At the end of the sex-summit farce, Pope Francis laid out an 8-point plan for the Church to conduct an "all-out battle" against sex abuse of minors (young men and seminarians remain unmentioned so that they can be considered fair game for that good-ole-boy chicken hawk association of pervert clerics). The 8 points are listed in this National Catholic Register piece. Notice that there is nothing indicating that homosexuals should be removed from the clerical state, as they should be. There isn't even any mention of prevention of their entry into seminary. In fact, the word "homosexual" doesn't occur one in this so-called "plan". Why is there no mention of the fact that the homosexual inclination is intrinsically disordered?
Here's a short, simple answer. This summit was not at all about addressing the scandal of clerics raping boys and young men. It was all about deflecting our anger and indignation away from the real problem: predation upon young men by powerful clerics, with the main culprit being Theodore McCarrick. Even the Washington Post picked up on the duplicitous nature of the pope's closing address, noting how the whole summit was a dance around the living room elephant known as McCarrick.
Yes, the pope and cronies were covering for McCarrick alright, and not only because he was a ruthless predator. There is ample reason to believe he was a communist plant. He played a pivotal role in brokering that Vatican-Red China deal that essentially threw faithful Catholics in that country to the communist wolves. It appears that he also was a ghost writer of the Land O Lakes statement that allowed progressive poison to destroy Catholic higher education.
Realizing that the results of this summit were, for all intents and purposes, non-existent, Michael Hichborn of Lepanto Institute crafted an open letter to Pope Francis that lays out some steps that the pope must take if his moral voice is to be restored. I signed it and urge you to do the same, and to promulgate this letter in your own circles of fellow Catholics. We simply must make our voices heard for we've been silent too long, and some still insist on persisting in silence and apathy.
Many Catholics are coming to the belief that Francis' papacy has been irreparably compromised to the point of being ineffective. I wrote last week of a prayerful protest that happened in Rome just before the summit began. It was organized by Professor Roberto de Mattei and attended by Michael Matt of the Remnant. The two men met in an interview and discussed many things. I post it now for your review.
Thursday, February 28, 2019
Monday, February 25, 2019
The Sex Scandal And The Papacy
The sex-summit dog-and-pony show in Rome ended a few days ago. As anticipated by those with two brain cells firing in syncopation, this thing was a farce conducted with the intention to fool people into thinking that the pope and high-ranking prelates are serious about sex abuse by the clergy. Oh, they're serious, all right! Serious about protecting it for their own perverted pleasures, it would seem.
Natacha Jaitt, an Argentine media celebrity, accused Gustavo Vera of trafficking children for sexual exploitation. Vera is a close friend of Pope Francis'. She was set to testify against Vera in a few weeks - but was found dead this past Saturday. Her family is calling her death murder. I post below an interview that she conducted with an Argentine blogger who was doing his own investigation. He alleges that Vera shipped children to the Vatican "for the Pope and his accomplices". Let that sink in. If it's true, the implications are horrendous - but would explain why the pope and his buddies were so quick to poo-poo the idea that homosexuality is a factor in the clerical sex abuse situation. I will post that interview below, but this post will continue below that. I understand that the man being interviewed is now missing.
Was this sex-summit a feeble attempt to mollify us, the Great Unwashed, so that we would stop poking into their perversions? Is this why Vatican personnel are bad-mouthing the two surviving dubia cardinals? Even Cardinal Marx can't avoid acknowledging the existence of a homosexual cabal in the Vatican; he acknowledges also that evidence has been destroyed. Was Vera, close friend of Pope Francis, sending young boys to the Vatican to be preyed upon by the wolves in shepherds' clothing?
I now post a video of a discussion between Taylor Marshall, Michael Voris and a third gentleman whose name I didn't catch. They discuss the question of whether or not Pope Francis should resign. I am increasingly becoming convinced that Francis could be an anti-pope, with Benedict XVI still the true pope. There have been indications that Benedict's resignation was, at least in part, coerced, rendering it invalid. Given the additional information that we now have regarding the St Gallen Mafia, I've no reason to doubt that they would have exerted pressure on Benedict to tender a rather strange resignation.
As the gentlemen said, please keep praying your Rosaries.
Natacha Jaitt, an Argentine media celebrity, accused Gustavo Vera of trafficking children for sexual exploitation. Vera is a close friend of Pope Francis'. She was set to testify against Vera in a few weeks - but was found dead this past Saturday. Her family is calling her death murder. I post below an interview that she conducted with an Argentine blogger who was doing his own investigation. He alleges that Vera shipped children to the Vatican "for the Pope and his accomplices". Let that sink in. If it's true, the implications are horrendous - but would explain why the pope and his buddies were so quick to poo-poo the idea that homosexuality is a factor in the clerical sex abuse situation. I will post that interview below, but this post will continue below that. I understand that the man being interviewed is now missing.
Was this sex-summit a feeble attempt to mollify us, the Great Unwashed, so that we would stop poking into their perversions? Is this why Vatican personnel are bad-mouthing the two surviving dubia cardinals? Even Cardinal Marx can't avoid acknowledging the existence of a homosexual cabal in the Vatican; he acknowledges also that evidence has been destroyed. Was Vera, close friend of Pope Francis, sending young boys to the Vatican to be preyed upon by the wolves in shepherds' clothing?
I now post a video of a discussion between Taylor Marshall, Michael Voris and a third gentleman whose name I didn't catch. They discuss the question of whether or not Pope Francis should resign. I am increasingly becoming convinced that Francis could be an anti-pope, with Benedict XVI still the true pope. There have been indications that Benedict's resignation was, at least in part, coerced, rendering it invalid. Given the additional information that we now have regarding the St Gallen Mafia, I've no reason to doubt that they would have exerted pressure on Benedict to tender a rather strange resignation.
