Friday, January 10, 2025

Another Progressive Prelate To Putrify The Archdiocese Of Washington

McElroy should learn from these boys
Cardinal Gregory has resigned as Archbishop of Washington and Cardinal McElroy will be his successor.  See the announcements in the Catholic Standard and the USCCB site.  There is plausible talk that Francis put McElroy here to be a thorn in President Trump's side, namely when it comes to stemming the de facto invasion known as illegal immigration.  McElroy has also shilled for climate change, going so far as to state that it is a bigger threat to life than abortion.  Of course he's equating the murder of 3300 babies a day with a left-wing hoax.

He has also covered up clerical sexual abuse in his diocese.  Jennifer Rohrbach Morse interviewed Rachel Mastrogiacomo, a survivor of satanic ritual abuse conducted by a priest in the context of Mass.  Leila Miller carries that interview on her site.  McElroy tried to cover it up, but fortunately the priest was laicized and did jail time.

Complicit Clergy repeated a story by NBC News that details how attorneys who are or were prosecuting sex-abuse cases against San Diego priests are denouncing this appointment.  Apparently, his crusade to deny abuse victims justice compelled him to declare bankruptcy for the San Diego archdiocese to keep the victims from being compensated.  Lisa Roers, one such victim, penned an open letter to Francis, begging him not to appoint McElroy.  However, Francis and McElroy are cut from the same cloth so Ms. Roer's plea went unheeded.  

McElroy supports the ordination of women to the diaconate.  He would not allow facilities of San Diego parishes to be used by Catholic homeschool groups.  He supports the inclusion of unrepentant gays (that is to say, engaging in repeated and flagrant mortal sin) as Catholics in good standing.  A former resident of the Archdiocese of San Francisco warns us of McElroy's hostility towards the Traditional Latin Mass. McElroy's appointment is yet another indicator of Francis' mindsets

Now the question for us residing in the Archdiocese is this - what are we prepared to do, if and when we see insults to Our Lord and His Church in our own parishes?  Please drop your thoughts in the comments box.

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Tweedle-Dee In, Tweedle-Dum Out?

Rumors are afoot that Cardinal Gregory is resigning his post as Archbishop of Washington.  He is 77 years old, and is already 2 years past the customary retirement age.  Furthermore, these same rumors peg Cardinal McElroy has Gregory's successor.  Again, these are just rumors, but for the sake of this post, we'll assume they are true for the purpose of commentary.

Gregory and McElroy are both part of the hierarchy that is undermining the One True Church.  I've written on McElroy before.  As you see in that collection of posts, he actually ordered his priests to disobey Canon 915.  He's also acquainted with the practice of canceling good priests within his diocese.  In 2017, after Wuerl's resignation, his name was floated as a possible successor before Gregory was chosen.  Now his name comes up again.

The next few weeks will tell the tale.

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Hate Crimes Directed At ADW Churches On Christmas Eve - Why No Mention Of This In The Catholic Standard?

At two Christmas Eve Masses in St Mary's County in Maryland, an obviously imbalanced man disrupted two masses.  The guy's name is Thomas Campbell Bolling Von Goetz, aged 58 years.  At Holy Angels Church in Avenue MD, the 5pm Mass, he dropped an onion in the aisle.  When  a parishioner followed him after that, he pelted the parishioner with tangerines.

At the midnight Mass at St Francis Xavier in Leonardtown, he poured whiskey in a holy water font.  After a bit of a tussle, parishioners subdued him and held him until sheriff's deputies arrived.  Kudos to the parishioners who took proper action and who didn't just cower in their pews.

I just looked on the Catholic Standard web site.  They were quite efficient in reporting the death of former President Jimmie Carter, that just happened today - God have mercy on Carter's soul.  However, I found nary a peep of Goetz's rampage and attacks on those two churches within the Archdiocese of Washington.

Had these sorts of attacks been directed at a synagogue or mosque, I daresay that the Standard would have issued voluminous tomes to denounce these hate crimes, and rightly so.  Then why, oh why, do we hear crickets coming from them when our own Churches, and the Catholics within them, are similarly attacked?  These incidents are all over the secular media, rendering the Standard's silence at best, inexcusably silly, and at worst, highly suspect.  I think the latter is the case.

Friday, December 20, 2024

Pagan Idolatry In US Catholic Church - What Will YOU Do???

At St Denis Church in Diamond Bar CA, an immense sacrilege happened during the evening Mass for the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, obviously with the authorization of the parish priest.  After the homily and before the offertory, a troupe of pagan dancers performed a dance that can only be called sacrilegious idolatry.  The parish of St Denis seemed to think nothing amiss about this, having posted the video below to their Facebook page.  They seemed to have trouble with their sound system, and perhaps that is just as well.  The pagans actually started off that Mass at the 13:00 mark with an introductory ritual.

