Saturday, June 11, 2022

Pro-Lifers, Be Careful With Whom You Strike Hands

Nellie Gray, founder and late president of March for Life, was very careful when it came to speakers for the rally on the Ellipse preceding the March.  I never knew her to allow gay rights activists, feminists, atheists, etc to share that platform.  At one time I questioned why she was reluctant to allow those organizations to be recognized, although she could not have prevented them from walking in our crowd.  I now understand her wisdom.

My colleague Vic Biorseth penned a piece yesterday, to which I will now link.  I won't address the entire post, but will copy and paste one section that is relevant to my discussion.

"If you are anywhere near our age, your parents and your pastors probably told you to be careful about the friends you make, with the warning that you will become your friends, so choose them wisely. 

"Remember how many times we have said that, if you ever allow Satan to get on the cultural bus, he will wind up in the driver's seat? Remember? Go back through these pages and count them up. I hate to say I told you so, but - I told you so. 

"Satan is now driving the American cultural bus, and he is beginning to throw us off. He's the driver, after all. He's in charge now. 

"Do you begin to see the reason for keeping apart from evildoers?  Do you see the evil intentions of 'multiculturalism', 'diversity' and 'inclusiveness'?"

I will now post to a link from LifeSiteNews, written last December, that develops these points in relation to the pro-life movement.  He uses as a "case-in-point" a woman who was named Rosemary Geraghty, but who now calls herself Herb Geraghty.  As you can see from the LifeSite article, she shills incessantly to normalize LGTBQ(your choice of additional letters) people - in other words, sexually perverted behavior.

What she, and too many others, refuse to acknowledge is that same-sex sexual activity is its own sin against God's teachings on life, family, sexuality.  Now many of them are atheists, so that's its own can of worms.

Lately Geraghty and other like-minded individuals have been standing alongside pro-life people against abortion.  Such associations, unless one is careful, are laden with booby-traps.  The pro-lifers in these situations must be very careful not to affirm the mortally sinful behavior of these associates.  They must not:

  • Use pronouns not in conformity with biological sex
  • Overlook sexual sins
  • Attend events in morally questionable venues (such as the Catholic Worker building)
  • Be reluctant to work against socialism, gay agenda, no matter the proclivities of other anti-abortion individuals
  • Be on the board of directors of these dubious allies or let them be on your boards
If any of these behaviors happen, they will give the appearance that pro-life people are throwing in their lots with those who violate God's commandments in other ways besides baby-murder.  Moreover, the pro-lifer who risks such volatile alliances, unless he or she is firmly grounded in traditional philosophy and theology, risks being deceived into buying their sinful agendas.  Again, pro-lifers must be very judicious regarding the folks whom they take into their confidence.

Now I will post a video of an excellent homily.  The priest, from Bloomington IN, delves into the topic of transgenderism and gives a concise but comprehensive treatment of its harms.


  1. The use of the SINGULAR THEY is rampant among Catholics. Michael Matt, Ann Barnhardt, Fr. Z, and everyone to their left (i.e., everyone), uses it constantly.

    1. Father, perhaps i am dense, but I don't see how that ties into the point of my post.


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