As the gentlemen said, please keep praying your Rosaries.
Sunday, February 24, 2019
Pope Francis, We MUST, On Pain Of Sin, Avoid Even The Appearance Of Communism
Pope Francis, this past Monday, claimed that Christians shy from the "social gospel" because they fear that the Church will look like the Communist Party. Of course he is trying to cajole Catholics into disregarding their common sense so that they will indeed swallow the "social gospel" crap - and eventually socialism, if not outright communism.
In light of these shameless attempts by the pope and other quasi-socialists to induce false shame into us, we must stand strong and call them out for what they are. Here are just a few facts about this "social gospel". He is a big fan of Dorothy Day and her Catholic Worker Movement. I don't know just what Day's original intent was for the CWM, but it has veered into socialism and dissidence. From this page of the DC affiliate, we see that they have allowed disgraced Bishop Thomas Gumbleton to speak at their events, as well as some Pax Christi individuals. Of course, rabidly pro-abortion Jeffrey Sachs was often invited to the Vatican to craft Laudato Si, a thinly-disguided apology for socialism, as well as population-control and climate-change junk science.
In 1984, Pope John Paul II suspended a divinis the priestly faculties of Fr. Ernesto Cardenal, when the latter held a cabinet position in Nicaragua's Sandinista government. Cardenal had always been a Marxist involved in "liberation theology". Pope Francis lifted the suspension. He noted that Cardenal accepted the suspension, but there was no mention of Cardenal seeing the errors of his Marxist and liberation theology mindsets. In this and his various document, the pope displays an untoward affinity for socialism and even communism.
Previous popes have proclaimed quite different things about socialism and communism. They are worth a study. They emphatically declare those philosophies to be inherently evil. So should Christians shy away from appearing to be communists, even if they aren't - for now? Absolutely. 1 Thessalonians 5:22 is adamant about avoiding the appearance of evil - and that is what communism is. The so-called social gospel is a spiritual and moral booby-trap.
In 1984, Pope John Paul II suspended a divinis the priestly faculties of Fr. Ernesto Cardenal, when the latter held a cabinet position in Nicaragua's Sandinista government. Cardenal had always been a Marxist involved in "liberation theology". Pope Francis lifted the suspension. He noted that Cardenal accepted the suspension, but there was no mention of Cardenal seeing the errors of his Marxist and liberation theology mindsets. In this and his various document, the pope displays an untoward affinity for socialism and even communism.
Previous popes have proclaimed quite different things about socialism and communism. They are worth a study. They emphatically declare those philosophies to be inherently evil. So should Christians shy away from appearing to be communists, even if they aren't - for now? Absolutely. 1 Thessalonians 5:22 is adamant about avoiding the appearance of evil - and that is what communism is. The so-called social gospel is a spiritual and moral booby-trap.
Saturday, February 23, 2019
One Million Hits
Earlier today this blog had its 1-millionth visitor. While I'm grateful to God that I have had the ability to write this thing, I am saddened that the need for this blog, and so many others, exists. So much filth has been allowed to infest the One True Church that we must call attention to it so that we can work and pray for its purgation.
I started this blog for several reasons: 1) to inform DC-area Catholics of relevant news that the Catholic Standard and Catholic Review would refuse to publish, 2) to encourage faithful Catholics in the pews to fight for their Church via protests, boycotts, street activisim 3) to put them in touch with other excellent news sources. Just recently I have had occasion to point out the effect that faithful Catholics can have when we raise our voices and demonstrate to corrupt and cowardly Church bureaucrats that we are the Church Militant and not the "church mousy".
Along those lines, I will soon be commenting on the "sex summit sin-nod" that just ended in Rome. However, I would be remiss in not thanking God and my readers for this milestone.
I started this blog for several reasons: 1) to inform DC-area Catholics of relevant news that the Catholic Standard and Catholic Review would refuse to publish, 2) to encourage faithful Catholics in the pews to fight for their Church via protests, boycotts, street activisim 3) to put them in touch with other excellent news sources. Just recently I have had occasion to point out the effect that faithful Catholics can have when we raise our voices and demonstrate to corrupt and cowardly Church bureaucrats that we are the Church Militant and not the "church mousy".
Along those lines, I will soon be commenting on the "sex summit sin-nod" that just ended in Rome. However, I would be remiss in not thanking God and my readers for this milestone.
Thursday, February 21, 2019
St Peter Damian, Pray For Our Pervert-Coddling Prelates!
It is no coincidence whatsoever that the "sex abuse sin-nod" has convened on the feast day of St. Peter Damian, a prelate and Doctor of the Church who fought vigorously against the sins of sodomy that infested the clergy of his day. We beg his intercession for this "summit" is most likely intended as a farce to induce the faithful to believe that they will address the root causes of sex abuse by clergy when in reality they are only interested in mollifying us and providing cover for perverted clergy - some of whom might well be participating in that sin-nod.
Not all bishops are partaking of the kool-aid. Two days ago, Cardinals Brandmuller and Burke, the two remaining dubia Cardinals, issued an open letter to the summit attendees. In that letter, the two cardinals challenged the attendees to break the silence regarding homosexuality. They stated that ,"The plague of the homosexual agenda has been spread within the Church, promoted by organized networks and protected by a climate of complicity and a conspiracy of silence." Yesterday Brandmuller released a statement reemphasizing the role of homosexuality as a major plague in the Church. Meanwhile, Archbishop Vigano today issued his own statement to the attendees urging them to convert. So here we have Cardinals Burke and Brandmuller, with Archbishop Vigano, speaking truth to corrupt power. Perhaps that is why they were not invited to attend.
