationship with Haas, as allegations of sexual misconduct were resported against him. Apparently the number of allegations is still growing. See this post from GIA's facebook wall for more details.
It appears that we have an example of the principle, "lex orandi, lex credendi, lex vivandi". Someone who holds beliefs at variance with God's revealed truth will most likely live their lives in disobedience to those truths.
GIA is suspending their relationship with Haas. I strongly suggest that all Catholic music directors remove Haas' works from their repertoires. They should also be mindful of the composers' obedience (or lack thereof) to the teachings of the Catholic Church.
Saturday, June 13, 2020
A Covid Silver Lining - Gay Pride Debaucheries Canceled
in previous posts I have written of some small benefits to the corona shutdown; see here, here, here. Now in this month of June, we are blessedly aware of another. June has been the month when sexual deviants have flaunted their various perversities in their so-called "gay pride parades". They chose June because the warm weather would allow them to engage in all manners of undress as they simulated perverse acts on their parade floats.
This year, many cities will be spared that pollution, thanks to the corona virus. We see on many of the gay sites that they have canceled their public orgies in fear of the corona virus. That's rather understandable, given that many of the HIV-positive among them will have compromised immune systems.
We pray that one day these people and their sympathizers (especially those in the Catholic hierarchy) will come to fear God at least as much as they fear the covid virus.
This year, many cities will be spared that pollution, thanks to the corona virus. We see on many of the gay sites that they have canceled their public orgies in fear of the corona virus. That's rather understandable, given that many of the HIV-positive among them will have compromised immune systems.
We pray that one day these people and their sympathizers (especially those in the Catholic hierarchy) will come to fear God at least as much as they fear the covid virus.
Friday, June 12, 2020
CCHD Helping To Foment Riots
Now that all the thugs and hoodlums have returned to their mommies' basements (or converged on Seattle) and the cleanup has begun, let us take a hard look at a cabal that seems to have taken the lead in organizing these riots. And yes, they were organized and fomented. We turn our attention to a bunch called Black Lives Matter.
They are an organization, with their own website. Please take a look at what they believe, in their own words. Their beliefs are (in their own words):
They are an organization, with their own website. Please take a look at what they believe, in their own words. Their beliefs are (in their own words):
- "all black lives matter, regardless of actual or perceived sexual identity" Here they made quite the Freudian slip, differentiating between "actual" and "perceived", they admit that "perceived" can be a denial of reality
- "dismantle cis-gender privilege"
- "disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure" The welfare state beat them to that. Anyone with a scintillia of common sense understands that children without their fathers in the home are more likely to live in poverty, fall into crime, etc.
- "queer-affirming network"
There is no mention at all of addressing the real problems of impovershed people (and not just black): high crime, dependence on government, denigration of marriage, drugs, etc. In fact, some of those so-called "beliefs" and "goals" would only exacerbate their problems.
If you detect a bit of put-down of men in reading their beliefs, you are not imaging things. BLM was founded by three feminists. IMHO, no self-respecting man can go along with this crap or he will earn the title "hen-pecked".
Mass Resistance has some more history on this outfit, worth a read. They delve more into the sordid alliances in which BLM is embroiled. All these progressive organizations intertwine with each other. We see that addressed in this LifeSiteNew article. Regrettably, one of those "social justice grifters" is the US Catholic hierarchy. Didn't we see that made manifest by the disgraceful actions of the archbishop of Washington DC? Check out my three previous posts.
A key goal of the BLM crowd is the abolition of local police departments. Sadly, some liberal loony politicians are glomming onto this; the Minneapolis City Council and NYC Mayor DiBlasion come immediately to mind. So just who do these politicians think they will call, should someone be breaking into their homes?
Michael Hichborn of Lepanto now brings us the revelation that another arm of the US Catholic hierchy is aiding and abetting the BLM ilk, particularly in finances. Yes, it's the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD). He has gathered and presented evidence that CCHD is funding organizations calling for the killing of police officers and fomenting riots just as we saw last week. Doing some quick arithmetic as I read through the artilce, riot-fomenting groups have received a total of over $1M of Catholic dollars. Several people have been murdered in last week's riots, some precisely because they were police officers. The money that CCHD sent to these violent groups implicates them in those murders. The CCHD has blood on its hands. Moreover, anyone who contributes to the CCHD, with knowledge of these donations, also must answer for the mayhem and murder of these past few days.
It will do no good to ask CCHD to reconsider their grant practices. They were founded by allies of Saul Alinsky for the express purpose of diverting Catholic dollars to seditious and atheistic organizations. We simply must stop giving to CCHD. I stopped decades ago. This CCHD beast needs to be starved of cash.
