Thursday, May 18, 2023

Open Letter To Sister Joan Chittister

Thanks to Canon 212, I became aware of an article in the Not-At-All Catholic Reporter written by Sister Joan Chittister a few days ago.  The topic of her screed meditation seems to be how icky guns are.  Notice how she rambles on and on about the horror of guns while saying nary a word about the individuals committing the violence.  There is a reason for that, which will become apparent.

Most of the article is, quite frankly, a mess that is both incoherent and disjointed.  However, she does let loose with a glimmer of honesty, most likely inadvertently.  I now quote from the article, "Women wonder how it is that we are being hounded for wanting to preserve the right to do medical abortions while we can arm and kill at will. And no one questions the difference."

I have quite a bit to say about that, but to avoid redundancy, you can read it in my open letter to Chittister that appears below..

Dear Sister Joan Chittister,

I read your article, "It's Not the Light We're Missing; It's the Focus" that appeared in the National Catholic Reporter.  From what I could gather from your poorly organized and discombobulated blather, you seem to blame inanimate objects for violent deaths as opposed to the criminals wielding them.  However, as I read further, a mindset that you evinced in that article is actually a leading cause for the violence that is indeed becoming all too common in society today.  It was made plain in this statement of yours: "Women wonder how it is that we are being hounded for wanting to preserve the right to do medical abortions while we can arm and kill at will. And no one questions the difference."

Let's wipe the lipstick off that pig, shall we?  The "right to do medical abortions" is simply free license to murder a helpless baby in his or her mother's womb.  This happens approximately 3,000 times every day in the United States alone.  The murders of these tiny children far eclipse the relatively few who are killed by gun violence. By the way, don't murders by knives or blunt objects even register a blip on your radar screen?  But I digress.

Sister, with this statement that you yourself uttered, there is no gainsaying that you support not the right, but the license to have unborn babies killed at will.  Therefore it is clear to all that you have no moral credibility whatsoever to lecture anyone about violence or any other topic for that matter.  No one who allows for violence against babies can, with a straight face, claim to be against any murderous violence.  Such a claim is contemptable on its face.

So carry on, if you feel you must.  But understand that your shadow is lengthening.  Soon will come the time when you must stand before Our Lord, whose Church you have so assiduously worked to deform and lead astray.  I pray that you and others of your ilk will find the grace of true repentance and make good confessions before it is too late.

To others reading this: if Chittister's email address is known to you, please forward this to her.  Thank you.

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