Let's look at these "organized networks" to which Cardinals Burke and Brandmuller alluded. They are real and they are powerful. In his report on this sin-nod today, Michael Voris details how this network, most likely established by Bella Dodd (before she converted to Catholicism) and probably launched the horrific rampage known as McCarrick's career. One of these networks is known as "St Gallen's mafia" and most likely played a role in strong-arming the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI and then shoving Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio into the papacy. These networks insinuated many clandestine perverts and Communists into the clergy.
The sin-nod is silent on this because now the Vatican is most likely in league with these networks and doesn't want the light shone on their plans and deeds. Just take a look at these "21 reflection points" that the pope wants the sin-nod attendees to consider. Do you see the word "homosexual" mentioned once therein? I don't! I don't even see the word "sin" in this mish-mosh, much less repentance and Confession. And what's with all this jibber-jabber about "protocols" and "norms"? All that's needed is to reaffirm the Church's immutable teachings on morality and faith. It's not at all complicated, but these charlatans want the matter to appear like it is so that they might avoid accountability.
As I look at that picture of St. Peter Damian and ponder his question, I have to think that for today's perverted cabal in the Church, we know the answer. They deliberately seek to undermine the Church. In so doing, they goad many souls to hell, including their own, if they die unrepentant. Therein lies some hope, for if Bella Dodd could convert, so can they. But for some of them, McCarrick especially, the sands of time are running out. Pray that they are converted and pray that the damage they did can be reversed.
Not all bishops are partaking of the kool-aid. Two days ago, Cardinals Brandmuller and Burke, the two remaining dubia Cardinals, issued an open letter to the summit attendees. In that letter, the two cardinals challenged the attendees to break the silence regarding homosexuality. They stated that ,"The plague of the homosexual agenda has been spread within the Church, promoted by organized networks and protected by a climate of complicity and a conspiracy of silence." Yesterday Brandmuller released a statement reemphasizing the role of homosexuality as a major plague in the Church. Meanwhile, Archbishop Vigano today issued his own statement to the attendees urging them to convert. So here we have Cardinals Burke and Brandmuller, with Archbishop Vigano, speaking truth to corrupt power. Perhaps that is why they were not invited to attend.
The sin-nod is silent on this because now the Vatican is most likely in league with these networks and doesn't want the light shone on their plans and deeds. Just take a look at these "21 reflection points" that the pope wants the sin-nod attendees to consider. Do you see the word "homosexual" mentioned once therein? I don't! I don't even see the word "sin" in this mish-mosh, much less repentance and Confession. And what's with all this jibber-jabber about "protocols" and "norms"? All that's needed is to reaffirm the Church's immutable teachings on morality and faith. It's not at all complicated, but these charlatans want the matter to appear like it is so that they might avoid accountability.
Wednesday, February 20, 2019
The Necessity Of Holy Outrage
Two weeks ago I broadcast the planned lecture of Catholic school children by a flaming lesbian on school property, and urged a protest if the invitation was not rescinded. Happily that lecture didn't happen, owing to the looming prospect of a picket. If nothing else, it demonstrated the good that can transpire when good people stand up and speak out.
Today LifeSiteNews published a piece by Phil Lawler entitled "The Laity Can Take Credit For The Defrocking Of McCarrick. What Next?" I think I would thank Our Lord first, but He did see fit to work through us. What if we had not been responsive to His promptings? Lawler was speaking of the summit that will start in two days. While he shares my belief that the summit is a staged sham, he acknowledges that the Vatican wouldn't feel it necessary to put on such a show had it not been for faithful Catholics raising their voices and yes, closing their wallets. He has a point.
In the center of Rome, faithful Catholics gathered to protest the Vatican's silence on the role of homosexuality in the abuse crisis in anticipation of this summit. I believe that Michael Matt of the Remnant is among them. This is the first activity of its kind in Church history. Even if the bishops don't heed these Catholics (and they probably won't), they are again put on notice that we are watching and won't take anymore flapdoodle sitting down.
While more and more Catholics are praying and acting like they are part of the Church Militant, there remain some Catholics who insist on being horrified by righteous anger and calls for direct action. They erroneously believe that prayer alone will solve the various crises that afflict the Church. When we speak out, they often rebuke us (not the wrongdoers but us) for so doing. All too often I have been chided by those saying "Tsk! Tsk! We mustn't get angry! We must remain peaceful and joyful! Don't you trust the Lord?", and so on. These sorts of people are: 1) in deep denial regarding the true state of the Church, 2) confusing true spirituality with the luv-n-peace flower-child-hippy mentality of the 1960s, 3) masking their own cowardice and/or indifference behind a sanctimonious demeanor, 4) harboring some serious sin of their own that is facilitated by the sickness of the Church. Whatever their reasons, they make themselves part of the problem.
If these misguided individuals won't listen to reason, they must be rebuked. Faithful Catholics, understand that there will be costs in so doing. I have found myself ostracized and mocked by people who I thought would know better. Such is life.
Regarding outrage and anger, Msgr Pope wrote an excellent article about that. In that article, he quoted St. John Chrysostom, one of the Fathers of the Church; "He who is not angry when he has cause to be, sins. For unreasonable patience is a hotbed of many vices."
Let us also recall the words of St. Catherine of Sienna, a Doctor of the Church: "We've had enough of exhortations to be silent! Cry out with a thousand tongues. I see that the world is rotten because of silence". Ora et labora.
Today LifeSiteNews published a piece by Phil Lawler entitled "The Laity Can Take Credit For The Defrocking Of McCarrick. What Next?" I think I would thank Our Lord first, but He did see fit to work through us. What if we had not been responsive to His promptings? Lawler was speaking of the summit that will start in two days. While he shares my belief that the summit is a staged sham, he acknowledges that the Vatican wouldn't feel it necessary to put on such a show had it not been for faithful Catholics raising their voices and yes, closing their wallets. He has a point.
