Sunday, July 14, 2024

Attempt Made On Donald Trump's Life

On Saturday, July 13, 2024 in Butler PA, an attempt was made to assassinate former President Trump as he spoke at a campaign rally there.  Shots were fired.  One grazed Trump's right ear.  An attendee, Corey Comperatore, died at the scene while shielding his family from bullets with his body. Thomas Matthew Crooks has been identified as the shooter.  He was shot dead by Secret Service after he fired his shots.

Trump will not be cowed!

From the get-go, this assassination attempt smells more like an organized conspiracy as opposed to some lone-wolf nut acting on his own.  There is the clear shot that he was allowed to have at Trump, despite all the so-called security.  Even when others saw Crooks on the roof and tried to alert police, they were met with silence.  These are detailed here.  No doubt we will never learn the truth.

Attention, would-be assassins - especially if you are being equipped to do your dirty work by deep-state operatives.  Should you accept their solicitations and their assistance in doing their dirty work for them, you will be guilty of the mortal sin of murder, should your attempt result in the death of your target.  By the grace of God, yesterday's attempt on Trump's life failed.  Mr. Comperatore did die, however, so Crooks has his murder to his soul's charge.  As Crooks was finally taken down by Secret Service personnel, it seems that he would have had little or no opportunity to repent of his crimes.  Even the attempt at murder is its own mortal sin.  I pray he had time to repent, but don't hold out hope that he did.

And that, dear would-be assassin, brings us to our next point.  After your deed is done (or attempted) you will be taken out by those whom you thought you might trust.  You see, they don't want you blabbing to any investigators about them.  You are now not only useless to them, you are a threat to be eliminated yourself.  Oh, come!  If they are so devoid of decency and honor that they'd hire you to commit murder, what in hell would cause you to believe that they'd honor any promise made to you?

Think of Lee Harvey Oswald, assassin of President John F Kennedy in 1963.  Two days later, he himself was taken out.  Think of all those various accomplices of the Clintons who "died mysteriously".  The life expectancy of an assassin is not long, plus there's an eternity in hell that would be in your future.  You'll derive no benefit, only an early death and eternal misery.  You stand to gain nothing from it.

I've no doubt that Trump was being protected by Our Lord.  If his head have been one inch to the right he'd be dead now.  Nevertheless, we now know that evil forces will continue to strike at us.  If you are not praying the Rosary daily, as requested by Our Lady of Fatima, start NOW>


  1. Not only is Crooks in Hell for all eternity, but the Devils will mock him for missing his target.

    1. We cannot be absolutely certain that he is, nor should we wish it. I agree that damnation does look quite probable, however.


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