Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Illinois Catholic Prayer Breakfast Disinvites Stupak from Event

Yesterday I alerted you to a planned honoring of Bart Stupak by the above-named organization.  I went to their website and was happy to see that they have rescinded their invitation to Bart Stupak. 

Their contact information is on that webpage.  Please thank them for their actions.  I truly hope that such measures will cause the Stupaks and Keehans of the Church to take serious stock of their current directions and to stop capitulating to powers-that-be (see the Real Catholic video below).


  1. All this vitriol being cast on Rep. Stupak by pro-lifers is out of place - and unfair. Rep. Stupak - and the Catholic Bishops - were supporters of socialized medicine from the beginning. This is utter foolishness - but it is not the same (morally) as supporting abortion. Rep. Stupak was the Democrat who led the fight against abortion in the socialized medicine bill. In the end, the Stupak Amendment was not included in the bill - but Rep. Stupak did get a promise from President Obama for an executive order to the same effect. President Obama kept his promise and signed the executive order on March 24.

    Pro-lifers should commend Rep. Stupak for his principled stand against abortion.

    Now, if you have a problem with socialized medicine - as I do - then there are other venues. (Think 10th Amendment and/or Nullification.) But, please, let's not kill our own friends.

    Leszek Syski, Brookeville

  2. Pardon my french, but the executive order isn't worth crap. That doesn't even factor in Obama's well-established duplicity here. Constitutionally speaking, such an order yields to statutory law passed by Congress. Stupak et al knew that.
    At the end of the day, his "principled stand" went out the window. He did not have to vote for the mess - but he and his friends did. Cecile Richards, from her warped perspective, is correct to celebrate the passage of the Hell Bill.
    Yes, there is plenty of "catholyc" blame to go around: Sister Carol Keehan, Father Hesburgh, etc. But they didn't have the authority to vote. Stupak et al did.


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