Saturday, September 7, 2024

Prayers And Responsibilities For Election Day

On Monday I posted about the election and our responsibility to vote for the candidate who will do the least harm.  Embedded in that was a clip from Father Chad Ripperger making that very point.  Listen to it again.  He states plainly that we are obligated, as US citizens, to vote for the candidate who will do the most good, or the lesser harm, and who can win.  Notice the word "obligated".  In other words, such an action is not optional.  

Patriotism is a form of piety.  The virtue of piety involves the duties we owe to God, family, and country.  For American citizens, that duty includes the duty to vote, and for the reasons stated in the first paragraph.  Morally, we do not have the option of abstaining from such votes due to delicate "consciences".  To fall into such sin involves not only sin against piety, but the effeminate behavior stated in my previous post.

Obviously we are at a crossroads in this country.  If Kackles and Tampon Tim win, we may never have another free election, further hamstringing efforts to save endangered babies and to keep western civilization from sliding into degradation and destruction.

Father Ripperger composed a prayer to consecrate this coming election to Our Lady.  I will be posting other prayers as well.  For now, here is Father Ripperger's prayer.

Fr. Ripperger's Prayer Consecrating the Election to the Virgin Mary

Mary Immaculate, living tabernacle of the Divinity, where the eternal Wisdom lies hidden to be adored and served by angels and men, Queen of heaven and of earth, beneath whose sway are subject all things that are lower than God, Patroness of the United States of America, sorrowful and mindful of our own sinfulness and the sins of our nation, we come to Thee, our refuge and hope. Knowing that our country cannot be saved by our own works and mindful of how much our nation has departed from the ways of Thy Son, we humbly ask that Thou wouldst turn Thine eyes upon our country to bring about its conversion. We consecrate to Thee the integrity of the upcoming election and its outcome, so that what is spiritually and morally best for the citizens of our country may be accomplished, and that all of those who are elected would govern according to the spiritual and moral principles which will bring our nation into conformity with the teachings of Thy Son. Give grace to the citizens of this land so that they will choose leaders according to the Sacred Heart of Thy Son, that His glory may be made manifest, lest we be given the leaders we deserve. Trusting in the providential care of God the Father and Thy maternal care, we have perfect confidence that Thou wilst take care of us and will not leave us forsaken. O Mary Immaculate, pray for us. Amen. 

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Pope Francis: The Earth Is Sick

This latest poop video is one big exercise into anthropomorphism.  The object being so treated by Francis?  None other than the earth.  In this latest shill for the idol of environmentalism, we hear the Vicar of Christ tell us:
  • The earth is sick.
  • The earth is running a fever.
Of course, with the possible exception of the poor, we big bad humans are causing all this suffering.  Is this one of the results of Jeffrey Sachs et al, flying on their private behemoth jets to the Vatican to come up with this crap?

He cuts to the chase when he said "dealing with the environmental crisis caused by humans..begs responses that are not only ecological but are also social, economic and political."  Karl Marx couldn't have said it better.  He continues by saying we "must change our personal and community habits...Let us listen to the cry of the earth."

Poor earth, crying like that!  Give it a hanky!  This is such a transparent shill for one world government, socialism, etc that it's a wonder that people won't see through it.  But they don't.  Living in Montgomery County MD, I see the liberal stupidity daily.

Francis, IF you are the pope (and that is a big IF, at this point), please focus on your real job, that is, to save souls and get them to heaven.  If you think the earth is running a fever, you may rest assured that hell will be infinitely hotter.

Francis may have gotten this "cry of the earth" goofiness from this bunch.  It's rather old, but you get the point.  Turn down your speakers when you get to the end!

Monday, August 26, 2024

Catholic #NeverTrump Mindset Is Effeminate

Two weeks ago I wrote that the Catholic Standard had published online the text of Cardinal Gregory's homily, the one he gave while he was cooperating with mortal sin by offering Mass at Father Martin's Outreach 24 gab fest.  For some reason, I didn't think the Standard would be so brazen as to publish it in their print, thus making known their unholy alliance with perversion.  Silly me!  They did!  It's on page 5 of the August 22nd issue.