If you know anything of Our Lady of Guadalupe, you'll know that she aided greatly in the conversion of the Aztecs and other native American tribes, delivering them from the very same pagan practices that were celebrated at this Mass.  Somehow the phrase "the dog returns to its vomit" seems most appropriate here.  There is a more complete analysis of this debacle at Complicit Clergy.  Meanwhile, the Traditional Latin Mass is banished to the hinterlands while idolatry is celebrated during Mass.

I am equally appalled by the behavior of the congregation.  In the video, you see them applauding that dance of idolatry.  Some of them look like they are old enough to know better than that.  Can their own faith in Our Lord be so compromised that they actually approve of this idolatry during Holy Mass?  Or could it be that they are simply going along to get along, because they are cowards too afraid to stand up for Jesus in His Church?

Now the question is "what will we do when this happens in our parishes?"  Not "if", but "when".  I remind you that this isn't happening in some third-world backwater.  That happened a few days ago in the United States.  Will we laypeople have the conviction and courage needed to drive the filth out of our churches (as Jesus cleansed the temple), should someone dare place it there?  Or will we just sit on our hands, stew about it and then complain on social media afterwards?  As Bishop Strickland said a few weeks ago, what will it take for us to act?

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

The Arms Of A Catholic

In the Dec 12th edition of the Anchor Team, Michael Hichborn was joined by Richard Barrett.  They discussed Barrett's book, "The Armed Catholic", and the theology supporting a person's right to defend themselves, even to the point of using lethal force if need be.  They also touched on the related topics of capital punishment and the Just War Theory, but spent most of the time discussing the right of the individual to defend him or her self from an unjust aggressor.  Indeed, the right to self-defense comes from God as part of the right to life itself.

Such a right includes the right to obtain means of self-defense that are adequate to address the threats that one might face.  Today that includes firearms.  Both Hichborn and Barrett agreed that a right to self-defense might actually be an obligation, particularly if the person being attacked has other persons who are dependent on him or her.  Perhaps the aggressor is threatening those in his charge.  That person would be morally obliged to defend the person under his charge.  Think of a parent defending his children.  In a family, that obligation would fall primarily on the father's shoulders, but the mother might have to take up that mantle if her husband is away or otherwise unable to take action.

So now that raises some interesting questions.  Are Catholic men willing to address that aspect of their responsibilities, particularly if they have families under their care?  Do they accept that there are evil people out there who may harm their families if given the opportunity?  Have they swallowed the "guns are scary!" kool-aide?  Our society has focused a lot on a man's ability to provide for his family, not so much on his ability to protect his family.  When I was a young child, that wasn't so much an issue, for most of the fathers were World War II veterans.  They knew how to fight and how to handle firearms.  The makeup of adults in general has degraded quite a bit since then.  Now we, men and women, are timid and lazy.  But I digress.

They discussed the US bishops' misguided attempts to inflict "gun control" on peaceful citizens. Hichborn and Barrett seemed to imply that the bishops are simply misguided by hippie mindsets or are trying to lick the boots of progressive sugar-daddies.  I for one think the US bishops' motives are a bit more inimical than that.  Think of my post that immediately precedes this one.  The bishops are at least sympathetic to socialism.  Could it be that they intend men to be emasculated, so that socialism finds a weakened resistance?  Do they want the adults to be timid and lazy, as mentioned in the previous paragraph?  Yes, that question is rhetorical.  Please watch the video.


Thursday, December 12, 2024

CCHD - Designed To Fund Marxist Revolutionaries

In this episode of the Anchor Team, Michael Hichborn gives the latest run-down on the CCHD, but then delves into the underlying principles that have been driving the CCHD during its entire sordid existence.  These principles have been the impetus for their funding decisions, and are now becoming obvious, owing to the damage that has been inflicted on the Church and civilization as a result. 

 At the 51:55 mark, we see that one of the CCHD grantees was into establishing what they called "deep democracy".  Hichborn goes on to explain how this is a form of marxism called anarcho-syndicalism.  In Hichborn's words, "its ultimate goal is the conquest by the workers of the means of production in order to change and revolutionize society."  With workers managing these means of production, the unions would be the backbone of the new socialist society.  So the CCHD is being used to transform society into a universal marxist society.  Alinsky and Egan visualized that goal right from the start of the CCHD.  Think back on all the CCHD-related posts on this blog and other locales.  They all expose organizations that are anti-God, socialist  and recipients of CCHD largesse.  

So the CCHD is funding organizations that attempt to bring about socialism.  A key point that Hichborn makes at the 58:50 mark is that to break down people's resistance to socialism, they have to break down the morality of the people.  That is why CCHD funds groups that promote sexual perversions, feminism abortion, etc.  The CCHD wants the immorality promoted to advance the socialist revolution.  Our American forefathers realized that.  We certainly can see it as we examine the culture, seeing that those wallowing in all sorts of sloth and hedonism are also quite infantile, lacking in any discipline and looking to government to be the "adult in the room" to cater to their needs and wants.