It will do no good to ask CCHD to reconsider their grant practices. They were founded by allies of Saul Alinsky for the express purpose of diverting Catholic dollars to seditious and atheistic organizations. We simply must stop giving to CCHD. I stopped decades ago. This CCHD beast needs to be starved of cash.
Monday, June 8, 2020
Caught In A Lie?
On Tuesday, Archbishop Gregory stated that he found it "baffling and reprehensible" that President Trump was keeping his commitment to visit the JP II shrine. He was shocked - just shocked! - you see?
Well, now comes the revelation that several days prior to the visit, the White House invited the Archbishop to join the president at the shrine. Gregory declined, stating that he had prior commitments. The CNA link quotes other sources as stating that Gregory didn't learn of the visit until the prior evening.
So how is it that Gregory declined an invitation to an event, but then claimed to be baffled that the event occurred? Inquiring minds would like to know!
Well, now comes the revelation that several days prior to the visit, the White House invited the Archbishop to join the president at the shrine. Gregory declined, stating that he had prior commitments. The CNA link quotes other sources as stating that Gregory didn't learn of the visit until the prior evening.
So how is it that Gregory declined an invitation to an event, but then claimed to be baffled that the event occurred? Inquiring minds would like to know!
Sunday, June 7, 2020
Absp Gregory To Force Priests To Protest Trump Tomorrow
When I posted my previous piece about the "prayer service", I did not have complete information. Church Militant has inside sources that DC Archbishop Gregory is ordering his priests to join in a protest of our president under the guise of a "prayer service".. CM has obtained copies of the communications, both to the priests and to the local Knights of Columbus. This is beyond reprehensible.
Can anyone go for a counter-protest tomorrow? It starts at 11:00 am at Lafayette Park. I frankly hope that many priests won't show. What Gregory is doing to them is a crime.
In case you haven't seen this on other sources, see this LifeSiteNews piece containing an open letter to President Trump from Archbishop Vigano. I hope that Archbishop Vigano is right in supposing that good people are in the majority in this country. In any event, they have got to wake up and slough off their apathy to events beyond their narrow worlds.
I will also post a video from a young courageous priest. He and Vigano are two of the lights shining in clerical darknes..
Can anyone go for a counter-protest tomorrow? It starts at 11:00 am at Lafayette Park. I frankly hope that many priests won't show. What Gregory is doing to them is a crime.
In case you haven't seen this on other sources, see this LifeSiteNews piece containing an open letter to President Trump from Archbishop Vigano. I hope that Archbishop Vigano is right in supposing that good people are in the majority in this country. In any event, they have got to wake up and slough off their apathy to events beyond their narrow worlds.
I will also post a video from a young courageous priest. He and Vigano are two of the lights shining in clerical darknes..
Archbishop Gregory Praying For The Soul Of America?
A commenter on my open letter to Archbishop Gregory informs us all that he plans to hold a prayer service in Lafayette Park tomorow (Mon June 8) to "pray for George Floyd's soul and the soul of America". I hope this doesn't turn into a de facto canonization of George Floyd. As unjust his death was, Floyd by no means lived a virtuous life, so prayers for his repose would be very much needed.
But other people were murdered too over this past week. In addition to the people mentioned in my open letter, there was also an elderly couple, Paul and Lidia Marino, who were ambushed while visiting their son's grave. Also murdered in an ambush was Santa Cruz Deputy Damon Guttzwiller as he and another deputy were investigating a van with guns and bomb-making materials.
There are also the wounded. NYPD officer Jean Pierre was stabbed in the neck by looters; fortunately thy missed a major artery or else he'd be dead. The FBI is investigating this as terrorism. Perhaps its worth noting that Pierre and other victims of the rioting are blacks. Do their black lives matter?
Other blacks have found their lives work ruined. Korboi Balla, a Minneapolis firefigher, saved to build a bar burned to the ground. In the north part of the city, Trevon Ellis watched his barber shop burn down. Lucy Hosley in Manhattan had her deli looted and ransacked. In Detroit, Roderick Reynolds saw his family's home and his work truck go on in flames. Archbishop Gregory, do their black lives matter?
Praying for the soul of America is well and good. However, our priests and bishops need to drive out from its midst the filth of pandering to gay agendas and the coddling of pro-abortion personalities. They need to foreswear socialism in all its thin disguises; that means chucking the "social justice gospel" into the dung heap. If Archbishop Gregory wants to yap and yammer about "white privilege", how in hades does he explain his own position as Archbishop of the Nation's Capital?