I saw it in a copy that I picked up after Mass yesterday.  As I read it, I wondered to myself how decent Catholics could read this and yet not be outraged at this overt betrayal and dissidence against Catholic moral teaching.  I mentioned this to someone as I was still somewhat aghast at both the dissidence and apparent indifference of so many Catholics.  Their reply was, "I don't like politics".  I replied that this wasn't politics, but didn't continue further when I realized that the mindset this person was evincing is quite widespread.

Before I go on any further, I remind my readers that this blog does NOT operate under a 501(c) charity.  Thus I can say anything political and even endorse candidates to my heart's content.  Now let us continue..

We are coming up on a presidential race that will be quite pivotal for our nation.  Politics is in the air and that is a healthy thing.  Politics is simply the effort to implement the teachings of Jesus Christ in the public arena.  Our opponents are setting themselves against Jesus and are making efforts to implement their perverted world views.  That mean, ladies and gentlemen, that there will be struggles and conflicts between the two camps.  We Christians must simply harden our noses, thicken our skins, and put some calcium into our backbones.  We must accept the fact that we will get dirt under our fingernails and have the anti-life crowd say (and do) mean things to us.  To those of us bemoaning the scrappiness of politics, may I remind you that politics has become unsavory in large part due to the generations of Christians abdicating their God-given duties to be involved in civic affairs?

At this time we are also facing the wearisome spectacle of Catholics stating that because both candidates from the major parties are morally tainted, that they cannot vote for either one, and thus they will either stay home on election day or vote for a third-party candidate who doesn't stand a snowball's chance in hell of winning.  I've dealt with this so many times in previous years; I link now to an anthology of posts.

When I wrote those posts, I lamented that no priest was willing to weigh in with a theological or philosophical viewpoint on the matter.  I was delighted to discover that Father Chad Ripperger did so during an interview.  Here is a video of the relevant portion.

The Priestly Fraternity of St Peter has a treatise on the matter, as well.

Still, the #nevertrump crowd has resumed their tamper tantrums.  Granted, he has made regrettable remarks betraying a reduced pro-life conviction, but he has an obvious pro-life track record.  May I remind one and all that Roe v Wade would not have been overthrown, had not Trump appointed three of the five Supreme Court Justices who trashed Roe?

In that anthology of posts, I described what I believe some of the causes of the weird #nevertrump mindset are.  Now I believe I have stumbled across another.  I believe that #nevertrumpers are operating out of an effeminate mindset.  The word "effeminate" has several definitions, but one is used by St. Paul.   Merriam-Webster has an online dictionary.  The relevant definition is the second one.  So many of the comments in my previous posts involve an over-exaltation of "conscience" as a cloak for mere distaste.

See this quote to the left.  Don't fall into this mental trap.  If you do, you will fritter away not only your own life and freedoms, but those of your children and grandchildren.  You may even be called to account for it at your Particular Judgment.

Friday, August 23, 2024

The Debauched Nihilistic Carnival Draws To A Close

The Debauched Nihilistic Carnival ended yesterday, with word salads mercifully ending - but only for a little while.  It began in Chicago on Monday August 19th.  The invocation was given by Cardinal Blaise Cupich, a kindred spirit to all the progressives in that cesspool.  The text of his speech (I hesitate to call it a prayer) is found here.  Not once did he mention Jesus by name, nor did he remind all present of the need to protect life from the moment of conception.

Perhaps he knew what kinds of "services" were being offered to attendees of the Carnival, courtesy of Planned Parenthood.  PP brought one of their mobile clinics to the convention area and offered free abortions and vasectomies.  Such "services" had to be booked online and the calendar filled quickly.  The PP boasted that they slaughtered ten babies on the first day, demonstrating why the Democrat party is the "party of death".  Another group called Americans for Contraception was also there, displaying a model of an intrauterine device.  The thing was 18 feet tall and was dubbed "Freeda Womb".   Well, they say that manure draws flies, and the Democrats certainly attracted purveyors of debauchery and murder.