Hichborn states that is why we must get rid of the CCHD.  I'll go further and say that is just one reason why the entire USCCB and its state-level copycats (that means you, Maryland Catholic Conference!) need to be demolished.


Sunday, December 1, 2024

Unabashed Blasphemy From Fr Thomas Reese

The latest screed was found in a November 26th editorial found online at the Not-at-all Reporter.  In his shilling for lay participation for selecting bishops, he plopped this stinker: "even Jesus got it wrong one out of 12 times."  No doubt Reese was referring to Judas Iscariot, but Our Lord knew what would happen.

The very notion that the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, who is God Incarnate, would "get it wrong" is inherently blasphemous, as God does not fail.  He is omnipotent and perfect.  But such are the standards (or lack thereof) of both the Not-At-All Catholic Reporter and the Jesuit order.  When Pope Benedict XVI first ascend to the papacy, one of his first acts was to remove Reese from his post as editor of America magazine, the Jesuit rag that was just as heretical as the Reporter.  It still is, of course.

Friday, November 22, 2024

Olga Fairfax - Requiescat In Pace

On Thursday November 21, 2024, between 5:30 - 6:30pm, a massive fire started suddenly in the Wheaton MD home of Olga Fairfax, a long-time indefatigable pro-life activist.  She was trapped inside and herself caught fire.  She managed to stagger outside where first responders tried to assist her.  However, she soon succumbed to her injuries and passed away.

I've known Olga through many years of being with her in front of abortuaries, in various pickets and in other pro-life events.  However, she was active in the pro-life movement long before I was.  Her parents were Christian but not Catholic.  In her early adulthood, she was an ordained Methodist minister, but soon found herself at odds with that church hierarchy, for they were officially embracing both abortion and the various homosexual perversions.  In 1978, she resigned her post as associate pastor of Glenmont Methodist Church in Wheaton.

She did start a pro-life group within the Methodist church.  While researching material for this post, I discovered that while still a leader of Methodists for Life, she helped 30 women, seeking abortions at Columbia Hospital, to choose life for her children.  This I learned from a Washington Post article in 1985, approximately 39 years ago.

As I said earlier, I worked with her most frequently in front of abortion mills, particularly in front of the Planned Parenthood (now closed) on Spring Street in Silver Spring.  She was not at all shy or demure about chiding the deathscorts or pro-abortion passers-by.  I can still hear her saying to them, "only big babies are pro-choice!" or "why don't you pick on someone your own size?"

Olga, with Jack Ames, giving a talk

She was not at all shy about confronting clergy who were not-so-secretly pro-abortion, or, at best, indifferent to it.  She told me of an encounter with the now-disgraced ex-cardinal Theodore McCarrick, when the latter offered a Saturday evening Mass at St. Catherine Laboure in Wheaton.  I forget now just what the topic of Olga's complaint was, but after Mass, she waited until McCarrick left the church and headed for the rectory.  The parish priest saw her and tried to usher McCarrick quickly to the rectory to avoid Olga, but to no avail.  Olga walked right along with them, trying to get a reply from McCarrick, chasing him to the rectory door.

In June 2010, several of us protested the commencement ceremony where Sr Carol Keehan gave the convocation address.  She is a supposed sister who was instrumental in convincing several Catholic congressmen to vote for Obamacare.  We saw that McCarrick was there to offer the Mass.  Olga again let McCarrick hear some truth.  That was caught on this video.  By the way - we found out, years later, that in 2010 McCarrick was under orders by the now-deceased Pope Benedict XVI not to make any public appearances.  So not only was he honoring a pro-abort nun, he was thumbing his nose at the reigning pontiff at the time.  To get to Olga's rebuke to McCarrick, you can advance to the 3:15 mark.

She still continued to maintain a presence at abortuaries, even after she was assaulted in July 2023.   Her last appearance, as far as I know, was her participation in the 2024 Face the Truth Tour sponsored by Defend Life.

Let us pray for her eternal repose, and consolation for her family.  Let us all emulate her tenacity.  She, no doubt, is praying for us.

Friday, November 15, 2024

After The Synod, Bishop Strickland Challenges The US Bishops - What Will It Take?

On Wednesday, November 13, outside the USCCB meeting in Baltimore MD, Defend Life coordinated a Rosary to pray for our bishops.  As he had in previous years, Bishop Joseph Strickland, Bishop Emeritus of Tyler, TX, led the attendees in that day's Rosary.  