But other people were murdered too over this past week. In addition to the people mentioned in my open letter, there was also an elderly couple, Paul and Lidia Marino, who were ambushed while visiting their son's grave. Also murdered in an ambush was Santa Cruz Deputy Damon Guttzwiller as he and another deputy were investigating a van with guns and bomb-making materials.
There are also the wounded. NYPD officer Jean Pierre was stabbed in the neck by looters; fortunately thy missed a major artery or else he'd be dead. The FBI is investigating this as terrorism. Perhaps its worth noting that Pierre and other victims of the rioting are blacks. Do their black lives matter?
Other blacks have found their lives work ruined. Korboi Balla, a Minneapolis firefigher, saved to build a bar burned to the ground. In the north part of the city, Trevon Ellis watched his barber shop burn down. Lucy Hosley in Manhattan had her deli looted and ransacked. In Detroit, Roderick Reynolds saw his family's home and his work truck go on in flames. Archbishop Gregory, do their black lives matter?
Praying for the soul of America is well and good. However, our priests and bishops need to drive out from its midst the filth of pandering to gay agendas and the coddling of pro-abortion personalities. They need to foreswear socialism in all its thin disguises; that means chucking the "social justice gospel" into the dung heap. If Archbishop Gregory wants to yap and yammer about "white privilege", how in hades does he explain his own position as Archbishop of the Nation's Capital?
Friday, June 5, 2020
More To The Riots Than Meets The Eye
Some food for thought by Michael Hichborn. It is well worth your time to watch this, to connect some much-needed dots.
An Open Letter To Archbishop Gregory
Archbishop Gregory, since you claim to be about eliminating racism and attacks on minorities, I am sure you would like to say some words on these deaths. There are the murders of Patrick Underwood and of David Dorn. Both of these victims were black gentlemen killed in the course of the riots. Oh, wait! They were both police officers murdered by the BLM hooligans, so perhaps that doesn't quite fit your narrative!
In Las Vegas, a 29-yr-old Greek American police officer was shot in the head. He is on life support at the moment. Does he register a blip on your radar screen, Your Excellency? Probably not because he's a white cop. I suspect you'd also hold in disdain the 50 Secret Service officers who were injured this past weekend as "peaceful" thugs marauded near the White House, not too far from your own residence. Mind you, I'd be delighted to be proven wrong; you can do that if you'd like.
George Floyd wasn't the only black man abused by rogue cops. In Jackson MS a few weeks ago, a police officer pinned a young black man to a car with hands around his throat. Bystanders implored the cop to let him go as he was having trouble breathing. Except for local media, this has not received any attention as did the Floyd situation. Do you care about that, Your Excellency? But there's teensy little difference, isn't there? In Jackson, the brute police officer is black. It appears, Your Excellency, that you and too many of your brother bishops are only concerned about violence if it's white-on-black. If the violence is black-on-white or black-on-black, I think you couldn't care less.
This blog joins many other voices in condemning your criticism of the President as he was in the process of protecting our religious freedoms during a time of great mayhem. Fox News has made note of that (even if other mainstream media turn a blind eye). The blogger One Mad Mom finds it "reprehensible" that you are our bishop (to use your own language). Archbishop Vigano opines that your reckless posturing and criticism of the President shows you to be a "false shepherd". To be frank, you are behaving like one.
I will end my letter, Your Excellency, with an article that suggests what might have been more appropriate to come from you, given both the President's role and your own as Archbishop of the Nations's Capital: a condemnation of the riots, a call to repentance and return to the One True Church, preaching against sins against the Sixth Commandment and abortion.
To my other readers: embedded in that last link is a petition to ask Archbishop Gregory to apologize to President Trump and the Knights of Columbus. Please sign it and spread it around. Uphold these men in prayer. But until our bishops start acting like men of God, withhold all financial contributions.
In Las Vegas, a 29-yr-old Greek American police officer was shot in the head. He is on life support at the moment. Does he register a blip on your radar screen, Your Excellency? Probably not because he's a white cop. I suspect you'd also hold in disdain the 50 Secret Service officers who were injured this past weekend as "peaceful" thugs marauded near the White House, not too far from your own residence. Mind you, I'd be delighted to be proven wrong; you can do that if you'd like.
