Let's look at the first question.
Over the past few days I and many other pro-life bloggers have been sharing videos produced by Center for Medical Reform. Four have been released so far. These videos provide prima facie evidence that Planned Parenthood is actively engaged in trafficking of baby body parts - parts that come from the babies whom they have murdered. Heavily implicated in this activity is a business partner of theirs known as Stem Express.
Stem Express, a California-based outfit, has obtained a restraining order from a California judge enjoining them from releasing videos that feature Stem Express personnel. David Daleiden, the driving force behind the videos, reveals in this Breitbart article why Stem Express wants the videos suppressed. On May 22 he and several others had a meeting with Cate Dyer, CEO of Stem Express. It came out in the interview that they (Stem Express) had obtained intact bodies of aborted babies from Planned Parenthood. This might indicate that the babies were born alive and subsequently murdered outside the womb. Even in today's callous pro-abortion culture, that would be a capital crime. No wonder they want these videos suppressed.
Now to the second question.
Again from Breitbart we learn the following troubling fact. The Health Policy Director for Speaker John Boehner's office staff is Charlotte Ivancic. She is older sister to Cate Dyer, the CEO of Stem Express, mentioned in the previous paragraph. Does the phrase "fox guarding the hen house" have significance here? Might this be a reason for Boehner's lack of resolve in defunding abortion, Obamacare, etc? At the very least, a top staffer of the Speaker of the House has an undeniable conflict of interest.
Boehner is not the only one. Presidential candidate Jeb Bush was founding director of the Bloomberg Family Foundation. He was named to that post in 2010 and resigned in 2014 as he prepared to announce his candidacy. While he was on the board, this foundation gave tens of millions to Planned Parenthood and funded international abortion efforts. Michael Bloomberg had always been up front about his vision for the foundation. It would be intellectually dishonest for anyone to insinuate that Bush had no knowledge of the foundation's pro-abortion fundings. I had discounted Bush as a candidate long ago; this news only confirms my instincts.
Stay tuned to this blog and others as events unfold.
33 minutes ago