Friday, August 11, 2023

More Satanic Slop From World Youth Debacle

My friend from Les Femmes has another picture of the "tuppernacle" that I reproduce below.  Notice the plant on top of it (and nothing should ever be atop Our Lord).  The very first thought that crossed my mind is the pachamama plant.  I cannot find a close-up of that thing to make sure, but given the machinations of this papacy and Vatican crew, I've no reason to believe otherwise.  Those young people in adoration are very sincere and most likely ignorant of the pachamama idolatry.  They are the ones being ill-served by that.

The young people were also poorly served just before the pope's final Mass at the World Youth Debacle.  The Mass was scheduled to begin at 9am.  Starting at 7am, a priest, Father Gilherme Peixoto, a self-styled "DJ priest", played rather weird "techno" music quite loudly, awakening many of the young people who were sleeping in front of the altar on the grounds.

LifeSiteNews has a an excellent expose of what happened, along with background regarding this priest.  There are two youtube clips: one of the "performance" at WYD (the entire half-hour claptrap) along with another "performance" last year.  That one showed a performance of his that can only be called satanic.  I go to a traditional Latin Mass.  A few minutes before Mass begins, the organist will play sacred music to assist people in quieting themselves and focusing on what is about to happen.  As you watch the video of the racket that precedes the WYD mass, you'll notice some misguided kids dancing - hardly the recollection necessary to assist at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

Peter Kwasniewski has a piece in Crisis magazine, just published today, called "World Profanation Day".  Read it.  I think most sane people will agree that the world youth debacle needs to be scuttled as of now.


  1. "Those young people in adoration are very sincere": I'm not sure about the one on the right who is wearing a backless dress!

    1. I am inclined to give her benefit of doubt. These youngsters are so poorly taught these days.


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