In the center of Rome, faithful Catholics gathered to protest the Vatican's silence on the role of homosexuality in the abuse crisis in anticipation of this summit. I believe that Michael Matt of the Remnant is among them. This is the first activity of its kind in Church history. Even if the bishops don't heed these Catholics (and they probably won't), they are again put on notice that we are watching and won't take anymore flapdoodle sitting down.
While more and more Catholics are praying and acting like they are part of the Church Militant, there remain some Catholics who insist on being horrified by righteous anger and calls for direct action. They erroneously believe that prayer alone will solve the various crises that afflict the Church. When we speak out, they often rebuke us (not the wrongdoers but us) for so doing. All too often I have been chided by those saying "Tsk! Tsk! We mustn't get angry! We must remain peaceful and joyful! Don't you trust the Lord?", and so on. These sorts of people are: 1) in deep denial regarding the true state of the Church, 2) confusing true spirituality with the luv-n-peace flower-child-hippy mentality of the 1960s, 3) masking their own cowardice and/or indifference behind a sanctimonious demeanor, 4) harboring some serious sin of their own that is facilitated by the sickness of the Church. Whatever their reasons, they make themselves part of the problem.
If these misguided individuals won't listen to reason, they must be rebuked. Faithful Catholics, understand that there will be costs in so doing. I have found myself ostracized and mocked by people who I thought would know better. Such is life.
Regarding outrage and anger, Msgr Pope wrote an excellent article about that. In that article, he quoted St. John Chrysostom, one of the Fathers of the Church; "He who is not angry when he has cause to be, sins. For unreasonable patience is a hotbed of many vices."
Let us also recall the words of St. Catherine of Sienna, a Doctor of the Church: "We've had enough of exhortations to be silent! Cry out with a thousand tongues. I see that the world is rotten because of silence". Ora et labora.
Monday, February 18, 2019
A Sin-Nod Circus Starts This Week
What might that be? Why, it's the so-called summit entitled "Protection of Minors in the Church". In light of McCarrick's dismissal from the clerical state - and the reasons for it - you can see the problem right away in the title of gab-fest. Approximately 80% of the victims are young men over the age of 14. They are not little children.
Hilary White, on her blog, posted a video in which Edward Pentin and another ask a panel of clerics, including Cardinal Cupich, about the focus of this summit. They make the point that most of the victims are past puberty and that many of the victims are seminarians. They, in a word, challenge the focus, opining that there should be at least some time devoted to their predation. Cupich et al do quite a job tap-dancing around the question. Basically, they tell Pentin that the focus is on the protection of children and that is that. At the very least, I'd hope that Cupich et al understand that the Catholics in the pews are not going to be fooled by this upcoming dog-and-pony show.
The pope has designated Cupich to be the head honcho of this thing. As this LifeSiteNews piece reminds us, Cupich is the one who dismissed Archbishop Vigano's testimony about then-Cardinal McCarrick's predation on young men, stating that the church wasn't going to "go down that rabbit hole". Cupich now has many eggs on his face as the events of last week have vindicated Vigano. Cardinal Muller, in commenting on the sin-nod, quoted the statistics cited in my first paragraph, stating that "anyone who ignores the facts does not want to solve the problem". Indeed they don't for they are trying to put on an concerned facade while not acknowledging that the victims of the perversions of their buddies, or even themselves, are young men.
That last sentence is the key reason why I refer to this upcoming debacle as a sin-nod. They seek to keep the chickens available as prey for the chicken hawks. Recall that at the most recent USCCB meeting, a vote on action against these sex predators was taken off the table by Cupich, ostensibly to wait for the outcome of this staged cover-up of the real problem. Now we see why, from their warped perspectives, they wanted that vote put off; they want to make certain that young men, including seminarians, are still fair game for perverted clerical lusts.
How long, oh Lord, how long?
Hilary White, on her blog, posted a video in which Edward Pentin and another ask a panel of clerics, including Cardinal Cupich, about the focus of this summit. They make the point that most of the victims are past puberty and that many of the victims are seminarians. They, in a word, challenge the focus, opining that there should be at least some time devoted to their predation. Cupich et al do quite a job tap-dancing around the question. Basically, they tell Pentin that the focus is on the protection of children and that is that. At the very least, I'd hope that Cupich et al understand that the Catholics in the pews are not going to be fooled by this upcoming dog-and-pony show.
The pope has designated Cupich to be the head honcho of this thing. As this LifeSiteNews piece reminds us, Cupich is the one who dismissed Archbishop Vigano's testimony about then-Cardinal McCarrick's predation on young men, stating that the church wasn't going to "go down that rabbit hole". Cupich now has many eggs on his face as the events of last week have vindicated Vigano. Cardinal Muller, in commenting on the sin-nod, quoted the statistics cited in my first paragraph, stating that "anyone who ignores the facts does not want to solve the problem". Indeed they don't for they are trying to put on an concerned facade while not acknowledging that the victims of the perversions of their buddies, or even themselves, are young men.
That last sentence is the key reason why I refer to this upcoming debacle as a sin-nod. They seek to keep the chickens available as prey for the chicken hawks. Recall that at the most recent USCCB meeting, a vote on action against these sex predators was taken off the table by Cupich, ostensibly to wait for the outcome of this staged cover-up of the real problem. Now we see why, from their warped perspectives, they wanted that vote put off; they want to make certain that young men, including seminarians, are still fair game for perverted clerical lusts.
How long, oh Lord, how long?