Recall that His Excellency was ousted from his diocese by Pope Francis for daring to challenge the bilge that spews forth from the Vatican on a regular basis.  That happened almost exactly one year ago.  That was an insult to not only His Excellency but to all faithful Catholics.  A few days ago, we received word that the Traditional Latin Mass was banned from Bishop Strickland's former cathedral in Tyler.  The Latin Mass was also banned in four other parishes in the diocese.  This move happened exactly one year after Strickland's ouster.  Now, only St. Joseph the Worker parish, entrusted to the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter, is permitted to celebrate that Mass. I've no doubt this is a direct slap in the face to Bishop Strickland and the Catholics who have appreciated him.  The timing of this move is too coincidental.

Getting back to Wednesday's event, Bishop Strickland led the gathering in the recitation of the Angeles, and then the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary.

After the Rosary concluded, Bishop Strickland read an open letter to the bishops.  The text appears below, and a video recording of his verbal delivery is embedded in this article.  As you will see as you read below, Bishop Strickland rebukes the great majority of his brother bishops, not only of the US, but from other countries.  In particular, he excoriates them for their silence regarding the synod that just recently ended.  The pope's document is found here.  In his letter, Strickland points out the all-too-obvious truth that the pope has abdicated his responsibility to guard the Deposit of Faith, and is endeavoring to deform it into a monstrous mockery of the same.  Indeed, in this synod, Francis has attempted to shatter the structure of the Church into a disparate conglomeration of local "synods", facilitating Francis' abdication of his God-given responsibility as Guardian of the Deposit of Faith.  Indeed, we now see a so-called "Mayan rite" in Mexico, newly approved by the Vatican, replete with pagan rituals and trappings.  We will be hearing of future similar episodes.

Strickland asked the bishops, "what will it take" for the them to act in accordance with their own Divinely-ordained mandates.

We laity are also likewise challenged to take our responsibilities.  He asks "what will it take" for us to speak out if our shepherds won't.  Let's face it, Marylanders!  That is our situation.  Our shepherds aren't speaking out.  In fact, they are openly contributing to the decay of the Church.  I've written enough about that in this blog.  The latest just happened over this election cycle, with the Maryland bishops deliberately hobbling worthwhile efforts to stop the "reproductive freedom amendment", that sadly became a part of our state constitution.

Bishop Strickland is correct.  No more do we dare, in the face of episcopal malfeasance, look the other way and pretend that we don't see it.  We cannot go merrily along in our own parishes and pretend that this ever-worsening debacle won't impact our children and grandchildren.  We must learn our faith ourselves and teach it to one another ourselves, so that when it is preached from the pulpit that same-sex marriage is just an alternative lifestyle or that hell is not a reality or that the Sacraments are optional and so forth, that our loved ones can discern the error and not be afraid to rebuke the one spreading that spiritual poison.

My lay friends, it will cost us.  It may cost us friends in our parish.  We may find ourselves kicked off the parish council, the choir, religious education, Knights of Columbus councils, etc.  I believe that is what is known as "white martyrdom".  We cannot fear it, for we cannot deny the truth nor Our Lord. 

What will it take?  And now, Bishop Strickland's letter.

The Letter Is Delivered

Dear Bishops, 

You gather here today, present-day apostles, as the Church and, therefore, the world stand perched on the edge of a cliff. And yet you who are entrusted with the keeping of souls choose to speak not a word of the spiritual danger which abounds. Today we stand on the cusp of all that has been prophesied about the Church and the abominations which would come forth in these times, a time when all of hell attacks the Church of Jesus Christ, and a time when the fallen angels of hell no longer seek entry into her sacred halls but instead stand inside, peeking out of her windows and unlocking doors to welcome in more diabolical destruction.

I think that St. Jude had men such as many of you in mind when he described men who feast “together without fear, feeding themselves, clouds without water, which are carried about by winds, trees of the autumn, unfruitful, twice dead, plucked up by the roots, raging waves of the sea, foaming out their own confusion; wandering stars…” (Jude 1:12-13).                     

Many people have asked what it will take for more than a few bishops to finally speak up against the false messages constantly flowing from the Vatican under the leadership of Pope Francis, and I ask myself the same question over and over: 


Do you not know that Our Lord will send forth His avenging angels to heap coals of fire upon the heads of those who were called to be His apostles and who have not guarded what He has given unto them?

And yet almost all of you, my brothers, stood by silently watching as the Synod on Synodality took place, an abomination constructed not to guard the Deposit of Faith but to dismantle it, and yet few were the cries heard from you – men who should be willing to die for Christ and His Church.

The Synod’s final document has been released, yet with the sleight of hand which is so characteristic of the Francis-controlled Vatican. By drawing attention to the issues which worried many, they have slipped in what was always their real goal without anyone even noticing. What they were after in the first place was the dismantling of Christ’s Church by replacing the structure of the Church as Our Lord instituted it with a diabolically-inspired new structure of “synodality” which in actuality is a new church that is in no way Catholic.

