Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Joan Andrews Bell Endorses Donald Trump For President

LifeSiteNews received from Chris Bell, husband of Joan (currently serving a two-year term for her part in a rescue) a note penned by her to reassure pro-life people that it is indeed morally licit to vote for Trump.  She mentioned that a vote for any other candidate would be a vote for Harris. 

Before seeing this LifeSiteNews piece, I heard from several sources that she had authored this exhortation; I know that some have been questioning the veracity of LifeSiteNews, for what reason I cannot fathom.  However, other sources corroborate this.  I will reproduce Joan's note below, with some more commentary to follow:

Please remind our friends who are backing away from Trump to trust God. Remind them that God often chooses people who fail to trust Him! That’s why Trump appears to be a traitor. Remind them that his heart is still prolife, and that even if he is not as strong a pro-lifer as he was before that he will NEVER BE PRO-ACTIVE PRO-ABORT. NEVER! Whereas a vote for any other candidate will be a vote for Kamala Harris and the Democrats who are PRO-DEATH to the core and absolutely PRO-ACTIVE! Remind them that our forefather in the Faith, Abraham, failed to trust God too. And that is why he, under pressure from a wife who didn’t trust God either, sinned against God and had a child with the servant woman, and then in weakness, again at his wife’s bidding, sent mother and child away to almost certain death. GOD FORGIVES! He’ll use Trump again!

Tell the Pro-Life Movement: We must not over-react, but instead continue to trust God…and when Trump is in office, help him regain his footing and be faithful to God all the way! We have failed to trust God again and again. NOW WE MUST TRUST GOD and stand firm. Our prayers will be answered.

Love & Prayers,

Joan Bell

I would add to Joan's note that to abstain from voting for anyone in that race would also work in Harris' favor.  Let me elaborate.  In this race, either Trump or Harris will win.  The victor will be the one who has more votes than the other.  Thus, if some deluded #nevertrumper doesn't cast his/her vote for Trump, that is one less vote that Harris will need to obtain the White House.

In a number of posts, I have dealt with this curious mindset among too many Catholics and/or pro-life leaders.  I can only conclude that some are actually making idols of their overly-delicate consciences, falling into a form of effeminate behavior.  I pray that they have the humility to actually think soberly and realistically about the situation and cast their votes for Trump and stop trash-talking him.  We can deal with any failings after we keep Harris away from the Oval Office.

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