Sunday, February 17, 2019
Masonic Underpinnings Of Human Fraternity Idolatry Document
Cardinal Gerhard Muller first made mention of this when he expressed dismay over the Masons' praise of the pope's fascination with "fraternity". He stated quite frankly and directly that "a universal religion does not exist". He's absolutely correct. There is the Catholic Church, the One True Church. All others, while they may adhere to varying segments of truth, do not possess it in its fullness. They do not possess the sacraments, unity with the Chair of Peter and were not instituted by Jesus Christ to lead people to salvation - as was the Catholic Church.
Michael Matt, in the video that appears at the bottom of this post, makes similar points regarding the heresy that Francis committed when he signed the "Human Fraternity Document". Before we look at that, I'd like to examine the Offertory Song for today's Mass. I would not sing it. When I looked at the verses, I couldn't help but notice the environmental idolatry in the piece of the song that bewailed the "slashing and burning and paving". I also noticed that the word "God" was mentioned once - that's it! The rest of the song focused only on earthly life - not on anything of eternal consequence.
I decided to research the author (Adam Tice). I found that he is a Mennonite. His twitter page reveals that his music is indeed focused on earthly life and not on eternal salvation. I don't know enough about Mennonite thought to know whether or not he's in keeping with their beliefs, but it doesn't matter. The music, as it is, is not fit for Catholic consumption. Mind you, I've seen far worse, but it is what it is. Here it is to the right.
Now please pay close attention to what Matt has to say. He makes a compelling case for the understanding that the heresy committed last week was a logical outcome of the "spirit of Vatican II". I remember that mess in Fatima 33 years ago. Pope John Paul II's kissing of the Koran was inexcusable. So too is the prattling about the "new world order". That is masonic talk. We saw a glaring example of that with Francis last week. At my church today we saw a small, barely noticeable example there. Probably these small, seemingly insignificant examples abound, and they are so small that we don't notice them and they slip into our thinking without us being aware of their influence. In addition to the prayer suggested by Matt, we need to keep our ears and eyes wide open.

I decided to research the author (Adam Tice). I found that he is a Mennonite. His twitter page reveals that his music is indeed focused on earthly life and not on eternal salvation. I don't know enough about Mennonite thought to know whether or not he's in keeping with their beliefs, but it doesn't matter. The music, as it is, is not fit for Catholic consumption. Mind you, I've seen far worse, but it is what it is. Here it is to the right.
Now please pay close attention to what Matt has to say. He makes a compelling case for the understanding that the heresy committed last week was a logical outcome of the "spirit of Vatican II". I remember that mess in Fatima 33 years ago. Pope John Paul II's kissing of the Koran was inexcusable. So too is the prattling about the "new world order". That is masonic talk. We saw a glaring example of that with Francis last week. At my church today we saw a small, barely noticeable example there. Probably these small, seemingly insignificant examples abound, and they are so small that we don't notice them and they slip into our thinking without us being aware of their influence. In addition to the prayer suggested by Matt, we need to keep our ears and eyes wide open.
Saturday, February 16, 2019
McCarrick Is Laicized
This is long overdue - not only on behalf of his poor victims throughout the decades but also countless others who have been led astray owing to his dissidence on matters of the faith. They are too many to list here, but over the years of this blog's existence, they have been noted here and elsewhere. He also had (probably still does have) the habit of publicly hob-nobbing with infamous pro-aborts at various functions; I've participated in and/or led pickets at those debacle, including this.
McCarrick is by no means the only one. Given the ungodly priorities of this pontificate, I've no doubt that McCarrick was intended to be a sacrificial lamb to mollify those of us who seek to have Holy Mother Church purified of the rot that infests her at all levels. It will be up to faithful Catholic laity not only to pray and offfer sacrifices, but also to utilize all moral means available to keep up the pressure - including pickets such as the one exemplified in the most recent link.
I've no doubt that McCarrick will be offered a cushy "retirement package" in return for all the disservice rendered throughout the years. However, we must also remember to pray that McCarrick will wake up and repent, making a good confession. He is elderly and hasn't much time left on earth to do that.
McCarrick is by no means the only one. Given the ungodly priorities of this pontificate, I've no doubt that McCarrick was intended to be a sacrificial lamb to mollify those of us who seek to have Holy Mother Church purified of the rot that infests her at all levels. It will be up to faithful Catholic laity not only to pray and offfer sacrifices, but also to utilize all moral means available to keep up the pressure - including pickets such as the one exemplified in the most recent link.
I've no doubt that McCarrick will be offered a cushy "retirement package" in return for all the disservice rendered throughout the years. However, we must also remember to pray that McCarrick will wake up and repent, making a good confession. He is elderly and hasn't much time left on earth to do that.
Friday, February 15, 2019
Farrell To Be Papal Camerlengo - What Could Possibly Go Right?
I've written a good bit about Cardinal Farrell in the past. Some might recall that before he made himself infamous, he was pastor of a local parish in Washington DC. He was unimpressive then so we knew he'd be a problem when he was named a cardinal.
Among many of his problems is his close association with now ex-cardinal McCarrick. Farrell lived with McCarrick for six years, yet he claims to have known nothing regarding McCarrick's perverted assaults on young men.
Now that McCarrick is on the verge of being laicized (unless he weasels his way out of this), we find it odd that the pope has appointed a close McCarrick associate as camerlengo. This official wields much influence after the death of a pope, essentially managing Vatican and Church affairs until a new pope is elected.
So we have Farrell as camerlengo and Cupich running the abuse summit in a few weeks. As they say, personnel is policy, so again we have clear evidence of current policies at the Vatican.
Among many of his problems is his close association with now ex-cardinal McCarrick. Farrell lived with McCarrick for six years, yet he claims to have known nothing regarding McCarrick's perverted assaults on young men.
