Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Archdiocese Of Baltimore's Not-So-Prolife Office

Here we have the webpage of the Archdiocese of Baltimore's Respect Life Office.  You will notice at the bottom of the page that Erin Younkins is the Director of Life, Justice and Peace. 

Now take a look at the site belonging to the Archdiocese of Baltimore Social Ministry Convocation - the outfit putting on that progressive gab fest this coming weekend.  Take a look at their 2023 Planning Committee.  Notice that Erin Younkins is a member of that committee.  I highly doubt that the transgender-coddling workshop would be allowed to happen without Younkins' permission, if not her approval.  Younkins' involvement of this was pointed out to me by an alert Catholic.

As pointed out in one of my previous posts, the allowance of that workshop is a prime example of the Catholic Church of Baltimore cooperating in the mortal sin of sexual perversion.  No one truly pro-life can countenance any insult to the Church teaching and tradition regarding marriage, sexuality, life.  If ever there was a "seamless garment" in Catholic moral theology, it can be found in Humanae Vitae, Casti Commubi and other documents.  Unless Younkins is completely bereft of common sense, she has to be aware of that.  

I therefore emailed her the following message two days ago:

Ms. Younkins, I write to you in your capacity as the Director of the Office of Life, Justice and Peace for the Archdiocese of Baltimore.  

No doubt you are aware of the gathering that will occur this coming Saturday at Mercy High School of the Archdiocese of Baltimore Social Ministry Convocation.  You are listed on the 2023 Planning Committee.  I and others have scoured that website and find not one mention of abortion, an evil that the USCCB described as the greatest social evil.  We find all sorts of other issues mentioned, all of which any radical proponent of baby-slaughter could use to claim alliance and compliance with the Church.  

Most troubling is workshop #12, obviously designed to garner support for gender-confused individuals as they engage in objectively mortal sins of sexual perversions.  That the Archdiocese of Baltimore is lending its name to that constitutes a serious sin of scandal. You in particular bear responsibility if you do not publicly and vehemently denounce that workshop.  The individuals slated to speak at that workshop need to be guided to repentance and healing, not applauded as they literally careen towards misery in this life and likely damnation in the next. 

Please be advised that this communication and any responses (or lack thereof) will be publicized.  

As you might have suspected, I have received no reply at the time I am writing this blog piece.  Her email address is  The phone number on that web page is 410-547-5537.  Why not you, dear readers, drop her a line or two and let her know of your displeasure?

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