Saturday, November 11, 2023

BREAKING - Francis Fires Strickland, Kicks Him To The Curb

Bishop Joseph Strickland, formerly  Bishop of Tyler Texas, has always been a champion for the One True Faith, even in the face of Francis' wayward ways.  Therefore it is really no surprise that Francis fired Strickland as Bishop of Tyler.  So much for "accompaniment".  I suppose that only works if one is a flaming gay or some other type of dissident.  The true faithful, such as adherents to the Traditional Latin Mass, Cardinal Burke, now Strickland are treated like so much dung.

So what was Strickland's high crime and misdemeanor for which he was fired?  He warned his flock about Francis' so-called "reforms", such as allowing gays to baptize their babies without raising them with Catholic Faith and Morality, women to elect the next pope, etc.

By the way!  Am I the only one who thinks it interesting that this hatchet job happened today, Saturday?  It's like the Vatican is borrowing ideas from the Democrat handbook, to execute draconian measures over the weekend when folks may be less likely to pay attention.  Sorry, guys!  It didn't work!

Of course Francis is trying to make an example of him.  Let us pray that this attempt backfires, that more bishops will stand with Strickland, and more importantly, stand with the Church and her Teachings as defined over the centuries, not the last 60 years.


  1. +Strickland will be a former bishop of Tyler only when he accepts this. Canon law under the current regime may provide him with no due process or recourse, but the diocese is also a legal entity under secular law. Not even a dictator (anti-)pope is exempt from the demands of civil law. +Strickland could, theoretically, refuse to hand over the property of the diocese and Rome would need to take him to court in Texas. Of course then Rome would be subject to discovery in the ensuing lawsuit and they won't want that.



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