Now that McCarrick is on the verge of being laicized (unless he weasels his way out of this), we find it odd that the pope has appointed a close McCarrick associate as camerlengo. This official wields much influence after the death of a pope, essentially managing Vatican and Church affairs until a new pope is elected.
So we have Farrell as camerlengo and Cupich running the abuse summit in a few weeks. As they say, personnel is policy, so again we have clear evidence of current policies at the Vatican.
Wednesday, February 13, 2019
Noted Catholic Leaders Publicly Contradict The Human Fraternity Document
Last Thursday I asked if the "human fraternity" document shows Francis to be an anti-pope. Several leading prelates and philosophers seem to answer in the positive.
Cardinal Gerhard Mueller, former prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, issued a "Manifesto of Faith"; the National Catholic Register article has the entire document toward the bottom of its article. He makes plain that Christianity is the true religion and no other religion can be considered to be on a par with the Faith that Jesus Christ Himself teaches through the One True Church. It is the shepherds' task to guide the people, through the Church, to eternal salvation.
Bishop Athanasius Schneider said many of the same things in his own document, "The Gift of Filial Adoption - The Christian Faith: The Valid and Only God-Willed Religion". He too emphasizes that Christianity is the One True Faith for it was instituted by God Himself.
Taking a none-too-veiled dig at two pet-causes of progressives, namely "climate change" and uncontrolled "immigration, he says, "The most urgent task of the Church in our time is to care about the change of the spiritual climate and about the spiritual migration, namely that the climate of non-belief in Jesus Christ, the climate of the rejection of the kingship of Christ, be changed into the climate of explicit faith in Jesus Christ, of the acceptance of His kingship, and that men may migrate from the misery of the spiritual slavery of unbelief into the happiness of being sons of God and from a life of sin into the state of sanctifying grace. These are the migrants about whom we must care urgently."
Where these two prelates addressed the heresies of the "human fraternity" document without naming either the document or Francis, Professor Josef Seifert names both in his "Grave Concerns About Pope Francis' Abu Dhabi Document". He too condemns the notion that God willed "plurality of religions", stating that the pope rejected Christianity by signing onto that heretical statements in that document. At the end of his statement, Seifert expresses hope that the pope will retract that error, but states, "if he does not do this, I am afraid that Canon Law may apply according to which a Pope automatically loses his Petrine office when professing heresy, especially when he professes the sum-total of all heresies."
The pope has taken notice of these objections. He assured one and all that the Theologian of the Papal Household approved it. But it seems that this theologian never saw the document. I tend to think the latter is correct.
Two questions now loom before us.
Cardinal Gerhard Mueller, former prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, issued a "Manifesto of Faith"; the National Catholic Register article has the entire document toward the bottom of its article. He makes plain that Christianity is the true religion and no other religion can be considered to be on a par with the Faith that Jesus Christ Himself teaches through the One True Church. It is the shepherds' task to guide the people, through the Church, to eternal salvation.
Bishop Athanasius Schneider said many of the same things in his own document, "The Gift of Filial Adoption - The Christian Faith: The Valid and Only God-Willed Religion". He too emphasizes that Christianity is the One True Faith for it was instituted by God Himself.
Taking a none-too-veiled dig at two pet-causes of progressives, namely "climate change" and uncontrolled "immigration, he says, "The most urgent task of the Church in our time is to care about the change of the spiritual climate and about the spiritual migration, namely that the climate of non-belief in Jesus Christ, the climate of the rejection of the kingship of Christ, be changed into the climate of explicit faith in Jesus Christ, of the acceptance of His kingship, and that men may migrate from the misery of the spiritual slavery of unbelief into the happiness of being sons of God and from a life of sin into the state of sanctifying grace. These are the migrants about whom we must care urgently."
Where these two prelates addressed the heresies of the "human fraternity" document without naming either the document or Francis, Professor Josef Seifert names both in his "Grave Concerns About Pope Francis' Abu Dhabi Document". He too condemns the notion that God willed "plurality of religions", stating that the pope rejected Christianity by signing onto that heretical statements in that document. At the end of his statement, Seifert expresses hope that the pope will retract that error, but states, "if he does not do this, I am afraid that Canon Law may apply according to which a Pope automatically loses his Petrine office when professing heresy, especially when he professes the sum-total of all heresies."
The pope has taken notice of these objections. He assured one and all that the Theologian of the Papal Household approved it. But it seems that this theologian never saw the document. I tend to think the latter is correct.
Two questions now loom before us.
- Will the pope retract his error?
- If not, will we have the courage and integrity to admit the obvious as Professor Seifert has done?
I'd suggest careful study of all three of these answers to the "human fraternity" heresy. Pray that more Catholics stand up to these errors that, if left unchecked, will likely facilitate the damnation of many souls. Pray that sanity return to the papal office.
Monday, February 11, 2019
McCarrick Wrote The Land O Lakes Statement?
This episode of the Vortex claims that McCarrick at least had a hand in its drafting. While this is news to me, it certainly is no surprise. He is a signer.
Word is afoot that the Vatican will soon be deciding whether or not McCarrick will be laicized. For the sake of all concerned, including McCarrick himself, I pray that he is laicized and that he take honest looks at the state of his soul, for he hasn't many years left in which to repent and do some reparation.
Word is afoot that the Vatican will soon be deciding whether or not McCarrick will be laicized. For the sake of all concerned, including McCarrick himself, I pray that he is laicized and that he take honest looks at the state of his soul, for he hasn't many years left in which to repent and do some reparation.
Thursday, February 7, 2019
Does The Human Fraternity Document Show Francis To Be An Antipope?
The blog "From Rome" states, Today, if not beforehand, Jorge Mario Bergoglio publicly and manifestly apostatized from the Catholic Faith, when he signed the “Human Fraternity Document” which professes all religions to be “willed by God in His wisdom.”
