Thursday, February 25, 2010

Wise Words of Warning From Pope Saint Pius X

This clip from Real Catholic TV focuses on the dangers of modernism, as foretold by Pope Saint Pius X.  Saint Pius wrote an encyclical called Pascendi Dominici Gregis.  I link to it because I highy recommend its reading.  As you read it, you might well think that this was something written two years ago, as so many dangers and perils, abuses and neglects, will seem so well-portrayed in this letter.  It was written over one hundred years ago.  Note that Pius was writing primarily on modernism as it was eating away at the Church from the inside, not so much the outside.

The secularists and humanists are certainly a patient lot.  However, in many ways, we have been complacent and lacking in vigilance.  In Voris's words, "the history of mankind is shaped by one thing, and one thing only: whether man is moving towards God or away from God."  Notice that there's no middle ground.  We have been duped into thinking that there is a "plateau".  Rather, we've allowed ourselves to be duped.  In reality, the "plateau" is a very subtle descent.

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