Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Faithful Catholics Publicly Pray The Rosary In Front Of Satanic Gathering

This past weekend members of a satanic temple held their first-ever convention at the Marriott Copley Place in Boston Massachusetts.  The organizers claim not to believe in Satan, but still they held satanic rituals.  A bit self-contradictory, wouldn't you say?  At any rate, you may be sure that there were blasphemies and sacrileges galore.  They boasted workshops on how to turn abortions into satanic rituals (that happens more often than we care to admit), "unbaptism ceremonies" and more.

While the Archdiocese of Boston at least acknowledged the problem and suggested Holy Hours and Eucharistic Adorations in its churches, they discouraged physical presence of Catholics - all not to draw attention to the event, you see?  Whom do they think they are kidding?  While they at least did something instead of look the other way and pretend there was no problem, still they displayed lack of spine.

Thankfully the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property, with its TFP Student Action affiliate, were not wont to remain silent and absent in the face of evil.  They were out in force with members from all over the nation.  Over the years, I have had the honor of standing beside them as we protested and prayed against diverse manners of outrages and blasphemies against the Church.  Watch the clip below and understand that everyone must be ready to take a public stand and to not content ourselves with the relatively safe confines of our church halls.

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