We now see the prophetic words of Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen unfolding before our eyes: “Because his religion will be brotherhood of Man without the fatherhood of God, he will set up a counter church which will be the ape of the Church, because he, the Devil, is the ape of God. It will have all the notes and characteristics of the Church, but in reverse and emptied of its divine content, it will be a mystical body of the Antichrist that will in all externals resemble the mystical body of Christ …” (Radio Broadcast; January 26, 1947). 

With the push for “synodality,” we see that the enemies of Christ are putting before us, as Archbishop Sheen says: “a new religion without a Cross, a liturgy without a world to come, a religion to destroy a religion, or a politics which is a religion – one that renders unto Caesar even the things that are God’s.”


A rudimentary understanding of the papacy leaves us with the reality that Pope Francis has abdicated his responsibility to serve as the primary guardian of the Deposit of Faith. Every bishop makes this solemn promise to guard the Deposit of Faith, but the Petrine office exists primarily to be the guardian of the guardians and the servant of the servants. St. Peter received the office which bears his name when, after the Resurrection, Christ asked him three times, “Do you love me?” and St. Peter responded, “You know that I love you,” thus healing his betrayal as Christ endured His Passion. And Who is this Jesus Who Peter professes to love? He is of course Truth Incarnate; thus St. Peter is stating that he loves Truth. This leaves us with this question, “Does Pope Francis love the Truth that Jesus Christ incarnates?” Sadly, his actions and his policies which promote a relativized version of truth that is not truth at all propel us to a devastating conclusion: the man who occupies the Chair of St. Peter does not love the truth and seeks to reshape it in the image of man. 

There can be no bishop who is unaware of statements that Pope Francis has made that are unambiguous denials of the Catholic faith. For example, Francis has stated publicly that God wills the existence of all religions and that all religions are a path to God. In this statement, Pope Francis has denied an integral part of the Catholic faith. How many souls will be lost who will accept his erroneous statement that all religions will lead to salvation? What I find so difficult to understand is that modern-day apostles, men who are ordained to be guardians of the faith, refuse to acknowledge this and instead ignore or even promote this deadly falsehood. Every bishop and cardinal should publicly and unequivocally state that Francis no longer teaches the Catholic faith. Souls are at stake!

Therefore, I ask again: 


As successors of the Apostles, this situation must force the bishops of Christ’s Church to answer the pivotal question ourselves: “Do we truly love Jesus Christ, Truth Incarnate?” With a Pope who is actively opposing the divine truths of our Catholic faith, the responsibility falls to the bishops of the world to profess their own love of Our Lord, to guard the Sacred Deposit of Faith, and to oppose any attempt to dismantle the Truth.

Let us return to the fateful conversation between our risen Lord and St. Peter. When Peter responds, “Lord, you know I love you,” Jesus responds: “Feed my lambs” and again “Feed my sheep.” How is Peter to feed Christ’s lambs? With the Truth of course – with Jesus Christ Himself who IS Truth. 

And yet, where are those men whom the Lord has called to feed His sheep? Where are the successors of the Apostles who have promised to defend the sheep with their lives? They sit a few feet away, patting one another on the back, listening to words that they know beyond a doubt are not the Truth, frolicking with the darkness, and blaspheming the very Truth that the original Apostles died to preserve.


You have words from those who spoke in Sacred Scripture, wisdom from the Sacred Tradition of the Church, and guidance from former Popes and a great multitude of saints that false teachers would come and that the holy faith would be attacked, and yet most of you have gone out into the battle wearing no armor, and have then reacted as one bewildered that his skin has been pierced by poison arrows. You have been given all that was needed to ensure that your heads were not turned by the lies of Satan. Why then have you gone out without the armor of God? It is YOUR responsibility, when you see poison arrows of falsehood falling upon men, to call out to them and say, “Put on the armor of Our Lord which is Truth, and you shall not be wounded.”  

And to the faithful, I put forth the same question –  


What if your shepherds do not rally? What if they have all accepted thirty pieces of silver, and they remain silent in the face of falsehood which further pierces the hands and feet of Our Lord? Then what will it take for you to speak up?

Many might say that it is not your responsibility; you can live Truth quietly in your heart. However, to speak Truth can never simply be the responsibility of someone else, because God has etched Truth onto the heart of every person. Therefore, Truth is each man’s property as a sacred gift from God. And never can anyone say that they had no Truth in them – and never can a man claim rightly that to find Truth he had to gather it from the wind, or he could only gather it from the words of another. The soul recognizes Truth and is nourished by it, and those who wither away from lack of Truth do not wither because they were given no portion of Truth in their own soul.

