Yesterday as I parked my car on Western Avenue to attend Mass at Blessed Sacrament (just off Chevy Chase Circle) another Mass-goer came from behind me and parked his car on Quesada St, just outside the church's side door. He got out and went in.
I could not help but notice as he drove past me the garish rainbow-colored "Obama" bumper strip on his car. I realized he was in desperate need of some education. Fortunately I always carry a supply of
Wisdom on Windshields. It is an educational flyer that can be placed on the car of the obviously oblivious fellow Catholic. I placed it on his car and went into the church myself. I was dismayed (but not too terribly surprised) to notice that this man was the lector for the Mass. By the time I left Mass, he had already driven away.
Before I continue with what I saw at Blessed Sacrament, I'll say a few words on behalf of
Wisdom on Windshields. It's particularly helpful if you see such a sight but are rushing into Mass and/or not see the car owner. No problem! Just deposit a
Wisdom on Windshields flyer under the wiper or in the car door (make sure it can't blow away). You can download it
here and have it handy on your own computer. Print it out and always carry a supply with you to Church, as you'll never know when an opportunity will arise to educate an ignorant fellow Catholic. Those of you in other areas of the country should feel free to copy the language to your own letterhead, if that will be more helpful to your local situation. Understand that the distribution of this flyer is an exercise of the Spiritual Works of Mercy of Instructing the Ignorant and/or Rebuking the Sinner, depending on the knowledge/culpability of the recipient (which we of course have no way of knowing).
I resume my discussion of Blessed Sacrament. I picked up a parish bulletin. Because it was Saturday, the bulletin actually was for the previous weekend.
Here it is. Now go to page 4 and look at the left-hand column. Why, oh why, is
anything by Sister Joan Chittister being put forth as being suitable reading for Catholics? At Blessed Sacrament, is any responsible adult monitoring the goings-on at the parish library? I ask not only because of their dubious offerings but because I understand that it was the library that invited both Chris Matthews and Mark Shriver for their book-signings (both of which we picketed, by the way).
Moving down to page 5, on the right-hand side, we see that Blessed Sacrament is touting a celebration of Earth Day. "Well, so what?", one might ask. The problem is that the
Washington Interfaith Network is spearheading this. WIN makes no bones that they are the DC-area affiliate of the
Industrial Areas Foundation. As you look on their webpage, you'll see that they were "founded in 1940". By whom? Well they weren't always so coy about that little detail. The fact is that the IAF was the flagship organization founded by
Saul Alinsky himself. The wikipedia (correctly) states that among the many people he influenced was Barack Obama. He also influenced Msgr Jack Egan, who was instrumental in establishing the Catholic Campaign for Human Development.
Now not only is the bulletin giving credibility to Alinskyites, but notice something else about the ad. They want to "reduce storm water pollution". Sounds nice, doesn't it? Well, the Maryland parishioners might want to take notice of that one in light of the "rain tax" with which Annapolis just saddled us.
I decided to take a look at
this weekend's bulletin. Go to page 4. You'll see unabashed shilling for gun registration and the Catholic "climate covenant". Meanwhile prominent parishioners sport Obama stickers on their cars and the librarian hosts katholyc pro-aborts to sign their books on Church property. Boys and girls, what is wrong with this picture?