Even this wasn't enough for some progressive protesters.  Some pro-Palestinian protesters tore down the fencing that surrounded the perimeter of the convention.  So what does the Chicago mayor do?  Does he acknowledge the security breach?  No!  By some mental contortions common to leftwing people, he laid the blame for that on Republicans, many of whom were nowhere near the Freak Show.

You may have noticed the mention of fences around the convention perimeter.  Isn't just special how the Dems understand the value of fences to protect their little gab fest, but poo-poo the notion of solid walls at our southern borders?  Boys and girls, can we say "hypocrisy"?

There is at least one Democrat who does, and that is Robert F Kennedy Jr.  Several years ago he ruffled Democrat feathers when he refused to jump on the Covid bandwagon and denounced the cootie-jab.  Now, after his own candidacy was submarined by the Democrat machine by much subterfuge, Kennedy denounced Harris/Walz and endorsed Donald Trump.

I'll close this post with a little zinger from Bob Hope.  While it's 83 years old, it's just as true today as it was then.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Sister Agnes Sasagawa, Requiescat In Pace

Sister Agnes Sasagawa, the seer of Our Lady of Akita, passed away on August 15, the Feast of the Assumption of Mary.  She was 93 years old.  Her religious order was the Handmaids of the Holy Eucharist.  She had been ill for some time

She received her locutions on July 6, August 3, and October 13 in 1976.  That last date was the 59th anniversary of the last apparition of Our Lady of Fatima and the miracle of the sun.

The messages of Our Lady of Akita and Our Lady of Fatima are quite similar, warning of world-wide chastisements and urging daily Rosaries and sacrifices to reduce the severity of the chastisements that will fall on all, good and bad.  Our Lady of Akita went into more detail about the inner turmoil that the Church would undergo, regarding corrupt clergy and the resultant strife between different camps of the clergy.  We see that happening in spades today: faithful clerics being canceled by wicked bishops, prelates giving aid and comfort to flagrant perverts, etc.  In 1984, the local prelate, Bishop Ito, declared her locutions to be of supernatural origin and encouraged devotion to Our Lady of Akita.

Sister Agnes, we will pray for you, that any purgatory will be brief.  Please pray for those of us still in the realm of the Church Militant.

London Chief Police Threatens US Citizens For Exercising Free Speech Rights On US Soil

Due to their irresponsible policies of letting their borders be overrun by Jihadist immigrants, London England is dealing with massive riots.  But not to worry!  London Metropolitan Police Chief Sir Mark Rowley is on the job!  He vows to take strict action against...the terrorists?  Nope!  He's going after any who dare to criticize the policies that led to this debacle, as well as the handling of the same.  Several British citizens, most of them decent people, have found themselves beleaguered and even incarcerated for daring to voice their criticisms on social media. 

But wait!  He waxes even more ridiculous.  He's threatening punishment for American citizens - even when they issue their messages from American soil.  He's threatening to have them extradited for violating British law.  I think he'd have a fit if US officials threatened to arrest British citizens for criticizing American policies while on British soil - and well he should.  So by what stretch of logic does he spew forth such threats?

Markie boy, we have some news for you!  On US soil, US law prevails.  The supreme law of the United States is the Constitution, including the First Amendment.  We realize that Britain enjoys no such protection of human rights, but that is not our problem!  Who in hell do you think you are, threatening action on US citizens on US soil?  Will you become a de facto invader or terrorist yourself?