Indeed, Truth has instead been so suppressed again and again by such a person – and has been told so often to “stand down” – until it dares not raise its head. And this is why a man finds himself in such a sad state and why when he cries out, “It is not the fault of my own that I had no Truth or that I knew it not when I encountered it,” he speaks in error. 

Our Lord Jesus Christ, granting free will to those He loves, which is each and every person without exception, has given the gift of Truth to each and every one of us, so that if there is any predisposition in a man’s heart, then it is the propensity of the soul to vibrate to His Truth. Therefore, the soul when deprived of Truth lies dormant until it withers into something cold and hard. Have you not seen how even the angels of darkness recognize Truth and cannot do other than what Our Lord commands them – and yet they strive to hide Truth from every man unto each man’s eternal damnation? 


Bishop Joseph E. Strickland 

Bishop Emeritus 

As I bring to a close this letter that asks the question, “What will it take?” I would like to thank my collaborators, the Apostles and Evangelists, especially Saints Nathaniel and Jude. Why these two? Because they are not the most well-known or often cited of the Apostles and, therefore, I feel a kinship with them because I was an obscure bishop who should have remained obscure.

In the ballroom a few feet from here, men are meeting who could be described as a Catholic brain-trust. Many of them are brilliant, talented men who could have been at the top of any profession they chose, but they are bishops, successors of the Apostles.

Sadly, they are for the most part silent shepherds, unwilling to risk speaking up in the face of evil and destructive forces that threaten the Church. These forces have attempted to silence me, but there was no need to silence these men – they never made a sound.

I ask the faithful to pray fervently that all shepherds find their voices and say with me, “Que viva Cristo Rey – long live Christ the King, Truth Incarnate!”

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Some Considerations By Archbishop Vigano

The good archbishop issued a lengthy and worthwhile commentary on the elections of last week.  I'll preface with some of my own thoughts.  While in some respects this election was a victory, it is more importantly a reprieve.  Our Lord has given us some more time, some additional breathing room to pray and work for a spiritual revival in this country.  Repentance is sorely needed, most especially when it comes to mocking God outright, slaughtering the unborn and elderly and normalizing all sorts of vile perversions.

I'd like to reiterate the call of Our Lady of Fatima to pray the Rosary daily, to make First Saturday devotions.  By no means, however, is that a be-all-and-end-all.  That is just a start, but I will elaborate later.  For now, here is Archbishop Vigano's letter, linked here and reproduced in its entirety below.

A few days ago, on the eve of the U.S. Presidential Election, the arrogance of political commentators in the United States and all vassal nations had reached unexplored heights. Singers, actors, philanthropists, public figures, and journalists who supported Kamala Harris went so far as to threaten to leave the United States if Donald J. Trump was elected, and in truth many today expect them to fulfill their promises. Even Jorge Mario Bergoglio made a gesture, with his trademark politeness, traveling in a wheelchair to the penthouse of radical Sorosian activist and abortionist Emma Bonino with white roses and chocolates, as if to issue a final, desperate plea to American Catholics not to be too skeevy and to vote for Harris, who shares with Bergoglio the woke religion. The mainstream media, owned by the usual big investment funds, shamelessly endorsed Kamala and ridiculed, indeed criminalized Donald Trump. And the more rude, the more transgressive, the more obscene, the more profane Harris supporters were, the more space they were given on television and social media.

Trucks with millions of already-voted ballots were ready to reach Pennsylvania and those states where the votes of deceased, relocated Democrats and illegal immigrants were not enough to skew the election result. Insidious algorithms embedded in the State Election Commission’s voter registration databases were uncovered by Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D. These algorithms allowed false voter registrations to be printed and concealed, which could be used in various election fraud schemes, including counting absentee ballots cast by nonexistent voters. By exposing the scheme, Dr. Corsi prevented the creation of millions of fraudulent votes for Kamala Harris. In multiple states in the Union, computer reports revealed that electronic voting registration machines allowed votes to be changed remotely, and in one case access passwords were even leaked online.


On the morning of November 5, in short, it seemed that everything was settled. Everyone thought so: some with the arrogance of those who believe themselves to be superior merely because they are progressive, woke, green, resilient, inclusive, sustainable, gender-ideologized; others with that fund of trepidation of those who find themselves like the young David fighting the giant Goliath. Yet in a matter of hours, that whole immense house of cards, that whole mighty electoral machine sagged like a circus tent.

The Globalist Metaverse

The most remarkable element of this presidential campaign, in my opinion, consists in the manifestation of the pride and conceit of the self-proclaimed “good guys”; a pride that has made them deaf and blind to the true, real demands of the people; a conceit that places them above the miserable daily affairs of the vulgar and places them in a virtual world, in a surreal metaverse in which normal people are not allowed. It is the metaverse of the globalist world, with its agenda, its religion, its high priests, its prophets, its rituals, its dogmas, its holy books, and its idols. The only thing Kamala had to do was make this dystopia irreversible by making it the official religion of the United States of America and its ideological colonies.