George Floyd wasn't the only black man abused by rogue cops. In Jackson MS a few weeks ago, a police officer pinned a young black man to a car with hands around his throat. Bystanders implored the cop to let him go as he was having trouble breathing. Except for local media, this has not received any attention as did the Floyd situation. Do you care about that, Your Excellency? But there's teensy little difference, isn't there? In Jackson, the brute police officer is black. It appears, Your Excellency, that you and too many of your brother bishops are only concerned about violence if it's white-on-black. If the violence is black-on-white or black-on-black, I think you couldn't care less.
This blog joins many other voices in condemning your criticism of the President as he was in the process of protecting our religious freedoms during a time of great mayhem. Fox News has made note of that (even if other mainstream media turn a blind eye). The blogger One Mad Mom finds it "reprehensible" that you are our bishop (to use your own language). Archbishop Vigano opines that your reckless posturing and criticism of the President shows you to be a "false shepherd". To be frank, you are behaving like one.
I will end my letter, Your Excellency, with an article that suggests what might have been more appropriate to come from you, given both the President's role and your own as Archbishop of the Nations's Capital: a condemnation of the riots, a call to repentance and return to the One True Church, preaching against sins against the Sixth Commandment and abortion.
To my other readers: embedded in that last link is a petition to ask Archbishop Gregory to apologize to President Trump and the Knights of Columbus. Please sign it and spread it around. Uphold these men in prayer. But until our bishops start acting like men of God, withhold all financial contributions.
Tuesday, June 2, 2020
Archbishop Gregory's Disgraceful Hissy-Snit-Fit Today
Yesterday President Trump went to historic St John's church in DC, just a short walk from the White House. He went a day after rioters tried to set it ablaze. All sorts of religious (?) leaders were appalled - not at the wanton attempt to destroy a church with historical significance, but that President Trump actually visited the church. In fact, "bishop" Mariann Budde was shocked - shocked! - that police used tear gas and rubber bullets to clear away the peaceful little arsonists from the church. She sniffed that Trump didn't give her the "courtesy" of advance notice. Did she utter the same complaint at those who set fire to the church?
An open note to Ms Budde - Honey, all pretenses aside, you ain't no bishop! Perhaps it doesn't occur to you that all that nasty tear gas is why St John's is still standing? But if you really are concerned about the poor little thugs, why not invite them to wreak havoc at the National Cathedral? I'd bet they would have a blast - in more ways than one!
But onto today's scandalous behavior by Archbishop Wilton Gregory. A visit by President Trump to the Saint John Paul II National Shrine today had been schedule a while ago as a prelude to his signing of an executive order regarding religious freedom. The president adhered to that schedule, giving Gregory a lame excuse to launch into a display of faux-indignation. In it he decries the dispersal of the thugs from St John, implying that the late John Paul II would condone the destruction wreaked by the rioters. Nowhere in Gregory's tirade did I detect one word of rebuke for the thugs who brought about much destruction and yes, murder, in these past few days. In fact, we hear little from the bishops in terms of denouncing these events - aside from their politically correct pabulum about racism. George Neumayr has a piece on this matter that deserves reading.
By the way - if there is any silver lining to the cloud of the rioting it is that they have made plain to all the world that the covid-19 shutdown and "social distancing" was just a cheap sham. Did you see or hear any governmental nannies reproach those mobs for "failing to social-distance"? Neither did I.
An open note to Ms Budde - Honey, all pretenses aside, you ain't no bishop! Perhaps it doesn't occur to you that all that nasty tear gas is why St John's is still standing? But if you really are concerned about the poor little thugs, why not invite them to wreak havoc at the National Cathedral? I'd bet they would have a blast - in more ways than one!
By the way - if there is any silver lining to the cloud of the rioting it is that they have made plain to all the world that the covid-19 shutdown and "social distancing" was just a cheap sham. Did you see or hear any governmental nannies reproach those mobs for "failing to social-distance"? Neither did I.
Murder Of George Floyd
Last week, on Memorial Day in Minneapolis, four police officers used excessive force on Goerge Floyd, causing his death. Floyd was on the ground. At one point, three officers had their knees on him. Derek Chauvin had his knee on Floyd's neck. This lasted for almost 10 minutes. The police relented only when paramedics showed up. Floyd was later pronounced dead.
There is much video on the internet. Given the reckless attitude evinced by Chauvin, as he stares into one of the cell phone cameras, hands in pockets while kneeling on Floyd's neck, no one can doubt that he knew what he was doing. The four oficers were fired and Chauvin was arrested on charges of manslaughter and third-degree murder. I do not know if Minnesota recognizes depraved-heart murder as second or third degree murder.
