Thursday, June 22, 2023

The Sin-Nod For A Sin-Nodal Church

Redundancy is a great ploy for those who haven't the foggiest idea about which they are blathering, isn't it?  The Vatican wonks are getting this tactic down to an art form, wouldn't you say?

The Instrumentem Laboris has been released, comic sans font and all.  It can be found here, in all its translations and formats.  Mind you, these are official translations.  For the purposes of this post, I'm going to examine the Word file, as word counts can be done quite efficiently.  Word counts are a decent indicator of priorities.  So let's jump right on in with some word counts:
  • God - 102
  • Jesus - 10
  • Sin - 0
  • Redemption - 0
  • synod/synodal - 382
  • church - 480
  • welcome - 17
  • experience - 82
  • accompany - 15
  • sacrament - 13
  • salvation - 2
  • repent - 2
So there you have it.  When "experience" outnumbers "repent", when "synod" trumps "God", we cannot deny that priorities are fatally inverted.  Now keep that word document open and go to page 29.  I am guiding you right to that since the beginnings of these documents are awash in verbosity, full of fluffy-puff stuff - all designed to hide the real malevolence of the thing, such as page 29's stinker.  It talks of welcoming diverse participants.  Besides "diverse" folks such as poor, disabled, racial minorities, we see (in fact it's listed first in a) those currently engaging in adultery and sexual perversions.  That's right!  Those committing mortal sins of the flesh are seen as no different than the economically disadvantaaged.  Ironically, for those caught up in these sins, there has always been an avenue of welcome.  It's called repentance and the Sacrament of Confession.  But as we saw above, the word "repent" only shows up twice in this 27,376-word monstrosity.

By the way - no where in this bloated tome do I find any scintilla of concern, let alone appreciation, for those of us who see the value in the Tradtional Latin Mass.  This omission alone screams volumes regarding the importance (or lack thereof) that this current papacy ascribes to the patrimony of Holy Mother Church.

1 comment:

  1. I looked at the document briefly. Am trying to decide whether it's worth wading through it. We know it's bad. Every one of these synods had the purpose of undermining the faith and providing an opportunity for another terrible final document. This will be the worst since the laity are voting and you know these things are stacked with dissenters. It's just like the Call to Action convention back in the 1970s in Chicago. it was a disaster for the faith but a big success for dissent. More of same. The definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over and expect a different result. This will probably be the apex of evil "dialogues." I expect sodomy and gender fluidity to get a big boost.


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