Bergoglio, the Jesuits (with their U.S. leaders, Thomas Reese and James Martin), the U.S. Cardinals in the line of McCarrick, and the entire Bergoglian episcopate were waiting for nothing else, replicating in the ecclesial sphere that irremediable rupture between Hierarchy and faithful that in the civil sphere has been consummated between the ruling class and citizens. On the other hand, even the exponents of the “synodal church” are under blackmail no more or less than the clients of Jeffrey Epstein and Sean Combs. It is not surprising that the outcome of the elections has outraged the exponents of the deep church, which for decades, with the support of the deep state, infiltrated the Catholic Church and worked for her demolition. The Jesuits together with “their pope,” accomplices of the globalist subversive plan, ought to soon suffer the same cancellation that in recent years they have inflicted – also making use of the political support they enjoy – on those who have denounced their betrayal.

Yes, we can,” Obama said years ago. And we’ve seen it: the deep state has indeed been able to do everything it promised, from protecting the pedo-satanist elite to covering up the most scandalous cases of corruption; from imposing the insane green policies and climate fraud to administering a poison designed to exterminate the population; from genetic engineering to the systematic destruction of agriculture and animal husbandry; from the energy crisis provoked to destroy the economic fabric of the nation to the war in Ukraine and the Middle East. All of this has been done by transferring billions from the pockets of citizens to the offshore accounts of multinational corporations, pharmaceutical companies, arms manufacturers, and “humanitarian” organizations that are always headed by the well-known families of the world’s usurious high finance.


The Disconnection from the Real World


Those who marvel at the resounding failure of the globalist metaverse show by their surprise that they are totally disconnected from the real world, where men and women literally fight to get to work, and not just to get a job, because our streets are dumps of derelicts and criminals; where parents have to protect their children from the perversions and obscenities of their teachers, or where a woke judge can take your child away from you because you don’t call him or her by the pronouns he or she has “chosen”. In the real world we worry about the cost of living, rising energy prices, the ever-lower quality of large-scale retail products, and the difficulty of finding healthy food. In the real world, the farmer has to think about how to survive after paying taxes and being crushed by unfair competition from multinational corporations, and the rancher feels helpless when the government requires him to cull his cattle for bird flu or because his cows produce CO2.

To hear a fake African-American posing as a former McDonalds server talking about homo-transphobiawhite supremacism, abortions up to the ninth month and beyond, the abolition of gasoline cars and green transition in the face of the destruction of the Nation at the hands of the globalist Left is grotesque and mercilessly shows the classism of an élite that exists and thrives only by exploiting the masses and trampling on the basic rights of the people. And this shameless arrogance of the powerful is also common to Canada, Europe, and Australia. A few days ago, the president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, emphatically evoked the report “The Limits to Growth” published fifty years ago by the Club of Rome, in which it theorized that world population decline and economic degrowth were needed to save the Planet, or rather: to save the criminal monopoly of big investment funds. The herd led to the slaughter realized that the fine words about environmental friendliness and net zero are colossal lies that hide a terrible truth: the emissaries of the World Economic Forum in the Western governments want to exterminate the population through mass sterilization, wars, famines, droughts, pandemics, abortion, euthanasia, and gender ideology; and that this criminal project was started fifty years ago by means of indoctrination and propaganda work worthy of the worst dictatorships.

Silencing dissenting voices with the smear of being “conspiracy theorists” has not helped; on the contrary, it has been the fierce censorship, ever since the pandemic farce, that has awakened that healthy instinct that makes anyone suspicious of a narrative that contrasts obscenely with reality. A reality that is not perception, when merely because you have white skin, wear a cross around your neck or have the Stars and Stripes flag flying in your backyard someone feels entitled to consider you inferior and therefore deserving of being attacked or killed.

The Significance of this Victory

This round of elections shows us not only the unchallenged victory of Donald Trump. It makes evident a plebiscite vote of the majority of Americans in favor of a worldview completely antithetical to and irreconcilable with the globalist, woke dystopia that we now know is supported by a minority of the nation despite the disproportionate deployment of means and resources to support it.

