Eeeekk!! The USCCB is having their semi-annual meeting in Fort Lauderdale this week! And they've already
plopped a massive stinker! This one centers around "immigration". In other words, they are all for the coddling of those who crash our borders, entering illegally. By definition, those who sneak into our country and break our laws are criminals. But the bishops have historically been awarded millions of federal dollars throughout the years to "resettle" those who crash our borders.
They have their kindred progressive spirits in liberal areas of the country - Maryland being one of them. In particular, Montgomery County is a liberal loony bin. You might recall the debate among the candidates for County Council President. I recorded that and
posted the entire thing here. Listen to these lemmings brag that they will order local police not to cooperate with ICE in the enforcement of federal immigration laws. This debate happened in a Catholic church; Msgr Enzler (president of Catholic Charities, by the way - the same Catholic Charities that was the recipient of the aforementioned billions of our tax dollars) was just beaming at these arrogant pronouncements.

Yesterday the USCCB ranted against the Trump administration's moves to protect our borders. They went so far as to say that this matter is a "right to life" issue. Some bishops even suggested "canonical penalties" for those who implement the administration's new rules. More on that in a moment.
Here's one gem of a paragraph:
Cardinal Joseph Tobin of Newark, N.J., proposed that a group of bishops be sent to the border to inspect the detention facilities where children are kept as a “sign of our pastoral concern and protest against the hardening of the American heart.” Bishop Oscar CantĂº of Las Cruces, N.M., suggested “public gestures” such as prayer vigils in front of federal courthouses.
This is the same Cardinal Tobin who, as Archbishop of Indianapolis, turned a deaf ear to us when we
pleaded with him to forbid lesbians from using a KofC hall to celebrate their fake "marriage". In light of his subsequent receipt of his red zucchetto, I entertain the possibility that in fact he ordered that concession to the perverts. Where was his "pastoral concern" when perverts and their enablers were allowed to flaunt their mortal sins on Catholic property?
Here's another:
Bishop Edward Weisenburger of Tucson, Ariz., made a bolder suggestion, raising the possibility of implementing canonical penalties for Catholics “who are involved in this,” referring to children being separated from their families at the border.Canonical penalties can range from denial of sacraments to excommunication, though Weisenburger did not specify what he intended beyond referring to sanctions that already exist for “life issues.”
Weisenburger was appointed Tuscon bishop by Pope Francis. Certainly canon law is not one of his strong points for canonical penalties cannot be levied in the absence of canonical offenses. Disagreeing with some clergy on matters of prudential judgment is not a canonical crime. Bishops cannot wave the threat of "canonical penalties at their whims and fancies. Sheesh! Where's the "separation of church and state crowd" now? Oh, that's right! They only come out when non-negotiable matters of morality are the topics of interest.
Now here's an interesting question regarding canonical penalties. We know that they are completely disregarded when pro-abortion politicians strut up the Communion line and receive, in direct violation of Canon 915. So will all these prelates who thumb their noses at this unmistakable canon law now wax stern and forceful if Weisenburger has his way?
Speaking of "life issues", how much attention will baby-slaughter receive at this meeting? Not much, but I digress.
Maryland bishops and their Annapolis cronies have been particularly hard at work to make Maryland a haven for illegals. With these illegals have come hispanic gangs such as MS-13.
I link now to a video detailing how dangerous they have made it to attend public schools. The Maryland bishops, to an uncomfortably large extent, are culpable for this state of affairs.