Sadly, I must agree. Here is the document as it appears on the Vatican website. Here is the offending statement, again from the Vatican site: The pluralism and the diversity of religions, colour, sex, race and language are willed by God in His wisdom..
God does NOT will "diversity of religions". "Diversity of religions" is idolatry. The First Commandment demands that we worship Him and Him alone. It is utter blasphemy to suggest that God wills people to commit the mortal sin of idolatry.
Let's be honest. If anyone else said this, faithful Catholics everywhere would be denouncing the formal apostasy of the one who uttered it. We now have the pope putting forth that statement, and he cannot be excused for this apostasy because he is the pope. Indeed, the apparent guilt for him is much greater than it would be for an ordinary Catholic on account of his high station. He veers dangerously close to being eligible for the label "antipope".
Mahound's Paradise has more information on the Muslim imam who also signed that document. He is not a benevolent leader. Professor Roberto de Mattei warns of the Masonic undertones in this document. Indeed, I believe that "fraternity" is being elevated to the status of an idol. Again, I regret that this pope is taking on all the appearances of an antipope. In any event, he seems to be a danger to the One True Faith and perhaps to himself. We must pray and keep our eyes open.
Sadly, I must agree. Here is the document as it appears on the Vatican website. Here is the offending statement, again from the Vatican site: The pluralism and the diversity of religions, colour, sex, race and language are willed by God in His wisdom..
God does NOT will "diversity of religions". "Diversity of religions" is idolatry. The First Commandment demands that we worship Him and Him alone. It is utter blasphemy to suggest that God wills people to commit the mortal sin of idolatry.
Let's be honest. If anyone else said this, faithful Catholics everywhere would be denouncing the formal apostasy of the one who uttered it. We now have the pope putting forth that statement, and he cannot be excused for this apostasy because he is the pope. Indeed, the apparent guilt for him is much greater than it would be for an ordinary Catholic on account of his high station. He veers dangerously close to being eligible for the label "antipope".
Mahound's Paradise has more information on the Muslim imam who also signed that document. He is not a benevolent leader. Professor Roberto de Mattei warns of the Masonic undertones in this document. Indeed, I believe that "fraternity" is being elevated to the status of an idol. Again, I regret that this pope is taking on all the appearances of an antipope. In any event, he seems to be a danger to the One True Faith and perhaps to himself. We must pray and keep our eyes open.
Tuesday, February 5, 2019
Upcoming Atrocity In Durham, NC - Action Needed From Faithful Catholics
UPDATE: If you go to the school's site as directed below, you will notice that Alston's name no longer appears. That does not necessarily mean she has been disivited. We hope it does, but there exists the possibility that her name was pulled to dissuade action from us. Please continue to contact them and ask them to confirm that Alston will not be there. Please advise via comments of any responses. Thanks.
Original post below:
A reader local to the area alerted me to this, asking for my support. After doing some research, I share her concerns.
The matter concerns Immaculata School in Durham NC. Please go to their website and then to their drop-down event calendar to the right. Go to Feb 8, to the African American Heritage thing. You'll see that the guest speaker is Vernetta Alston. She is a member of the Durham City Council. She also pretends that she is "married" to another woman. The venue for this event appears to be on school property. No Catholic institution is permitted to honor one who lives in manifest mortal sin.
For all across the country:
Original post below:
A reader local to the area alerted me to this, asking for my support. After doing some research, I share her concerns.
The matter concerns Immaculata School in Durham NC. Please go to their website and then to their drop-down event calendar to the right. Go to Feb 8, to the African American Heritage thing. You'll see that the guest speaker is Vernetta Alston. She is a member of the Durham City Council. She also pretends that she is "married" to another woman. The venue for this event appears to be on school property. No Catholic institution is permitted to honor one who lives in manifest mortal sin.
For all across the country:
- The contact information for the school is on their webpage. The principal should be called to ask that the invitation to Alston be rescinded.
- The school is in the Diocese of Raleigh. I have linked to the diocesan website so that we may contact the offices of Bishop Luis Zarama.
For faithful Catholics in the locality, particularly parents of students in that school:
- If the invitation is not rescinded, consider a picket of that event or a protest from inside it.
- Make sure your children don't attend it by keeping them at home that day, explaining to the principal why they are absent
- Network with others like-minded so you can be informed about future problems to take corrective action.
We don't have a whole lot of time so we need to move quickly. Spread the word of this around, particularly to any contacts in the Durham area.
From The Lawyers For Nick Sandmann
One of the lawyers for Nick Sandmann released this video related to the incident on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. Mr. Wood does an excellent job in exposing the lies of Nathan Phillips and those of the mainstream media.
Monday, February 4, 2019
From World Youth Craze - The Beach Bum Mass
World Youth Day Serpent |
I would seriously caution all parents NOT to allow their children to attend these affairs.
Sunday, February 3, 2019
Justice For The Covington Boys - The First Steps
A week or two ago we heard that lawyers representing Nick Sandmann and some other students of Covington High were contemplating legal action. The contemplation is over and the first steps have been taken. A team of seven lawyers have sent document preservation letters to 54 entities on behalf of the boys. These entities include: the Diocese of Covington, the Archdiocese of Baltimore, the New York Times, the Washington Post, Kathy Griffin, Elizabeth Warren.
I say good for the boys and their attorneys. Let the left-wing lemmings squirm, those who rushed to throw high school kids under a bus because they wore MAGA hats and didn't offer grovelling obeisance to some activist fraud who banged drums in their faces. That goes double for the Catholic dioceses and their cowardly prelates.
