Thursday, May 30, 2024

President Trump - Latest Kangaroo Court Target

After the Garland 9 were tried for their roles in a clinic rescue last August, we knew we would see more kangaroo trials.  Today former President Donald Trump was the latest victim of another kangaroo court that progressives seem to be producing with increasing blatancy.  In New York City, he was found guilty on all 34 counts of falsifying documents in hush money matters.

If it sounds confusing to you, you're not the only one.  Anticipating such confusion on the part of jurors, the judge told them that they need not agree amongst themselves just what specific crime was at issue.  According to the AP, all the jury had to do was to agree that "something unlawful was done to promote Trump's election campaign", and it wasn't necessary to agree on that "something".  The judge gave them three categories of crimes, so the jurors could make their own choices from that smorgasbord.  Again, they didn't have to agree on the specific crime(s), just that something bad was done.

Trump's attorneys will file appeals very quickly, and I cannot see how New York's case will stand under higher scrutiny.  Frankly, their batting average in that respect is rather laughable.  Earlier today, the US Supreme Court ruled that New York violated the free speech rights of the National Rifle Association by pressuring banks to sever relationships with the NRA.  Let's also not forget the 2022 Bruen decision that reigned in New York's trampling of Second Amendment rights.

Regardless of political leanings, one can see that this is yet another miscarriage of justice that cannot be allowed to stand.

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