Sunday, June 25, 2023

Catholic Standard Watch - Celebrating Pronoun Confusion At Stone Ridge In Bethesda

The latest issue of the Catholic Standard is out, and they are celebrating a "Stone Ridge legend".  That "legend" is Sister Anne Dyer, a longtime former principal of the school.  She gave the commencement address on June 8, exhorting the graduates to "reflect the goals of Sacred Heart education in their lives".  She and the staff are of the order known as the Society of the Sacred Heart.

Doesn't that sound like a lovely goal to which the graduates should aspire?  Not so fast.  Sister Dyer was headmistress when a number of us tried to get canceled their choice of commencement speaker - Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, who was at that time Lieutenant Governor of Maryland.  Like most of the Kennedys, she is a rabid pro-abort.  We returned next year to picket Sandra Day O'Connor, then-retired Supreme Court Justice, who made her pro-abortion proclivities well known, too.  Since then, they kept their choices of commencement speakers under wraps, leading me to suspect that they too held positions contrary to Church teachings.

Getting back to the June 8 address, Sr. Dyer said that the five goals of a Sacred Heart education are "faith, intellect, social action, community and growth".  However, she later let loose with a doozy regarding the transgender pronoun gobblygoop, contradicting all those lovely goals that she had enumerated.  I'm going to copy and paste it straight from the Standard web page.

The first question Sister Dyer posed to the graduates was, “How do you identify?”

She said that when asked that question today, people might be thinking, “What are my pronouns?”

“That’s only a little bit of who you are… It doesn’t matter what your pronouns are.  That’s who you are. God loves you that way, and I love you that way,” she said.

End quote.  Yes she really said that.  FULL STOP!  If her students are graduating, thinking that they don't need to conform with God's design for them as women, she and her staff have done an abysmal job when it comes to Catholic education.  If the students were hoodwinked into believing that they can monkey around with their genders, those five goals of Sacred Heart education were flushed down the toilet by these Sacred Heart sisters.

This, ladies and gentlemen, is but one example of the spiritual, moral and intellectual malaise that now grips Holy Mother Church.


  1. Stone Ridge keeps on making bad news.

    1. This is the first time in several years that I have said anything about them. Have you heard other stuff in the meantime?

  2. In writing, always use quotation marks with "transgender," “trans,” “trannie,” LGB“T”, etc. to signify that they are faux terms since nobody can change their genders. In conversation, be sure to make it clear that the terms are not accepted and won't be acknowledged for the same reason. Don't ever give in on this, even for so-called politeness reasons. Apply the same approach to the despicable, anti-freedom-of-speech insistence that people must deny objective reality and refer to other people by their “chosen pronouns” that do not coincide with their biological/gender realities.

    Also, nobody can “transition from one sex to the other sex.” Nobody has ever “transitioned from one sex to the other sex,” nor is anybody in the process of “transitioning from one sex to the other sex.” Such is completely impossible, so all declarations proclaiming that this absurdity is real must also be vigorously resisted by making it crystal clear that the belief is merely an irrational fantasy that also attacks objective reality and God’s creative order. And, because nobody can “transition from one sex to the other sex,” it is also flat out stupid to wrongly praise some people for allegedly “de-transitioning from one sex back to their original sex” as if they had indeed “first transitioned from one sex to the other sex” and have subsequently worked at reducing or eliminating any mutilation and so on from their ill-conceived efforts to change what cannot be changed. These people can be praised and encouraged for recognizing the error of their initial efforts to try to change what cannot be changed, and also their efforts to try to undo any mutilation imposed on their bodies, but in no way should this ever be looked upon rationally as actually “de-transitioning from one sex back to their original sex,” which is, again, simply impossible.

    The roots of the term gender come from the Latin genus, which means kind, or kind of thing. As such, one objective and legitimate application of the term ‘gender’ is the classification (kind of thing) of organisms based on their biological sex. This being so, everyone is a particular and non-changeable gender or kind of thing, which is either the biological male gender or the biological female gender.

    Moreover, ever since the 12th century, the word 'gender' has been properly recognized and used as a synonym for the biological sexes, and this understanding/usage was made even stronger in the 15th century. As such, this rightful understanding of gender must not be surrendered to the “transgender” movement since they and their fellow travelers use their preferred yet still false definition of gender as a social construct and/or feelings a person has that may or may not coincide with their biological sex/gender to further promote their despicable agenda. It is also the case that the word 'gender' has been used as a grammatical term or category, BUT it is not limited to this usage, and so this false approach that wrongly separates biological sex from gender must also be avoided. We must always insist that gender and biological sex are synonymous to further demonstrate the folly of the "transgender" movement that proudly proclaims biological sex and gender are different.

    Bottom Line: Male sex = Male gender. Female sex = Female Gender.

    Many years ago the late, great Reverend William Smith frequently advised that "all social engineering is preceded by verbal engineering." The more we give in to the use of such malevolent and false terminology used by "transgender" advocates (no matter how many doctors, psychologists, church leaders, and so on believe otherwise), the more we help to normalize the abuse of properly recognizing God's creative order of male and female.


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