I say good for the boys and their attorneys. Let the left-wing lemmings squirm, those who rushed to throw high school kids under a bus because they wore MAGA hats and didn't offer grovelling obeisance to some activist fraud who banged drums in their faces. That goes double for the Catholic dioceses and their cowardly prelates.
Friday, February 1, 2019
Clergy Will Pretend To Police Themselves At Vatican Meeting This February
Between Feb 21-24, various Church officials will meet in the Vatican to discuss "protection of minors". You might recall this meeting is the excuse reason why the pope quashed any vote on this matter when the USCCB met last November. Quite frankly, after this meeting I suspect no young man will be safe around a goodly percentage of clergy.
Let's start by looking at the "organizing committee". We see Cardinal Cupich is part of it. He's the same prelate who doesn't seem all that concerned with prelates raping seminarians because it's sex between two adults. One would hope that this meeting will deal with ex-cardinal McCarrick and how this serial abuser was allowed to carry on for so long. Will that topic be axed from the agenda as a mere "rabbit hole"?
One wonders if the pope shares that same sentiment. At best, he appears not to have high expectations of this meeting for he said "the abuse will's a human problem". Well golly gee whiz! Should we say the same about serial hatchet murders? These crimes aren't human - they are monstrous. Moreover, this meeting is being held with the ostensible purpose of dealing with sexual abuse as committed by clergy, that is, those who've received the Sacrament of Holy Orders and who will bear that indelible mark on their souls for all eternity.
The pope revealed last week that he fails to take seriously sins of the flesh, the consideration of which he dismisses as "morality below the belt". He went so far as to praise confessors who shrug them off while saying that other confessors who ask the nature and kind of these sins should see a psychiatrist. Recall that our Lady of Fatima told the seers that more souls go to hell owing to sins of the flesh. Moreover, when we have mortal sin to confess, we are required to tell the confessor the nature of these sins and the number of times we committed them. The pope is essentially giving instructions that can only result in eternal damnation for those in mortal sins of the flesh. Will the pope, along with Cupich et al, force this mindset upon the attendees of this meeting?
Other troubling questions need to be asked. Is the purpose of this meeting to produce smoke and mirrors so that abusive prelates can continue their abuse of boys and young men? Maybe of the ideas behind it is to normalize sodomy?
Obviosly there will be more to discuss as things unfold and the meeting itself happens.
Let's start by looking at the "organizing committee". We see Cardinal Cupich is part of it. He's the same prelate who doesn't seem all that concerned with prelates raping seminarians because it's sex between two adults. One would hope that this meeting will deal with ex-cardinal McCarrick and how this serial abuser was allowed to carry on for so long. Will that topic be axed from the agenda as a mere "rabbit hole"?
One wonders if the pope shares that same sentiment. At best, he appears not to have high expectations of this meeting for he said "the abuse will's a human problem". Well golly gee whiz! Should we say the same about serial hatchet murders? These crimes aren't human - they are monstrous. Moreover, this meeting is being held with the ostensible purpose of dealing with sexual abuse as committed by clergy, that is, those who've received the Sacrament of Holy Orders and who will bear that indelible mark on their souls for all eternity.
The pope revealed last week that he fails to take seriously sins of the flesh, the consideration of which he dismisses as "morality below the belt". He went so far as to praise confessors who shrug them off while saying that other confessors who ask the nature and kind of these sins should see a psychiatrist. Recall that our Lady of Fatima told the seers that more souls go to hell owing to sins of the flesh. Moreover, when we have mortal sin to confess, we are required to tell the confessor the nature of these sins and the number of times we committed them. The pope is essentially giving instructions that can only result in eternal damnation for those in mortal sins of the flesh. Will the pope, along with Cupich et al, force this mindset upon the attendees of this meeting?
Other troubling questions need to be asked. Is the purpose of this meeting to produce smoke and mirrors so that abusive prelates can continue their abuse of boys and young men? Maybe of the ideas behind it is to normalize sodomy?
Obviosly there will be more to discuss as things unfold and the meeting itself happens.
World Youth Craze
The annual extravaganza known as "World Youth Day", this time in Panama, has come and gone. Ostensibly it is to answer the spiritual needs of young people in the Church. However, that is not quite the case. Organizers have said that the "central themes" would be immigration, environment and role of women in the Church. In other words, it would be a brainwashing project to insinuate leftist/socialists ideas to naive young people. If this truly was about spiritually nourishing young people, wouldn't appropriate themes include repentance, conversion, Sacraments, growth in holiness, necessity of chastity and other such topics?
One Latin American attendee wrote his account of his trip there and it is published on the Church Militant site. He was profoundly disappointed at the raucous atmosphere there, and even aspects of what we know as the "hook-up culture". To be clear, reverence was to be found among the attendees, but often that happened in spite of the organization. Take, for instance, this time of Eucharistic adoration and Benediction. Observe the grotesque object that passes for a monstrance stand. I fear that could be a horrid distortion of our Blessed Mother. If so, both she and Our Lord were targets of sacrilege.
Carelessness seemed to be the order of the day. GloriaTV reports that after one of those huge outdoor Masses, one young man found a Host on the ground. Fortunately the young man consumed the Host immediately to protect Our Lord from further maltreatment. How many others fell to the ground and were perhaps trodden underfoot?
I have not heard any reports of any workshops and talks that occurred. Please check the Church Militant link; that rap-singing, break-dancing routine is supposed to depict the Annunciation. Ladies and gentlemen, can we say "irreverent blasphemy"?
Now onto the February meeting for the "protection of minors". They were ill-served last week.
I have not heard any reports of any workshops and talks that occurred. Please check the Church Militant link; that rap-singing, break-dancing routine is supposed to depict the Annunciation. Ladies and gentlemen, can we say "irreverent blasphemy"?
Now onto the February meeting for the "protection of minors". They were ill-served last week.
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