Saturday, December 17, 2022

Father Frank Pavone Laicized???

This from the Catholic News Agency - Father Frank Pavone, pro-life activist and director of Priests for Life has been dismissed from the clerical state for "blasphemous communications on social media" and "disobedience to his bishop".  Mind you, Father Pavone has yet to receive formal notice of this action himself.  I too find it odd that CNA would learn of it before Father did.

Assuming that this is true, let's look at some context.  Francis celebrates Father James Martin, bestowing upon the perversion-advocating cleric high Vatican posts as well as private audiences, the latter never having been granted to the dubia cardinals nor to Cardinal Zen.  We see Knestout the Richmond bishop running interference for a priest that just happens to be a convicted sex offender.  Bishop Stowe of Louisville Kentucky ran roughshod over high school boys who were faithful Catholics and Trump supporters, and apologizing to gays for them being called out on their perversions.  This list could go on and on.

But Francis et al single out Father Pavone for maltreatment?  This isn't only about Father Pavone.  The Vatican goons are firing the proverbial "shot across the bow" to other Catholic clergy who might have the decency to comport themselves as actual Catholics instead of toadying to the New World Order and the Great Reset.

If course I'm hoping this announcement isn't true, but I suspect it is. 

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