There is some talk of Floyd and Chauvin working for the same club last year, so it's quite possible that they knew each other. Both Chauvin and Tou Thao (one of the other officers) have both been subjects of internal investigations through the years. Right away we know now that while racism may have been a factor in this murder, that has not been definitively proven. In the facts just stated, including the possibility of Chauvin and Floyd being acquainted from previous employment, we can surmise other motives as well.
However, the politically correct knee-jerk reaction is to cry "RACISM!" before there has been one hearing on this matter. Sadly, but predictably, the USCCB, the Archdiocese of Washington and the Archdiocese of Baltimore have hopped on the politically correct bandwagon. Here's another one from the USCCB. Notice how both say they are distressed to see another video of a black man being killed? Why did they feel it necessary to specify a black man? Would they have been less distressed if the victim were white? Here's a "case-in-point". The meme is incorrect; the woman's name is Justine Damond. She too was murdered by a Minneapolis cop. I did not learn of her until I saw the picture on Facebook. Why didn't I hear of her before? Where was the public outcry for her? When did the nation's bishops wax mournful over her? For that matter, are the bishops going to pay this gentleman any attention?
Mayhem is happening all over the country, and not as spontaneously as some might like to pretend. One rioter in fact is asking questions - such as, why are pallets of bricks mysteriously appearing at protest locations? They do come in quite handy when looking for something to hurl through a shop or car window! Might it be these folks? One of their flyers was found in the streets during an outbreak in Baltimore.
If some of the rioters go to trial, they will need lawyers. They need never fear, for two liberally-trained lawyers were operating right beside them, supplying the rioters with molotov cocktails and other explosives. These lawyers are in custody now; whether or not they'll serve jail time remains to be seen. They should at least be disbarred - however, there are the Clintons and Obamas so, oh never mind!
Tucker Carlson has stated that the mainstream meda are fanning the flames of this mob violence. I regret that for the most part, so are the US bishops. If you read that article about this "friends of democracy" bunch, you'll see talk of "friendly law enforcement" and other covert allies. Many police departments are standing down; might they (or at least high officials) be in cahoots with the thugs? President Trump said he would deploy troops and National Guards to do what local police can't (or won't) do, utilizing the Insurrection Act.
I will have more to say on the bishops in my next post, for Archbishop Gregory disgraced himself big time on June 2.
There is much video on the internet. Given the reckless attitude evinced by Chauvin, as he stares into one of the cell phone cameras, hands in pockets while kneeling on Floyd's neck, no one can doubt that he knew what he was doing. The four oficers were fired and Chauvin was arrested on charges of manslaughter and third-degree murder. I do not know if Minnesota recognizes depraved-heart murder as second or third degree murder.
However, the politically correct knee-jerk reaction is to cry "RACISM!" before there has been one hearing on this matter. Sadly, but predictably, the USCCB, the Archdiocese of Washington and the Archdiocese of Baltimore have hopped on the politically correct bandwagon. Here's another one from the USCCB. Notice how both say they are distressed to see another video of a black man being killed? Why did they feel it necessary to specify a black man? Would they have been less distressed if the victim were white? Here's a "case-in-point". The meme is incorrect; the woman's name is Justine Damond. She too was murdered by a Minneapolis cop. I did not learn of her until I saw the picture on Facebook. Why didn't I hear of her before? Where was the public outcry for her? When did the nation's bishops wax mournful over her? For that matter, are the bishops going to pay this gentleman any attention?
Mayhem is happening all over the country, and not as spontaneously as some might like to pretend. One rioter in fact is asking questions - such as, why are pallets of bricks mysteriously appearing at protest locations? They do come in quite handy when looking for something to hurl through a shop or car window! Might it be these folks? One of their flyers was found in the streets during an outbreak in Baltimore.
If some of the rioters go to trial, they will need lawyers. They need never fear, for two liberally-trained lawyers were operating right beside them, supplying the rioters with molotov cocktails and other explosives. These lawyers are in custody now; whether or not they'll serve jail time remains to be seen. They should at least be disbarred - however, there are the Clintons and Obamas so, oh never mind!
Tucker Carlson has stated that the mainstream meda are fanning the flames of this mob violence. I regret that for the most part, so are the US bishops. If you read that article about this "friends of democracy" bunch, you'll see talk of "friendly law enforcement" and other covert allies. Many police departments are standing down; might they (or at least high officials) be in cahoots with the thugs? President Trump said he would deploy troops and National Guards to do what local police can't (or won't) do, utilizing the Insurrection Act.
I will have more to say on the bishops in my next post, for Archbishop Gregory disgraced himself big time on June 2.
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