Here is my humble suggestion, Markie!  Why not actually take a strong stance against the rioters in your streets?  That is your job, is it not?  Rattling your saber against Americans speaking out on American soil will accomplish not one damned thing, and you know it.  You're just making yourself look like a tin-horn-tyrant wannabee.  We Americans won't tolerate any such behavior against us, something we made clear on July 4, 1776.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

MD's Right To Reproductive Freedom - Trojan Horse For Forced Abortions

As most Marylanders know, we have on our state ballot this November a measure that, if passed, will make abortion and other aberrations a right enshrined in our state constitution. has been organized and is doing much work to combat this mess.  I urge you to visit it for hints for your own activism and to obtain helpful literature to educate your neighbors, fellow church attendees, etc.

Among other things on the site is the complete text of the amendment.  Please refer to it as you read the rest of this post.  What I will now reproduce here is the official language to Question 1 of the ballot section.

Question 1  – Constitutional Amendment Declaration of Rights – Right to Reproductive Freedom

“The proposed amendment confirms an individual’s fundamental right to reproductive freedom, including but not limited to the ability to make and effectuate decisions to prevent, continue, or end the individual’s pregnancy, and provides the State may not, directly or indirectly, deny, burden, or abridge the right unless justified by a compelling State interest achieved by the least restrictive means.”

It states that the individual has the "right" to make decisions, and that the state cannot interfere unless there is a "compelling" reason to do so.  To the pro-choice person, that seems plain enough, right?  Read carefully.  One of those rights is the right to continue the pregnancy, and that the state, if they deemed themselves to have a "compelling interest", could "deny, burden or abridge the right".  In other words, the state could potentially deny the continuance of the pregnancy, denying the woman's right to do so.  In plain English, this amendment would give the State of Maryland the legal ability to force abortions.

So much for "her body her choice".  The pro-aborts don't believe that rhetoric.  They never did.  I recall one Saturday morning when I was sidewalk counseling in front of a Planned Parenthood mill in Silver Spring.  A young girl, in tears, was being dragged into the mill by her parents.  I called out to her saying that we had help, but the parents were dead-set on murdering their grandchild.  One of the deathscorts said to me that she was "getting good reproductive health care".  I tore into that woman, rebuking her for her obvious hypocrisy and lack of concern for that girl's rights, rightly stating that she was only interested in procuring death for babies.  She didn't answer.  She had no decent answer and she knew it.  

Given the language of the amendment itself, it could also pave the way for forced "transitioning" for those who consider themselves "transgender".  This is happening in various areas of the country.  We are regularly hearing of struggles between divorced parents, with one wanting to transition the child while the other parent struggles valiantly against the forced permanent sterilization of the child.

If this measure passes, we may well see more of that in Maryland, as the gestapo-state will now be empowered to seize women and whisk them away to mills, or to take children from their parents and subject them to brutal "transitioning".  This has been going on in Red China for decades now.  As we become more and more estranged from God, who is to say it cannot happen here?  It already is, or at least the groundwork for such scenarios is being laid.  We must stop it.

We must start in our own back yards.  Pray your Rosaries every day, including favorable election outcomes with your Rosary intentions.  Join with in the fight against this proposed amendment.  Vote No on Question 1 this November.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Catholic Standard - Competing With The Washington Blade?

HT - Canon 212

The Catholic Standard, media mouthpiece for the Archdiocese of Washington, sunk to a new low in its support of depravity.  It doesn't matter that the depravity originates from the Archbishop of Washington himself.  Those who run the Standard are Catholics and owe their allegiances first to Our Lord Jesus Christ.  I wish I could say that I am shocked, but sadly I am not.

Cardinal Gregory offered that Mass at the perversion celebration at Georgetown last Saturday, and the Standard has the unmitigated gall to publish it.  I suggest you read it simply so that you can learn to work your way through word-salads such as the sorry excuse for a homily that Gregory spewed forth.  There are multiple mentions of the words "unity", "dialogue", "inclusive", and of course, "synodality".

An important aside for the Standard staff - Don't bother to try to remove that page from your website.  By now, the bots have copied the page and its contents.  Once something is released to the internet, it stays there.  

