Thursday, June 1, 2023

More Proof That Catholics And Pro-Life People Are De Facto NIqq@r$ Of The New Age

Again, I have to misspell that term to get by the censor-bots.  Also, the blunt language is more than appropriate for the reality that is becoming all too apparent.  What else do you call it when Catholics and pro-life people obviously aren't being granted equal protection under the law?

In Michigan a while back, a pro-life activist named Joan Jacobson was passing out pro-life campaign literature at people's homes when one pro-abortion thug shot her in the back.  He was tried, and his penalty was - 100 hours of community service.  Had this been a pro-abort who was shot, the assailant would be looking at many years in jail.  Was Ms. Jacobson's life not worth protecting, in the eyes of this judge?  Oh, by the way - in the wake of this shooting, did you hear any clarion call from gun control advocates to ban guns?  Neither did I, but I digress.

During some BLM riots in California, some of the protesters went to a Church parking lot and destroyed a statue of St. Junipero.  The Democrat district attorney decided to charge them with a minor misdemeanor.  Had this statue been that of another religion, those thugs would have been charged with a hate crime.  Fortunately, the Archbishop of San Francisco, Salvatore Cordileone, shot off an open letter to them denouncing the double standard.  Please go to that link and read the letter.  All of our clergy should be so quick to call out anti-Catholic bigotry when they see it.  Too often, though, they are silent.  I hope it's just cowardice, but I strongly suspect that many of them, having no real faith themselves, are in the corner of the anti-Catholic bigots.

It's only as we call out the nonsense for what it is that we'll stand a chance of this bigotry deteriorating into something far more fearsome and ugly.

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