Saturday, April 16, 2022

Time To Turn In Your Rice Bowls!

Well, now that Lent is drawing to a close, it is time to take your CRS rice bowls into your parishes so that your hard-earned money can be forked over to various and sundry anti-God organizations - or at least, that is the hope of the USCCB.  Many of us Catholic "alternative media" have been sounding the alarm regarding this bunch for years now, advising you to direct your donations to charities that actually follow our Faith.

But that doesn't mean those ubiquitous little cardboard things have to go to waste!  The Lepanto Institute, a leader in telling the truth about Catholic Relief Services, has a selection of flyers to hand out.  One of these could be folded up and put into that box.  Let the parish staff get an education when they open yours.  Alternatively, you can consider putting into that box "McCarrick Money", courtesy of Complicit Clergy.

Of course you can write your own note and place that in the box.  In any event, let them know why you won't give them one red cent.  #sayno2crs

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