We've been looking with dismay these past few days upon the Obergefell v Hodges decision that has thrust #mowwidge down the collective throat of this country. While it seems all we can do is pray (and we must!) we must also act. The maxim "think globally and act locally" has relevance in regard to this national disgrace, particularly to us in the MD-DC area.
Two weeks ago I posted about a "possible gay attack" looming upon a Silver Spring Knights of Columbus council. During the time between then and now I've been making inquiries and gathering information. Indeed the council in question is the Rosensteel Council, just off Georgia Avenue, a block or two north of the beltway. The party is scheduled for Saturday August 8, from 6p to midnight in the ballroom on the main level.
As I mentioned in my original post, I highly commend Ultrasound DeeJays for remaining true to their Christian principles: principles that are stated quite clearly on their website and that had to have been noticed by the family as they tried to engage the deejays. The deejays were a bit more astute in their "due diligence" than was Rosensteel. Still, hoping that Rosensteel was innocently unaware of the nature of this family before booking the event, I called the Grand Knight to alert him. While I appreciate his return call, he did treat my concerns a bit dismissively. I learned from another knight of that council that this event is curiously absent from their calendar: indicating that they are aware of the inherent controversy surrounding this party.
Granted, it is a birthday party. On one hand, the scandal does not arise to the level as it would had this been a "wedding" reception to celebrate a #mowwidge. However, one can imagine that there will be dancing and, uh, "public displays of affection" shall we say. That this will happen on grounds that are at the service of the Catholic Church is disappointing beyond telling.
This council has historically been of great service to the pro-life movement over these past few decades. I would suspect that the vast majority of the knights of this council, faithful Catholics, are unaware of what is scheduled to transpire on August 8. They need to be made aware of what is happening at their council and with their dues money.
Here is a link to the council's latest newsletter. Should this link become "broken", please advise me via comments. I downloaded it and can make it available elsewhere should the need arise. On page 2 the officers are listed along with their contact information. Please ask them what they were thiniking about this event; by now they must be aware. This council is being targeted, just as the deejays were. Not for one second do I believe that it is a coincidence that this council was solicited for their ballroom and Christian deejays were asked to cater this event, not in light of the Indiana fiasco and other occurrences over the past few months.
Those calling should ask them how they intend to prevent future occurrences (something that all KofC councils should be pondering). There will be more such incidents as the gays are now licking their chops after the Supreme Court debacle on June 28th. It's way past time to get prepared.
Please pass this information on to all knights that you know and ask them to lend their voices. We all must speak out, not just a few of us.
Inauguration Day
43 minutes ago