Monday, July 22, 2024

Attention Texas Catholics! Your Action Needed NOW To Save Margo Naranjo

Who is this poor woman?  She is a young lady who suffered brain damage in 2020 as a result of an auto accident.  Her parents, citing no improvement in her condition, plan to withdraw her feeding tube, depriving her of the basic care of nutrition and hydration.  Like Terri Schiavo of several decades ago, she will be murdered in a most brutal way by her own family.

LifeSiteNews has a more detailed account.  The parents have even scheduled and planned a funeral in early August, to be followed by a "celebration of life".  The Church in which this celebration of murder will happen is St. Ann Catholic Church in Coppell, TX.  This is in the Diocese of Dallas.  

LifeSiteNews is urging us to contact this bishop, "respectfully voicing our concerns".  If by that, they mean that we should assume some overly soft-spoken demeanor, I respectfully disagree.  The time for such meely-mouth, "oh please pretty please" groveling is long gone.  A person is being murdered, and a Catholic Church is scheduled to be used to condone the mortal sin of murder.  I looked at the Dallas diocese website just now, and see not even one mention of Margo's name.  Had we been talking of some serial killer about to face capital punishment, you can rest assured that this diocese would be front and center of protests, prayer vigils, you name it, to stop the execution.  Does not this innocent woman deserve at least that much?

The silence of the clergy in the face of this impending murder is its own deadly sin.  What is the duty of the laity here?  Well, "rebuke the sinner" is a Spiritual Work of Mercy.  In this context, the sinners would be the silent clergy, alongside the murderous parents.

Those of us in other states can offer our prayers, and indeed cause the phone lines of the diocese to melt and their email boxes to clog.  Those Catholics in the Dallas area and in outlaying places can and should do more, with boots literally on the ground.  May I suggest that this August 2nd "funeral" be picketed?  Let's face it; the parents will be mourning, but they will be crying crocodile tears as they will have been the primary agents behind Margo's death.  

They should be shamed.  Perhaps that shame will lead to repentance.  Hopefully they will repent while there is still time to save Margo's life.

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