Other words were noticeably absent: words such as "sin", "repentance", "chastity", "Confession".  Of course he praised the attendees for wanting to pursue those dubious goals.  Perhaps Cardinal Gregory forgot that the Church always welcomes the repentant sinner as he/she approaches through the doors of the Confessional.  There is no dialogue with sin and its practitioners, not now and not at God's Judgment throne.  God speaks, we obey.  Period.  God does not accept our sin, and it's high time Cardinal Gregory and his ilk stop preaching that spiritual poison.  Now it's even being spread via the Catholic Standard.

We are pleased that the young men of TFP Student Action were outside the gates of Georgetown this past Saturday to protest this conference and the blaspheming of Holy Mass.  Here are some pictures of their prayer effort.

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Pope's Namby-Pamby Response To The Olympics Blasphemy

Pope Francis finally issued a statement about the Olympics blasphemy, if only to salvage some semblance of moral credibility that he may still have in the eyes of some.  Here it is.  Notice that there is not one mention of the offense and insult offered to Our Lord Jesus Christ, nor is there any mention about the inherent evils of homosexuality, transgenderism and other perversions.  There is only some blather about "sensibilities" of religious people. 

Also notice that it came eight days after the fact.  It seems that Francis had to be cajoled into issuing the statement by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.  Erdogan is Muslim.  That is to say, a Muslim displayed more zeal for the honor of Jesus Christ than did the Vicar of Christ.  Such is the disgraceful state of affairs in the Vatican today.  How can that be?

The answer to that last question really isn't so mysterious, considering events of this past weekend in Washington DC.  Recall how Francis enthused over the Georgetown gab-fest.  Oh, he issued his congratulations to Fr. Martin with all kinds of alacrity, didn't her?  Perversion was celebrated at the Georgetown orgy that Francis congratulated.  Now can we see why Francis would be reluctant to speak against that Olympics debacle?

We congratulate the prelates who issued their own open letter regarding the slap in the face to Our Lord.  I understand that more of them are joining them with their signatures; may that list of signers grow long.

We also thank Turkish President Erdogan for lighting that fire under the papal posterior to get him to speak (albeit weakly) like a Catholic - for a change.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Cardinal Gregory To Say Mass For Perversion-Enablers This Weekend

Canon 212 linked to the gushing account of this gay-pandering gab-fest that will happen this weekend, starting Friday August 2, at Georgetown University.  Please note that this account is NOT from the Gay Blade, although one could understandably have that mistaken impression.  It is from the Vatican News.  They printed the pope's greetings to the participants in this gathering that will serve to condone the mortal sins of sodomy and other related perversions.  They intend to "build community and share best practices".

Again, note that the pope did not condemn these mortal sins.  He didn't even offer to the participants an exhortation to remember and to preach the Church's timeless teachings regarding these matters.  He sent "greetings" to Father James Martin, who will be there and is a founder of this "outreach" nonsense.  Here is the text of his note.  Furthermore, the pope is pleased that Cardinal Gregory will be offering one of the Masses at this affair.  At these Masses, how many sacrilegious Holy Communions will occur?  Quite a few, I daresay, and all with the approval of Cardinal Gregory and the Pope. 

"But these people may be trying to live by the Church's teachings," you say?  Well, here is the webpage for this conference.  Look at the "sponsor" section, and notice that a certain Jim O'Connor is a sponsor "in loving memory of his husband Carlos Cuartis".  One may hope that Cuartis had the grace to make a good Confession before he went before Our Lord for his particular judgment.

Ladies and gentlemen, we've known from Day One of his sorry tenure in the Archdiocese of Washington that Cardinal Gregory is an ally of those promoting various sexual perversions.  He has made no secret of that, as documented in previous posts and elsewhere.  We need to pray and act.  This weekend is a First Friday and First Saturday weekend.  These devotions are intended to do reparation for the outrages against both Our Lord's Sacred Heart and Our Lady's Immaculate Heart, respectively.  We must also act by raising our voices and withholding all donations to the Archdiocese of Washington.  Our Catholic dollars cannot be used to fund such sinful conduct.