The result of the polls makes clear the disconnect between the political class of the Radical Left and its electorate, but also and especially that lack of empathy that distinguishes psychopaths. On the other hand, only psychopathic criminals devoted to the worship of Satan can adhere to a neo-Malthusian ideology that theorizes the extermination of one part of humanity, the sterilization of another, and the recurrence of chronic cancers and diseases for the survivors. Only psychopathic criminals devoted to the cult of Satan can claim that destroying agriculture and animal husbandry and producing GMO foods will save nature; or that cutting down trees and replacing them with carbon dioxide-absorbing machines will protect the environment. Only psychopathic criminals devoted to Satan worship can send billions to the most corrupt government in the world – Ukraine – deluding themselves that they can win a war that they provoked and fomented. And there are those among self-styled conservative intellectuals who would like to perpetuate U.S. hostilities with the Russian Federation just to avoid being proven wrong in their self-interested warmongering predictions. Only psychopathic criminals dedicated to the cult of Satan can organize ethnic replacement by indiscriminate immigration, knowing full well that impossible integration is the premise for civil war, especially when citizens are treated as enemies in their homeland. Only psychopaths devoted to the worship of Satan can take children from their families and entrust them to people convicted of pedophilia, or corrupt their innocence with the propaganda of perverted teachers.

We could say that there is no Commandment of God that is not being broken: woke ideology creeps into every aspect of daily life to kill the body and soul, to offend Our Lord, to deny two thousand years of Christian civilization. But this is precisely what they do, and what many have let happen without protest.

The People have had Enough of Wokism

But then November 5 came.

What happened, then? What any “normal” person – but we know that to Dems normality is horrifying – could have foretold: the people are tired of being hostages of a subversive Mafia, of perverted criminals for whom there is never conviction or jail time, of corrupt people who flaunt their dealings in the persuasion that they are untouchable, of people devoted to evil. The people are tired of being trampled on daily, of being humiliated for their honesty, of being mocked for their Faith, of being criminalized because they love their homeland.

In its blinding, the globalist élite has underestimated the strength of that flame that burns in every man, that reminds him that he is called to Good, that admonishes him to avoid Evil, that points him to a destiny of eternal happiness in Heaven. Because the globalists do not know how to love, but only how to hate; and because the hatred in which they are consumed against God and against the man He created in His own image and likeness is sterile, destructive, deadly.

The people who have elected Donald Trump – a number that is far greater than the official figures, if we consider the voter fraud that nonetheless took place –  first and foremost have affirmed their right to remain human. That people is not reactionary, does not hate progress, does not fear freedom. Rather, it does not accept the reversal of the world and reality, it rejects the hell on earth in which the deep state would like to lock it up, and it does not desire to call evil good and good evil (Is 5:20).


One Nation under God


Each of us has been able to see how the most sophisticated plans of the New World Order have been thwarted by seemingly random events. Providence has dismantled a global threat with small moves, showing us that God is truly all-powerful, and that the destinies of the world are in His hands. It is now up to us not to squander the opportunity we have been given, to draw lessons from the recent past, and not let our guard down. The élite now fleeing to their lairs will regroup so that they can launch a new attack more tremendous than the one we have witnessed in recent years. But in this phase of awakening consciences and retaking the Nation under God, we must not forget that the battle between God and Satan, between the children of Light and the children of darkness continues. Nor must we forget that Our Lord comes to our aid only when we recognize our weakness and His power, and that His help is all the more effective the more we cooperate with God’s plan. This is the true “greatest reset”: to recapitulate all things in Christ — Instaurare omnia in Christo (Eph. 1:10) — because it is to Christ alone that universal Lordship belongs. Christ is King. And he is King not only of individuals and families, but of all earthly societies, of all nations.


The four-year term that will be inaugurated in a few weeks may mark a turning point in the history of the United States of America and of all humankind, and this will depend on the firm determination with which President Trump will roll the heads of this Leviathan, knowing that with the Enemy of God and humankind there can be neither dialogue nor compromise. It will depend on who the President chooses as his collaborators, among whom traitors and opponents will certainly try to creep in. It will depend on how the President will be able to conform his actions to God’s Law, mindful of the grace that was granted to him by escaping multiple assassination attempts.

Donald J. Trump has recognized that above him is the Lord. Let him not forget this when he uses the international clout America enjoys to promote peace with Russia and an end to genocide in the Middle East, so that the concord of peoples is founded on the Common Good and is no longer threatened by the deep state’s thirst for power. He must not forget that the defense of life, from the first moment of conception to natural death, must be a priority goal. And in this grand and ambitious project of restoring institutions and society, it will be essential to involve those world leaders who, like President Trump, know the threat of the subversive elite and intend to oppose it. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico, and other heads of state and government will certainly be his most valuable allies in fighting the globalist agenda. And I believe the time has finally come to promote an Antiglobalist Alliance, through which the healthy forces of the peoples hitherto hostage to the servants of Davos can be united.

The success of the “greatest reset” represented by the election of Donald Trump and the defeat of the radical Left will also depend on how well the people and their rulers can conform to God’s will. Our prayers have reached the Throne of the Divine Majesty and have been heard: let us make ourselves worthy of God’s Mercy by exemplary living and bear witness to Our Lord Jesus Christ by a life consistent with the Gospel. Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good (Rom 12:21).


+ Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop
former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America

November 8, 2024